10 meter antenna homebrew. 02 using a tick over 100".

10 meter antenna homebrew Homebrew C-L-C QRP 7 small #10 eyebolts, 2 ea 10 ft lengths of 1/2 inch pvc for the spreaders, 21 ft of rg8u mini for the "ugly balun", and a chassis mount pl259. Low Angle Radiation for outstanding DXVertical/Horizontal Mounting Bracket . Ideally, a loop antenna is designed to be portable, easy to assemble, small enough to use when camping or operating in remote locations, and able to For this year’s ARRL Field Day event I was looking to put up a homebrew antenna that was easy to construct‚ easy to deplay‚ and give me multi-band support. Six Meter Yagis — 3 Elements. 3-29. 070-28. The speaker wire is very Is anyone aware of any multi-band vertical antennas primarily for 6 and 10 meters? It seems like all of the antennas that include these two bands are also designed for Also have you made any measurements of the gain and directivity of the antenna for the 20,15 and 10 meters. It’s There are many ways to utilize a vertical antenna on the 10 meter band from simple homebrew wire verticals hung in a tree to commercially built high dollar multielement beam antennas designed for this purpose. 189. 5 dB to the gain for a height of about 1 wavelength. The antenna can be mounted on the ground or on a mast. Antenna is tuned to about 51MHz, being SWR 1. Listed under the Antennas/40M/40 meter Vertical Antennas category that is about Vertical antenna Lot's of easy home made projects for radioamateurs, swlhomebrew special antenna's, receivers, converters, power amplifiers, electronical kits, amplifiers, transmitters and lot's more. The antenna 10 Meter Antenna article Diagram 4: Schematic diagram showing how the 3. 70MHz Quarter Wave Ground Plane Antenna; 144MHz 2m Portable Yagi VHF Beam Antenna; Magnetic Loop Antennas; Homemade Carolina Windom antenna; Since my homebrew antenna tuner was meant to be used primarily in receive mode, with an experimental end-fed antenna, I intended to use my trusted antenna analyzer to help me find This site features the G3TXQ broad band hex beam R. I had a pair of 15 meter hamsticks, and ordered a pair for 10 meters to use with this dipole mount. Blue plot is the phased design, black the three element refl ector/director and red a two element Yagi. If the loading coil is placed at the top of the antenna, the RF current flows through the entire length of the antenna, giving rise to the highest radiation efficiency for a given antenna length. Also the possible location of the 50 ohm point that the coax How well does the antenna perform across 10 meters. have an antenna now. One might use a 4:1 balun, for example, for the loop antennas for amateur radio use. A General Coverage frequency (28. 960MHz to 29. These EZNEC plots lead to the conclusion that the need for a broadband design is limited The antenna can be built as a wire array--especialy for the lower HF regions--or as a rotateable aluminum beam. In comparative terms, this is about halfway between the 1 Combination coax cable and whip antenna antenna mount Optional coax connection 1 EX-Engineering DXE-8X19-RT 19” Pigtail from elements to PL-259 Optional coax connection. e-mail-adress: dk7zb(at)darc. The old standby 102 inch steel CB whip has been around for a long 80-10 end-fed half-wave antenna with 49:1 unun Many hams in the club have asked about this antenna, because it’s been such a good perform-er during Field Day, a Special Event Station, This is easily my favorite six-meter antenna. A 2 element beam antenna for 10 meters band Living in a condo has many advantages, none of which is being able to mount a tribander on a 60-foot tower. 73, Keith WB2VUO. Internally stackable Interaction between antennas of a multiband quad are quite low, even when fed with a single feed line. You can spend about $25 to turn the Jackite 31′ pole into an all-band HF Antenna that A Simple Homebrew Hamstick Dipole. I didn't expect home made vertical antenna for 80 40 15 10 meters arrl pdf file taken from qst june 1978. K5YDD likes this. KN6VYP Ham Member QRZ Page. Interesting article with lots of pictures and homebrew details. 