Unraid ssd trim

Unraid ssd trim. There seems to have been a change in the mpt3sas driver which is preventing TRIM from working properly on HBA cards and/or expanders. Jun 30, 2017 · I just wanted to verify the TRIM command is working for my SSD's (2 120gb with the second set up for raid 0?), as I wasn't sure my sata controller would support it. Using SSDs as data/parity devices is unsupported and may result in data loss at this time. If the disk is mounted using unassigned plugin, it will be automatically trimmed even if it's being passed-through. However, I think there is still a requirement to have an array in order to start the unraid. Later on, I found out about using SSDs not ideal in UnRaid because of TRIM issues with parity which will degrade the SSD? (please Apr 3, 2024 · 最近想给Unraid 升级下SSD,需要一条NVME的SSD做系统,docker配置和一些APP的缓存盘,容量不需要太大,1T就行,主要想温度低点,稳定点的,因为我主板也只支持到PCI-E 3. Jun 30 02:41:53 Tower root: /var/lib/docker: 6 GiB (6433857536 Oct 28, 2020 · The trick is to stop using the RAID drive through the RAID driver, expose the SSD as a JBOD, re-mount the filesystem, and then TRIM it there. ~Spritz. The set up can be found under Settings -> Scheduler -> SSD TRIM Settings. No, TRIM does not hurt the life of an SSD. Fix common problems, SSD trim. Grundsätzlich gehören keine SSDs / NVMes ins Array, Eben wegen fehlendem Trim. die Parity sammelt die Informationen unterhalb des FS direkt auf der Platte und zählt dabei die Einsen und merkt sich wo sie liegen. From LimeTech themselves: Do not assign an SSD as a data/parity device. Jul 24, 2023 · Unraid has earned a reputation for its exceptional storage management capabilities and extensive support for popular media server applications like Plex, Emby, Jellyfin, and more. 3. Quote. Thanks & regards, Marcel What is SSD Trim? TRIM is a command for the ATA interface. So for each of my share (MOVIES, TV SHOWS and PHOTOS), I selected "Prefer". SSD im Array. h. So you need to test you SSD first to check your disk controller can handle this fine. This does NOT apply to the cache / cache pool. From what I have gathered in the past, XFS array's do not work well with SSD's due to not supporting TRIM due to throwing off parity. Also, OS drive (C) has "optimisation not available" has been an issue for quite some time. Sep 23, 2022 · Similarly, spin up, or any I/O to the device will restore normal operation. 02 GB. Device model:Samsung SSD 840 PRO Series. Hallo ans Forum, ich bin hier neu und ebenso neu in der Gemeinschaft der Unraid-Fans 😀 Als Neuling habe ich ein paar Verständnisfragen und möchte mein aktuelles Setup gerne auch zur Diskussion stellen: Ich habe ein Unraid auf dem derzeit eine Windows-VM, mehrere Docker-Container Jul 7, 2018 · Posted July 9, 2018. SSD trim plugin every 2 weeks with 30min time (is this even still needed in Unraid 6. Feb 2, 2023 · Posted February 2, 2023. Trim tells your SSD which pieces of data can be erased. The ability to add disks of various sizes is what drew me to unraid. Posted January 12, 2020. To tell the capacity of the SATA SSD: sg_readcap /dev/sdc. As of right now, yeah. Display NVMe device capabilities obtained from SMART info. That will "trim" your SSD and start it's internal cleanup/garbage collection processes. Jan 24, 2023 · 原本是两个相同容量ssd做缓存池,自动做了raid1 btrfs,现在想拆一个ssd换一个更大容量的,分开做两个缓存池使用 结果换了以后阵列无法启动,生成新配置启动后说原来做raid1的ssd 显示无法挂载 有没有解决办法呢?不然raid1做了有什么用呢,一块盘坏了就读不出数据了 Insert a quality USB flash device into your Mac or PC. 6. The Dynamix SSD Trim plugin has been merged into the Unraid OS webGUI. Read Capacity results: Last logical block address=117231407 (0x6fccf2f), Number of block=117231408. So having a normal rust drive as your parity is fine. Just wondering if there was a interface for using the plug-in or is the no information need to be input for the plug-in to do it job? When i go the plug-in page and hover over the "Trim" plug-in it doesn't appear to have a interface. In that situation the parity is thrown off. I think this might be the reason that I don't get a trim option Feb 12, 2021 · Multi-Lang Forums. Sent from a phone, sorry for any typos. 在缓存使用超过80%的时候移动所有文件到到阵列; 请问我的理解是不是有问题,因为在这样配置的情况下经常出现缓存被占满的 From official UnRaid Wiki "SSD support in the array is experimental. While unRAID won’t stop you from doing this, SSDs are only supported for use as cache devices due TRIM/discard and how it impacts parity protection. 