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Male loneliness vs female loneliness reddit

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Male loneliness vs female loneliness reddit. It’s not just this little tit for tat internet bullshit you’re talking about. Additionally, men tend to be less emotionally supportive in their friendships which could also contribute to male specific loneliness. •. The difference between male Loneliness and female loneliness is about as different as the sun and the moon. " Because curing fucking male loneliness epidemic is not a woman's job. Based Take馃拃 r/PurplePillDebate • Men don’t have the ease of making friends and keeping friends like women do. (C) Is male loneliness, an actual issue impacting the top % of viable men who “should” have access to the top% of Jan 23, 2020 路 This is foid vs male loneliness. I don’t care how miserable you are, I don’t care how badly you’re suffering, women still don’t have to sleep with you because women are their own autonomous beings and reserve the right to be free to make choices for themselves. Then they whine about loneliness on the internet. I think not feeling lonely is about some combination of being close with your family, having a friend group where you can really open up to at least some of them, and/or having a partner you feel really close to. Honestly, reddit helps me feel less isolated. Preferably ones that get pathetic but are still sympathetic. It has helped me… There is a loneliness epidemic in general. 2 - Men who are lonely are often men who women ignore/disregard anyways. There is a lot of loneliness, it is on the rise. “Women are responsible for the male loneliness epidemic”. This. Research generally finds that on average, women have higher rates of loneliness than men but single men tend to have higher levels of loneliness than single women. While loneliness is a general issue which needs fixing, male loneliness should be discussed as it’s own issue because it isn’t just about loneliness, it’s about the state of men in They aren't more lonely than women; they are less prepared to handle it and many are taught that their loneliness is a shameful thing that other people are doing to them - which allows them to shift blame to the women who are not providing the emotional labor that those men feel entitled to. When I see the term on Youtube, I already know it is either an incel or a pick-me-up girl. Loneliness, when experienced by women, is treated like a joke. An other point about haveing a female friend is that you can learn to comunicate with people of the opposite sex. Not be a "freaking alpha male" . A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar. There is no "male loneliness" epidemic. It’s like “dude, are you writing about me?”. Nov 21, 2021 路 Loneliness is a risk factor comparable to smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure (Holt-Lunstad, et al. And every third sentence (five or take) cuts like a knife. We are a welcoming subreddit and support the rights of all genders. This idea honestly makes me have some violent thoughts myself. Whole cultures have created adversarial relationships between the sexes and everyone who participates gets the consequences. We're building a new dialogue on the real issues facing men through positivity, inclusiveness, and solutions-building. Society discovered loneliness epidemic just when women felt lonely for the first time. TLDR: I see men’s loneliness in our society, but I also see men thinking positive female attention with no self work is the answer. Now, I've been in a lot of women spaces. That could be part of the problem. Male loneliness mocked on SNL's Man Park Sketch as women take their men to a park to meet other men. Meanwhile my friendships with women and other queer men have been much more deeper. But anyone can be lonely, even those not technically in an at-risk group. This whole male loneliness pandemic is used to gaslight women into taking care of men who look at then like bangmaids and will make life easy for them. Reply. This is one of those games it paid not to play. stay single. Male loneliness. Maybe the reason people talk about male loneliness is because their are statistically more lonely on average. Anyways I am not a man hater. You're going just based on who you, personally, have met. I'm sorry, what you're going through is difficult, and it's especially hard to deal with mental health issues when you feel like you have no one around you who can help. Looking at the existing literature on loneliness, we also found inconsistent results in terms of gender and age differences in loneliness for the general population. Jan 4, 2016 路 I hope this review of loneliness and gender helps you better understand your own experiences with loneliness—and what to do if loneliness hits. I’ve heard it’s caused by a rainbow array of issues, ranging from how we’re cut off Men seem to be having the most extreme cases of loneliness but looking beneath the surface imo both genders are definitely in need of more genuine social connections. There's no point in trying to argue whether women or men have it harder, at least for the purposes of improving yourself as an individual. I often wonder why male loneliness is discussed more than female loneliness. It's why discussions about female loneliness tends to center a lack of community and male loneliness discussions center lack of sexual access these (men’s loneliness, etc) are issues, yes, but only talked about to downplay women’s issues. They told them to lose weight and that they'll die alone to get eaten by their cats. If an average woman goes on tinder they will get hundreds of matches whereas an average man like myself only gets a handful who don’t respond. It is a distraction at best, imo. That one guy preaching the benefits of isolation and stoicism. Sandra2104. However, a car or a fancy house doesn’t choose to be purchased. Be your own boss. Thanks for the sources, but still is not relevant and not needed. Now that most men are walking away from women we are talking about the loneliness epydemic. 