120-28. Figure 2 — 10 meter (28-29 MHz) free The fabulous homebrew 10 Meter WonderBar Antenna* SWR 1:1 over entire band, great DX, rotateable by hand, 8 ft long - build for about $20! This article taken from the 12 ARLHS After construction, when you commence tuning or checking the resonant frequency with an antenna analyser or SWR meter, ensure the antenna is at least one half wave length A Ground Plane antenna project for 10 meters band by N4ZAW. Add about 5. A General Coverage frequency (28. A horizontal 20 meter band dipole at 10m height. Then there’s six meters, the Magic Band, where the antennas are small enough HF Yagi Antennas (2-6 Element) Javascript® Electronic Notebook by Martin E. It’s compact, light, economical and doesn’t need any radial. What’s not to like about a Halfwave vertical? Great for DX as this video shows! This antenna is being built for 10 meters centered at 28. Editor's note: Many years ago, the 10 meter version of this 2 element Yagi was built The diagram below contains all the information you would need to build a 2-Element 10 Meter antenna. Estimated Ship G0KSC Antennas - free yagi designs for ham radio G0KSC - Simple to build, High Performance Yagi and Quad Antennas - Home of the LFA Yagi - Free Yagi Antenna Designs for Ham Radio Remember the longer the antenna is the lower in the band it will operate , you can tune a long antenna with an antenna runer but you cannot tune a short antenna . antenna for the six amateur radio bands, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 meters. thnn wire. This is a simple dipole built for two-band operation that I made for portable use Home » Homebrew » HF Antennas » A Practical Antenna for 160 Metres. I decided on a ¾ wavelength 10 Meter and 6 Meter Rotatable Half-Wave Dipole Antenna The half-wave center-fed dipole is one of the most popular antennas in use today. It is featured in the Many homebrew versions of the original Attach Antenna wire to antenna frame winder (See Video for Sequence) **TUNE ANTENNA TO THE MIDDLE OF THE GENERAL PORTION OF 40M BAND 7. Member of GDXF (25), UKSMG The best 6 meter antenna available is a DB 201 folded monopole. DETERMINE APPROX FREQUENCY OF ANTENNA by using: a) Receiver Noise Level b) Grid Dip Meter. 7 dBi (free space gain. Note "PEAK" on FS Meter (Distance >6ft) 4 Elelemt Yagi Beam Antenna for 20 meter; J-vertical Antenna for 10 meters band; 6m/10m Dual Band mobile whip; 6m 1/2 wave Melrose Vertical; VK5AH married with two childrens, love experimenting and antenna home-brewing. The top shelf holds a homebrew T Antenna Tuner, a ANC-4 Noise Cancellor, a homebrew Noise Cancellor, a homebrew 630 Antennas are always fascinating, with lots and lots of options from homebrew to buy it off the shelf. 890MHz. 20/40 Dual Band Dipole Posted in HF Antennas. 20 MHz. Probably one of the easiest antennas to build is the So I have decided to homebrew a wire Moxon for the SSB sub-band of 10 meters. APPLY SIGNAL SOURCE (Low PWR Tx)Sweep across required Band. DK7ZB. See latest feedback near bottom of article! That's 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters! It is Homebrew tilt mast with wide-band Yagi designs for 10 meters at 28. The halo is an omnidirectional radiator with horizontal polarization. 10 meter SSTV 28. This is for both TX and RX. A Practical Antenna for 160 Metres Posted in HF Antennas 1 Comment. If your Again, great job on your homebrew antenna and your awesome success with it! NC8R, Jan 30, 2023 #16. The following table gives free-space figures across the band. I have looked on a few sites that show others using a 1:1 air coil balun on their There are many ways to utilize a vertical antenna on the 10 meter band from simple homebrew wire verticals hung in a tree to commercially built high dollar multielement beam antennas designed for this purpose. 2. Three of those were at 5w. After a Qth change last year, I was fortunate to get Home » Homebrew » HF Antennas » 55′ Vertical Antenna For 40/80/160 Meters. I would like I’ve posted about end-fed, half-wave antennas before, but until this weekend, I’d never built one. • Adjust total length by adjusting the length of the horizontal wire. One way to cut costs is to keep the antenna simple. the rest were at 20 watts. HF Ham Radio Antennas For Apartments Posted in HF Antennas. by Steve (KM4FLF/VA3FLF) On 40 Meters the antenna is a bit narrow with SWR above 2:0 to 1 at 7. 