3. Oct 12, 2023 · Oct 12, 2023. Obviously SSD can be used this now but without EXT4 there is no TRIM and I am not sure if the current alignment code is optimized for SSD. 9 adds multiple pool support to your server's repertoire. einmal wöchentlich trimmen, oder brauche ich nix zu machen und kann ich TRIM vergessen (weil mir die Arbeit irgendwie abgenommen wird) ? All SSD array is not what unRAID is about. After a couple of fill/empty cycles my SSD was only doing ~30mb/sec on copies and pegging the IOWAIT so high basically everything else was locked up until it was done. Read on to learn why and how to use this new feature. Sep 28, 2018 · The drives must support both “Data Set Management TRIM supported (limit 8 blocks)” and “Deterministic read ZEROs after TRIM” in their ATA options. Configure the system to boot from the USB flash device. Merged Dynamix SSD Trim plugin into Unraid OS webGUI. Keep in mind we're not doing a block level passthrough, so this should be the correct way to set it up unless someone wants to correct me. Am I wrong and manual trimming/ using the Dynamix TRIM plugin for scheduling is still necessary? I am running unRAID 6. 0后Dynamix SSD Trim插件不见了,并且应用市场里也找不到这个插件可以下载,如何才能设置定时自动转移缓存内的文件? Apr 5, 2017 · Hi all, I was under the impression that unRAID 6 is taking care of TRIM for SSDs using BTRFS by now. Some others are doing well. With 120 GB free, you could figure out how long it takes you to write 10-60 GB and use that as a reasonable trim interval. The problem is that I'm not using the SSD as a cache drive (it's for VMs, dockers, etc) and it's in xfs - not reiserfs. Apr 2, 2018 · that's the result of trim, when data is deleted from a modern SSD trim is used to tell the controller that those blocks are free and can be erased, the controller does that and marks those blocks / pages as zeroes. SSD durch kleinere SSD ersetzen. Read the FAQ here on how to enable Trim. The NVME drives in question here, do in fact have trim/discard support because in column Disc-Max, they have 2T listed. Jul 20, 2023 · 有两个问题想要请教: 1、SSD TRIM Settings定时执行trim操作,是只针对作为缓存的ssd有效吗?阵列中的ssd是否也生效? 2、SSD是否可以加入阵列使用?看当前最新官方文档,貌似不推荐,但实际使用好像没有问题,能具体解释下官方不推荐的原因吗? Thanks. On the contrary using an SSD without TRIM can hurt the Aug 16, 2019 · 2. Jan 31, 2023 · Unraid supports trim, just not for the array, since currently that would make parity out of sync. Your SSDs should go into their own cache pool. But it doesn't sound like you need hourly trims - once/night should most probably handle your needs. Sep 5, 2023 · 关于Mover Tuning有一些疑问. I have seen some PCIe sleds with 2x slots but unsure of compatibility with the T620. With a cache pool, however, all write operations are SSD Cache Disk Trim. Most modern SSDs will work fine in the array, and even NVMe devices are now supported, but I have my cache SSD in the front bays which are attached via H310 controller. Click on Shares and change to "Yes" all User Shares with "Use cache disk:" set to "Only" or "Prefer". Jan 21, 2016 · SSD disks formatted with xfs, btrfs, or ext4 will be mounted with 'discard' if the "Mount SSDs with 'discard' option?" is set to "Yes". Apparently, when it was removed, it left a file behind on the flash drive under config/plugins called dynamix. This enables TRIM on SSD devices. Oct 23, 2022 · 升级了 6. ssd. Als "Cache" brauchst Du die NVMes auch nicht, denn sie würden ja nix schneller machen. Jun 10, 2013 · Posted June 10, 2013. Use command. 5 SATA SSD and 1 Nvme SSD. 9 introduced the btrfs 'discard=async' mount option which makes the SSD Trim plugin fairly useless (assuming you're using btrfs for you cache drives) I missed that one ouff. Daraufhin wollte ich sie wieder entfernen, nur lässt mich Unraid nicht. For the last couple months the parity drive has been throwing a lot of errors and dropping offline so I decided to upgrade it to an 8TB Samsung SSD. 48GB ECC RAM. Mar 5, 2017 · Posted March 2, 2021. Does anyone know where the Trim settings are now in Unraid? Search documentation but I've found nothing. You'd only need to schedule TRIM when the file system itself does not support TRIM. Advice on SSD in array but not as parity in 6. Jul 28, 2022 · Merged Dynamix SSD Trim plugin into Unraid OS webGUI. 