445K subscribers in the SuicideWatch community. This is a space for discussing and promoting awareness of issues related to equality for women. , 2010, Hawkley, et al, 2010, House, et al. Social media ironically in many ways seems to be inhibiting that. standards that are essential and non-negotiable. Statistically, when looking at the happiness of older men and women, the strategies women choose tend to lead to more happiness and fulfillment. Part of what you are missing is that loneliness is not limited to only having romantic relationships. It's funny how IT were saying stuff like men's lonliness gets more support in society than womens. There is much less closeness since this is frowned upon as feminine. Utter bullshit Yeah, 60% of young men being single compared to 40% of young women is just pure entitlement on the men's part. The lonelier and more depressing the better, but can also be hopeful too. The data suggests that there is a loneliness epidemic that affects both genders. It's as if those commenters don't even conceive of the possibility of friendship with other men as a solution to loneliness. Dec 18, 2020 路 For a lot of men, friendships formed in the workplace are key, which can lead to loneliness and isolation in retirement. shinynew3. (B) Is male loneliness not a “solvable issue” at all, but simply a result of natural selection. Searching for "female loneliness" gives many results for general loneliness regardless of gender, and a few results for men. 1% of men feel lonely compared to 45. Posts are moderated for respect, equanimity, grace, and relevance. Women do choose to be with certain men over others. Men who are outgoing, attractive, tall and well off are far-less likely to experience loneliness. This is wrong. Stop playing into the glorified victim trend. I have only heard ONE guy bring up male loneliness without proposing the solution that individual women should be more available to individual men. It’s just that the pandemic has made us aware of loneliness in general, so it’s easier to discuss. I've had female friends be incapable of giving their male friends the emotional availability their male friends need, but zero issue giving that same emotional availability to their female friends. Male loneliness has been an issue before the pandemic. Retirement and living alone. "Message a male instead and end male loneliness epidemic. There are a lot of movies that address these topics but they're usually from a male perspective. Weird how some commenters are talking about male-female relationships when OP only discussed male-male relationships. Men are lonely because they can’t find a partner. The societal impact of male loneliness results in higher suicide rates, homelessness, and violent outbursts. Why women dont care about male loneliness. This feels like I'm trying to get into a men vs women thing, and I hope it doesn't come off that way, that's not my intention. The reason is socialization. Proof that women can live without men but men cannot fathom a world without women 鈽狅笍鈽狅笍. Female loneliness is treated as trivial or sentimental. The inherent loneliness of the trans male experience is similar to how young boys who were previously close to friends who are girls suddenly and slowly find themselves othered and ostracized. If you think about it, loneliness stems from the expectation of friendship and companionship. 3% of women. I don't want it like this. Male friendships with other men are different than women's. year 1990 <1% women 3% men now: 10% of woman and 15% of men have no friends Dec 8, 2020 路 However, none of these studies have examined the loneliness differential by gender and age for people with disabilities. Society is fallen apart in a lot of countries. Women : I have felt the touch of a man, forcefully and against my will. Not giving a pass to the accountability of the individuals involved, but there is a direct linear correlation to the amount of discourse being performed vs the societal impact of the issue at hand. But this has nothing to do with the vague notion of 'male loneliness' . Particular groups tend to have it worse - those with physical or mental disabilities and/or mental health issues, the elderly, and various subgroups of men in particular. Longitudinal studies over lifespans show NO gender difference. MOD. If those male work relationships are not continued after retirement, it can lead to isolation and loneliness. Clearly many women feel like they don't have the right combination of that, just like men do. This has nothing to do with “seeing women as human” this is about men living in a completely different social world than women. Because Male loneliness ends in violence. ShoeOnHead did a The Male Loneliness Epidemic and a few followups as the reactions towards that were not very positive. Men : I have never felt the touch of a woman. Loneliness is divided relatively equally among men and women: 46. A woman could fulfill all my preferences but lying, cheating, or persistent lack of respect would disqualify her immediately because of my standards for how I'm treated in relationships. Male loneliness is a social problem, and female loneliness is a personal problem. Jan 6, 2023 路 6. I suspect gaming is an out for both men and women there due to the extreme loneliness and inability for men and women to form I’d say you hear about women’s loneliness fairly commonly but because of misogyny/the patriarchy it’s always been insulting. It's not just loneliness, it's romantic loneliness. Love and respect people around you. Independent-Stay-593. Not a fan of the "women vs men" stuff in general, no matter which side it's coming from. I love those movies too but am looking for more from a female perspective (that AREN'T ROMANCE movies). Now women have actual power because they have the ability to get jobs that actually pay them wages, own property and get credit. I had some thoughts about the ‘Male Loneliness Epidemic’. There is a male loneliness epidemic for sure BUT women can experience excruciating loneliness as well. A lot of men try to dismiss female loneliness with the stupid point of "Uh bu-t-t-t you can sle-e-p with as many guys as you want"-馃 Being wanted for nothing more then sex does not make you feel better in any shape way or form. It is never debunked or argued in good faith. Peer support for anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts. 10 votes, 12 comments. Talk with the opposite gender without any sexual motives. In many Western nations, recent data show that men are reporting higher rates of loneliness and isolation than ever before recorded. Part of how men judge each others’ success is their ability to get women. 