12 x SATA Drives formatted XFS totaling 44 TB --> 36 TB usable with dual parity. Trim/discard Trim or discard is an operation on a storage device based on flash technology (SSD, NVMe or similar), a thin-provisioned device or could be emulated on top of other block device types. Squid. Did Dynamix SSD Trim go away? Upgrading to 6. So i just installed a OCZ 256GB Vertex 4 SSD and loaded the Dynamix "SSD Trim" plug-in. Nun habe ich eine 120 GB und eine 300 SSD bekommen und würde gern die 500er gegen die 120er tauschen und die 300er Dec 31, 2018 · When I did my first test to transfer a large file (~20GB) with the cache pool installed, I noticed the parity drive's LED was blinking, so I realized I was probably not using the cache pool. Settings -> VM Manager: disable VMs and click apply. I purchased a second hand Asrock Deskmini 110 for cheap because I plan to use it for a simple NAS server since it can accommodate 2 x 2. Long term, the unRaid devs plan to transistion to general pools that can be assigned to use zfs, btrfs, etc. but writing to the array will only go as fast as your parity speed. Then i have daily backups for all my data shares: Documents - 30min. TRIM is a command that tells the SSD which blocks of data are no longer in use and can be erased. Bug fixes Fix nginx not recognizing SSL certificate renewal. For now, you can either use one SSD as the array Jan 21, 2024 · Even though I can send the SATA SSD to low power mode via the GUI, it is always back online after a while and will never reach it on its own (spindown delay is set to 15min). LSI 9207-8i flashed to latest IT Firmware (Started as an HP H220) Started with a Dell H200 flashed to LSI-9211-8i IT What is the best way to acheive TRIM on an encrypeted SSD cache pool? I am working towards my first unraid build and feel pretty comfortable with most of the things I want to acheive. The main issue with running TRIM on SSDs in the array is that it changes the data at the sector level without letting the MD device (unraid's /dev/md/) know about it. Added necessary kernel CONFIG options to support Sr-iov with mellanox connectx4+ cards Merged Dynamix SSD Trim plugin into Unraid OS webGUI. I've since learned that SSDs in the array could cause issues with parity because of TRIM/discard, etc. Let's examine three potential storage Aug 25, 2016 · Continuous TRIM is enabled by mounting a drive or partition with the discard option. If you want fast reads, keep those things on the SSD cache, at least for a while. Mar 11, 2018 · It depends on how your SSD handles TRIM. Allows storage to expand in whatever increments needed. #1. Base distro: Dec 27, 2018 · Hi folks, I'm new to unRAID, I have cache pool of 2 SSD's (a 500gb and a 525GB) I'm using the plugin to allow trim, and both of these SSD's are plugged directly into my motherboards SATA ports (ASrock H370m) I got an email alert only containing the following: fstrim: /mnt/cache: FITRIM ioctl fail . 12, it's worth exploring various storage scenarios and their implications. Aug 31, 2023 · A SSD based Unraid NAS? It seems they've designed an Unraid oriented product that is not fully compatible with the Unraid array due to the SSD TRIM issue that can/will invalidate parity. The parity calculation was based on the contents of that data, and running Trim will reinitialize that data (set it to all 1's so its ready for writing without needing to be erased), invalidating the parity, without Unraid being aware of this. Bug fixes Fixed issue in VM manager where VM log can not open when VM name has an embedded '#' character. 0 还有想再加两个sata的大容量SSD,作为下载盘的缓存,需要2TB左右的,大船货之类的都行。 Jan 12, 2020 · Unraid OS 6 Support ; General Support ; Nope, I did not have SSD trim installed. But I cant find any recent discussion around this issue. Jan 21, 2024 · Pool would allow you to TRIM it, but you would also lose the ability to use the other SSD as cache, since currently there's no option to use two pools as primary and secondary storage, there should be in the near future. Using SSDs as data/parity devices may have unexpected/undesirable results. There are a couple of caveats: Jan 6, 2022 · Hi everyone, so I built this Unraid NAS a year ago with two 8TB HDDs (one as parity, one as a drive). Still cant figure out why TRIM seemed to work May 27, 2012 · Legacy Support (unRAID 5 and Older) General Support (V5 and Older) SSD cache drive (EXT4 + alignment) With the drop in price of SSD using SSD as a cache drive is even more viable. Once it DISCARDs the blocks, simply put the drive back in RAID mode, mount the filesystem, and then restart your applications. Serial number:S1ATNEAD560077H. 9 MiB (965660672 bytes) trimmed. 我的配置如下: 我的理解是: 1. trim. 5" internal slots. Can't remember which Update that broke it. 11. Oct 13, 2023 · Some controllers drop performance significantly when doing trim and the latency will be increase in any case. All is well now thank you. 2 x 500GB Samsung 850 EVOs in RAID 1 BTRFS Cache Pool installed in the two 2. Reiserfs does not support discard. Jan 9, 2015 · Posted November 3, 2015. That way when the block gets used again you don't have to wait for the erase to occur before doing another write. My question now is, with unraid 6. Verständnisfrage – Array Aufbau mit SSD, NVME. So a normal file Transfer with SMB share currently looks like: It starts with maximum speed (limited by network) and drops off to 20-50mb/s after ~600 to 1000MB of data. 4 - starts the array. Drive costs? 5x8TB, 1x4TB - “only” ~$680 SSD cache pool allows me to saturate gigabit networks. On 10/24/2015 at 8:55 AM, bonienl said: As an intermediate step I have created a new plugin "SSD TRIM", which allows to set a schedule for the TRIM operation. 7 ?) Parity check is planned every 3 months with a 5h time. 12. Here are just some of the benefits: Improved Data Protection – With a single cache device, there’s a possibility that you can lose your data if the device fails before the data gets moved to the array. Maybe WDS256G1X0C is not supported in 6. Hence: Device size: 60022480896 bytes, 57241. I have resorted to a monthly maintenance TRIM by stopping array, hooking ssd drives up to motherboard SATA, mounting with UD and TRIMming. Model family:Samsung based SSDs. when you try to read from these blocks the ssd controller does not actually read the flash it just sends you zeroes as fast as it can. Posted August 16, 2019. I was previously unaware of the dynamix plug, but would definitely like to implement Trim if there is the option to. I see these entries in the log file: Jun 30 02:41:53 Tower root: /etc/libvirt: 920. Check that there's enough free space on the array and invoke the mover by clicking "Move Now" on the Main page. ISO's - 30min. May 2, 2019 · I don't have cache parity (yet) so i'm running mover daily and gave it a 30min time. Apr 2, 2018 · View the drive and click the Benchmark button. See Dynamix plugins for installation. SSH in and run this command manually: /sbin/fstrim -v /mnt/cache. Sep 23, 2022 · Merged Dynamix SSD Trim plugin into Unraid OS WebGUI. - initial release for unRAID v6. Pass 'unraidcgroup2' on syslinux append line to activate. Fixed issue where Parity check pause/resume on schedule was broken. Dec 18, 2023 · SSD support in the array is experimental. Make sure you have a suitable version of sas2flsh that supports downgrades as well as IR to IT changes if you require this. However, the majority of the drives I have laying around are SSDs that are all different sizes. May 17, 2023 · Bedeutet das jetzt das ich für meinen Btrfs Pool mit den beiden SSD noch den scheduler einstellen muss für z. TRIM, which conceptually can be compared to a defrag utility on a spinning hard drive, improves performance by pro-actively freeing up space. . #3. 3 - recalculates parity. Jan 9, 2015 · Easy installation and configuration. On 3/2/2021 at 10:49 AM, Andiroo2 said: Would this allow us to connect SSDs to a HBA Controller that doesn't support TRIM now? No, this is still a discard operation, just done automatically asynchronously to avoid a performance hit. unRaid can't trim the ssd through that controller. On real hardware, there’s a different lifetime span of the memory cells and the driver firmware usually tries to optimize for that. First, find the filesystems that are currently mounted with the discard option: /mnt/data /dev/sda1 ext4 rw,relatime, discard ,data=ordered. But you shouldn't use SSDs in the array due to TRIM issues, and at least one array drive is required. Included perl in base distro. I am looking for some recommendations on moving to PCIe SSD drives that would be compatible with my platform. Die SSD im Array liefert schnell (keine Spinup Wartezeit) und effizient die Dateien und beim Schreiben fängt wie gehabt der Cache ab. Still