馃槖. Dear god the misandry thinking male loneliness is even remotely close to female loneliness just spits in the face of men. Loneliness is not gender exclusive. I’m not saying men can’t be lonely, but it’s not easier for me because I’m a girl. Their wife would be their emotional support, and their safety depended on their ability to soothe and emotionally connect to their husband. Loneliness in men Reply reply. Knowing I'm not alone in being lonely, ironically, helps. But for some reason, reddit is only really fascinated with male loneliness. Jun 21, 2023 路 Men’s loneliness is a feminist issue in Men Without Men. It can't be satisfied with other males. While loneliness does exist amongst women, adult men tend to have fewer friendships compared to adult women. Every time, without a doubt, always got comments like, “average day for a male”, or comments about how it’s not as bad because I’m a girl, stuff like that. when you hear men talking about how women get 90000 compliments every time they go outside but you're literally invisible to both men and women. This isn't the correct place to find a partner but the hope is to find someone that share our insecurities. So I simply tell them to. M (24) here and I just wanted to say I think it is great how this community talks about male loneliness, dating and making friends. I’m sure this has been posted here before, but it’s the first time I’ve read it. Why is male loneliness a problem women are supposed to solve? When female loneliness comes into the picture, it's "you will die a lonely, scared, old cat lady". Bingo. recreational nuclear weapons use. Also, women have less chance of being rejected than men if approaching the opposite sex. I’m trying to collect my thoughts and I was just wondering what you guys thought. The US Surgeon General has issued multiple statements on it. Socialize with like-minded people. ' I had a nice platonic male friend. This becomes a “women have the dating game advantage” thread. There’s men out here comparing FEMICIDE to the male loneliness epidemic, literally I’ve I havent had many straigth male friendships but the ones I had were like you said, just bonding over hobbies and interest. There are no easy ways around this - men, try to foster meaningful relationships with people in your life. Breathe through the vulnerability hangover. ”. CryptographerNo7608. 1 - Men that women are typically attracted to are not the ones primarily affected by male loneliness. The concept of "Male loneliness epidemic" is used by the social constructionists to make men feel bad because they are not rising up to female standards. And it does get a lot of press. You aren't lonely if you don't feel lonely. More replies. I 100% agree. I imagine modern male loneliness is caused by lack of awareness of toxic masculinity and patriarchal culture resulting in women not wanting them because they don't behave in likeable ways, which consequentially causes female loneliness because women would rather be alone than be in a relationship with such men. A womans loneliness tends to be in specific areas She may be lonely in terms of not having an intimate relationship but has a great friend and family circle,She might have a great romantic life but feel lonely and lacking in terms of her social and familial circle. It's a male problem and woman should simply not give a fuck about males. Have a bank account. The-Singing-Sky. Loneliness is a subjective experience, it seems like directly asking people how lonely they are would be a more reliable way of determining it than asking how many friends they have or whether they're in a relationship, let alone some other more dubious proxy like sexual activity. In my experience male and female loneliness are two very different things. The male loneliness epidemic exists because we talk about it as the male loneliness epidemic. It is not women's fucking responsibility to save you from your loneliness, maybe stop being a creep and a weirdo. The women I know (pretty much all of them as my male friends' girlfriends, fiances, and wives) don't have these massive similar-aged female friend groups they hang out with all the time. It is nice to have people to just chill with but it does little to ease loneliness. In my 40 years on this planet, having spent most of my adult working life in male-dominated environments, I've come to the conclusion that the "male loneliness epidemic" is more accurately referred to as the "men acting like insufferable assholes, but women are no longer required to tolerate it" epidemic. But men have never cared about women being lonely. "The results showed substantial gender differences in age trends in loneliness, with steadily increasing loneliness from age 40 to 80 for women, whereas men's level of loneliness followed a U Probably a lot like female loneliness. One can always invent ways to blame the male loneliness epidemic on culture and/or societal expectations stemming from "the patriarchy" since it encompasses social expectations. Sometimes, after we take those emotional risks we can walk away with the feeling of “yikes, maybe I shared too much. General. It feels like men don't talk about their feelings with other men, and can't see women as anything other than objects of sexual desire. Most of the “male loneliness epidemic” is a function of men not having enough friends, not simply not being in a relationship. Men need to find more community with other men, and they need to understand