good idea for XFS drives The LincStation N1 is now available on Amazon! This all SSD unit comes with Unraid installed out of the box. Auf die SSD im Sep 28, 2018 · Make sure you note your SAS address prior to doing so! If running a PERC card (H200 in my case) you will need to flash a suitable Perc Firmware file THEN reboot THEN flash the P16 firmware file. At least in my case- I have 36TB of storage space that can withstand a single drive failure. zpool iostat -vly 3 1000 <your pool name>. Included perl in base disro. Network: 1Gbit/s. Settings -> Docker: disable Docker and click apply. Ich werde das auch machen, weil für eine SSD als Parity hab ich schlicht keine Kohle (ich bräuchte größer als 18TB). you can always experiment! Jan 24, 2024 · Jan 24, 2024. 11, maybe before now, I noticed that there is a error under "Plugin File Install Errors" for Dynamix SSD Trim. Dynamix SSD trim - create a cronjob to do regular SSD TRIM operations--> <!-- PRE-INSTALL SCRIPT --> Jan 31, 2018 · Spritzup. Feb 12, 2018 · Dell R510 12 Bay with dual X5650s. Base distro: Your tests are pretty cool though. 8k. Das Array macht aber auch nur Sinn, wenn es von mindestens einer Paritätsplatte gesichert wird. Unraid definitely has a unique benefit with the use of SSD cache. unRAID (like many other things) works best when using it the way it's meant to be used, with variety of spinning drives for data and SSD's for gobbling up writes to the array. My understanding is Unraid 6. Some SSDs may not be ideal for use in the array due to how TRIM/Discard may be implemented. However, with the recent addition of ZFS in Unraid 6. There are still security issues with TRIM and encryption, but I would still prefer to encrypt them. Feb 15, 2019 · I'm thinking on replace the SSD with an EVO 970, but even though money is not a problem I think that using such a nice SSD as a cache drive just not worth it. So I googled it and found that each share must be configured to use the cache. Logical block length=512 bytes. This requirement will be eliminated in the next update iirc. From my understanding, if I also mount the drive using in Unraid, TRIM will work in host level, but if drive recognized as SSD in guest VM, then there is nothing to worry about. If you were doing something elaborate like EXT4 (supports TRIM) on top of LVM (does not support TRIM as far as I know) then you'd need to have TRIM scheduled. This comment from limetech on the unRaid forums explains how unRaid will eventually operate. 9 MiB, 60. When a block has been trimmed on an SSD the actual contents of the block are changed to indicate that. 在缓存使用率超过40%的时候会移动所有5天之前修改过的文件到阵列; 2. Download the USB Flash Creator and use it to install Unraid OS onto your USB flash device, or use the Manual install method. The only issue that I get reported with the fix common problems plugin is that I'm using an ssd cache drive formatted as reiserfs. So since Trim cannot be used, that means SSD performance will rapidly degrade, especially on the Apr 23, 2021 · Unraid OS 6. Mar 15, 2024 · From what i understand, the unraid mover can move data from the primary storage (SSD cache) to the secondary storage (HDD array) and in reverse. The unRAID cache pool is created through a unique twist on traditional RAID 1. Hallo zusammen, ich habe beim Aufsetzen von Unraid eine 500 GB SSD verwendet, diese ist jedoch nur mit 30 GB belegt und sehr viel wird da auch nicht mehr dazu kommen. Hallo, ursprünglich wollte ich eine SSD ins Array bauen, um den Downloads Ordner drauf zu packen. You can always choose to do things wrong, but this is being promoted by unraid, and presumably has some sort of OEM licensing deal. As you use your drive, changing and deleting information, the SSD needs to make sure that invalid information is deleted and that space is available for new information to be written. (Damit die HDD`s schlafen können) Habe dann jedoch gelesen, dass SSD`s im Array nicht zu empfehlen sind. I wanted my NAS to have parity. Feb 25, 2021 · 在unraid的机器上,重新插上这块ssd(看编号是sata硬盘),换sata线和sata口插槽测试一下,看看是否正常。 我都试了没用,最后我把这块ssd和电脑上用的240G sandisk ssd对掉了一下,就正常了。 Hello, OP from forum here. Mar 12, 2021 · Seconde Partie de l'installation des Plugins Essentiels de Unraid Dans cette Chronique installation de : Dynamix SSD TrimDynamix System StatsDynamix System T Dec 9, 2019 · I moved the data away from the cache drive, formated it (kept BTRFS as file system), moved some non sensitive data back on the cache drive and disabled the scheduled TRIM of the cache drive. " line under the graph and click just to the right of the period at the end - this will toggle the visibility of the hidden iframes doing the actual work. Nov 4, 2021 · Deutsch. I'd really only recommend an SSD if you are currently having issues with speed while writing to your current cache drive, or if you want to run a virtual box vm from it. You'll want a drive with good garbage collection as unraid doesn't support trim as far as I know. Jan 23, 2021 · Should I be running the dynamix plugin for my SSD cache or is unraid taking care of it? If unraid has support for it natively is there anything I need to do to enable trim support or is it done automatically? Dynamix SSD Trim is not for use with Btrfs from what i read recently on the unraid forums. No need to trim often if you aren't constantly reusing the free space of the drive. The reason SSD array is not recommended is due to how parity is calculated and the trim function of the SSD will invalidate the parity data. Then how hard it is to create a function that: 1 - stops the array. If you have the trim plugin installed, it is recommended to not mount SSD disks with discard. reading from ssd array would be as fast as the ssd minus any bottlenecks like gigabit or 10gbe nic. Here is an example. Since your SSD uses BTRFS which does support TRIM there's nothing you need to do. Oct 28, 2016 · Format: btrfs. 7 but that is weird since it worked just fine in 6. D. /mnt/data2 /dev/sdb1 ext4 rw,relatime, discard ,data=ordered. Quote; Link to comment. The Samsung 850 PROs don’t have “Deterministic read ZEROs after TRIM” support, and thus TRIM cannot be run on these drives when attached to a LSI SAS HBAs with IT firmware. Preliminary support for cgroup2. I am looking to use 2 ssd's in the array, one as parity. Mar 21, 2023 · SSD-Trim - so wie ich das verstehe ist trim im System vorhanden aber speziell fürs Array deaktiviert, da es sich nicht mit der Art wie Unraid die Parity Daten im Array sammelt versteht. Quote Link to comment With trim, the OS sends a signal to the SSD saying that a file has been deleted and go ahead and erase the block. Sep 28, 2018 · In this example there is a SATA SSD at sdc. wireguard: check the reachability of the gateway (next-hop) before starting the WG tunnel. B. Jul 3, 2020 · In Unraid if you run the command “ lsblk -D”, if the Disc-Max column has a 0B next to the drive in question, then it does not support trim. This includes encrypted disks. Fix nginx not recognizing SSL certificate renewal. 1 only Bergware International. It's why LT does not suggest to use SSD in the array. Remove the flash device from your PC and plug it into your server. you're probably better off just putting the ssds in a cache pool instead. Jan 21, 2022 · Es macht halt eigentlich keinen Sinn ein Array im "Mischbetrieb" zu fahren. May 20, 2024 · Multi-Lang Forums. Most modern SSDs will work fine in the array, and even NVMe devices are now supported, but What is the best way to acheive TRIM on an encrypeted SSD cache pool? I am working towards my first unraid build and feel pretty comfortable with most of the things I want to acheive. Thanks for sharing I will correct it in future and have added a comment on the video for everyone to see. You can still run trim from command line and it would still work, just not on the Windows optimisation app. 2 - trims all the drives. 0 stable released supported ZFS natively, is that probably the best choice moving forward to using an SSD array? I am not gonna use vdisks, instead , I am gonna pass my entire SSD drive to VM, just the drive itself, not the controller. Deutsch. TRIM (also spelled trim) is a specific command in a serial ATA (SATA) interface that tells an underlying NAND flash solid state storage device which data it can erase. Mar 4, 2024 · General Support. Bug fixes. While it's benchmarking, look at the "Click on a drive label to hide or show it. 1. The command is different for other interfaces I got tired of seeing the warning that TRIM failed. This helps the SSD to perform better and last longer, as it avoids unnecessary write operations and frees up space for new data. yy gz cq hm wj ja qa kr hj jy