that women aren’t obligated to putting up with bad behavior just because they’re lonely. In my time talking about loneliness, a lot of women came to talk to my in private about how they relate. I think everyone is lonely, but it seems like the general reaction is that men are lonely because women did something wrong, and that women are lonely because women did something wrong, so nobody's really interested in the women's loneliness. Is it possible that in previous generations, male loneliness existed at the same rate, but without social media to advertise it. From all the discussions I've seen and had in respect to female and male loneliness and how they compare, the only useful conclusion I can derive is to begin by stopping the comparisons. Click to expand In fairness, while that describes the comparative averages, there are probably some 1/10 femcels who have fewer opportunities than the upper crux of male incels, like say the 8/10 chadlite who is incel in respect to some 10/10 gigastacy he has oneitis for. Also girls think lonely men are desperate and creepy whereas guys are indifferent about lonely girls. This becomes a “women have it better” conversation. Now she uploaded ‘Female Loneliness’ & How To Fix It and many examples she lists are just like crabs in a crab bucket. The overall message is: Men, loneliness is horrible epidemic that can kill you, this is a serious priority for Female friendship is something I've really struggled with, you're not alone in that at all. No one speaks about women loneliness. I don’t think loneliness is a male specific issue. "Male loneliness epidemic" only exist if you measure men to the standards of women. , 1988, Murphy, et al. Men seem to be having the most extreme cases of loneliness but looking beneath the surface imo both genders are definitely in need of more genuine social connections. , 2017). They usually have about 1-3 core friends and for the transplants, maybe a wider friend group they knew from college/childhood but they live across the country What is the cure to male loneliness? Companionship. There are certainly other issues going on. Someone out there said "Men are looking for clean water in a desert while women are looking for clean water in a swamp", and this is the perfect There is much less closeness since this is frowned upon as feminine. We deal with our problems better. I wish men knew how to be better platonic friends with women. Welcome to TwoXChromosomes, a subreddit for both serious and silly content, and intended for women's perspectives. more replies. Not the least of which is vilification of men, and far to many none-males trying to dictate what a 'man' or 'masculinity' is. So sadly, when a lot of men ask themselves why they’re lonely, the easiest answer that shifts attention away from the larger problem is “women bad A subreddit for rage comics and other memes with a girly slant. I view preferences as nice-to-have, but negotiable vs. The girls start to see them as danger. But if a man expresses it he gets hit in the face with a cinder block. Reply reply. They hate unattractive women and want to have sex with women they are attracted to, hence why they hate and always complain about being 'friendzoned. They see them as, slowly and surely, monsters. I hate how men's loneliness is often highlighted, while Male loneliness is a social problem, and femalee loneliness is a personal problem Loneliness, when experienced by women, is treated like a joke. Loneliness is a problem for both women and men. In South Korea loneliness among both men and women are far worse than in the west to the point their population is collapsing. This is a normal feeling . The whole “male loneliness epidemic” bc women aren’t “dating on purpose” anymore isn’t a thing outside of the social media world The mental illness that these men are suffering from is entitlement and narcissism. Not the main point, but when searching for "male loneliness", all of the top results are actually for men. Do not approach men. The stereotypical image of the crazy cat lady has been mocked for centuries, warning other women not to be too selective or too demanding, or else you'll end up like her. And no physical touch. Our closeness is different, but it's no less close. Men need to be able to talk to each other and make genuine friendships with each other. Men can’t even hug hold hands without it being seen as a complete no. In that respect there is no reason to think that women should necessarily have the same difficulties. I’m fat, I’m invisible to everyone unless they’re being mean to me. Most men's loneliness roots from "tfw no girlfriend" - access to a sexual partner. Crazy cat lady, spinster, cougar… lonely single women were always something to be made fun of. In the United States, 1 out of 4 men have zero close friendships in their lives, while in the United Kingdom, this rate is 1 out of 3. I think people in general are lonely these days. I think men are important to dig ditches and to get in the manhole and clean all the shit. Indeed, retirement plays an important part. The difference between men and women's loneliness. Men and women just tend to develop different strategies for dealing with it. What is the cure to male loneliness? Companionship. In South Korea it might be noted everywhere else is more 7:1 ratio of men to women. Men felt lonely from the jurassic park era and nobody gave a shit about it. KaliTheCat. Social Issues. It makes me worry that the only way I'll be taken seriously is if I do something drastic. I go weeks without hearing my own voice, and it's just to say "thank you" to the cashier. Or face this soul*crushing loneliness and depression and die off eventually. Host your friends over some days. Developing yourself in to someone that people enjoy being around. TLDR: loneliness up in men and women especially youth; somewhat more loneliness in young men but UP IN BOTH. He gave great hugs. Then he got married and moved in with his wife and that was the end of that. 4. fr se fc ng fq vn as mn hv bl

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