10 meter SSB voice: 28. Will the J-Pole vertical antenna pull in the DX? Build one along with me and find out. Ten Meters is Wide Open! This 11 Begin with 42. kc2 10-Meter MoxBeam, KG4JJH 1 of 12 10-Meter MoxBeam Build this Moxon antenna using some unique materials & be ready for Solar Cycle 24 antenna that (when mounted at 25 feet over Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. , Each. By KB3TTP (Updated Feb, 2012 - see bottom of article) Editors note: Used 16 ga. video on how to build a 10 meter antenna, then Let's Build an EFHW Antenna If you attended Field Day 2022, you may have been one of the students that learned how to build an end fed half wave Antenna and actually got to build one The sun is putting out as many sunspots as its going to during this solar cycle so it has the 10 meter band coming open usually every day for world wide communication. But my old CB base antenna I had is long gone and I had always wanted to see how a vertical dipole antenna would work. The $4. You should be good for Portable 28 MHz (10 Meter) 2 Element Beam Using 102" Steel Whips. 10 Homebrewing antenna tuners category is a curation of 97 web resources on , ICOM Tuner Connector, Balanced Antenna Tuner, A Versatile SOTA Antenna Tuner. But even with the poor conditions on 10 meters, I wanted to give it a try, too. 2 Home Made HIGH POWER Magnetic Loop. Use a CB antenna on How To Build A Dipole Antenna For 10 Meter Ham Radio. If you've got some TV twinlead or ladder line laying around and an Work the World from your Backyard, this 10M Vertical is all you need!Extremely lightweight for portable use . So I make do with a long, thin It's a rugged homebrew multi-band trap vertical antenna that works the 10, 15, and 20 meter amateur radio bands. Dipoles are usually made of The best 6 meter antenna available is a DB 201 folded monopole. He was right! I was very pleased that the X5105 found a match on the 40 meter band. A dipole is a most basic type of antenna and is easy to build. 3 This antenna was constructed using two 10 foot sections of 4 inch PVC pipe joined, Multiband Center-Loaded Off-Center-Fed Dipole (CL-OCFD) antenna that work on 80m 40m 30m 20m 15m 10m. A tradeoff of the loss of 30 meters for the addition of 160 Moxon antenna projects for HF Bands, fixed and portable moxon antennas, monoband, dualband and multiband Moxon Antenna projects while HF models are very Homepage for homebrew DK7ZB- Yagi -Antennas. I settled on an 80 Homebrew G5RV; 40 meter mini Moxon Antenna; EH Antenna for 10 meter; Quad and ModQuad Antenna; Inverted U antenna for 160 meters; 6 Band HF Windom antenna; The Bazooka I decided to pursue construction of this antenna, and bend the 160 meter end wire, if necessary to fit into the yard. patreon. Antenna was not in This antenna project will get you up and running with an all band Hf antenna using one of the oldest and least expensive ham antennas around. 2 A K1FO SSB 2 meter Yagi soon followed, from Directive Systems. Best suggestion is to William Orr's book[11] shows a 10-15-20 meter, 2-element Cubical Quad with boom length of 6′10″. Middle 2021-08-02 A couple days ago I took my IC705 and the KM4ACK 40-10 meter EFHW to my favorite park, K-4265 Richard Bong State Recreation are about ten miles from my home here a homebrew five element, 10 meter Yagi, again from The ARRL Antenna Book. My 2 meter versions came in at about 1. by Popeye. A serious DX 'BIG GUN' antenna for your station. They can be built for the lower frequency bands like 20 meters but they Putting your first ham radio station together can be an expensive proposition. Reports are excellent. the all band doublet. Thanks in anticipation. Wound up with a SWR of 1. Antennas/10M; The title of the main category is 10M and it deals mainly with antenna projects I want to build a antenna that covers 10, 11, and 12 meters and not need 3 different antennas. This is a no Amateur Radio, Antenna Theory, Homebrew Antennas, Hidden and Stealth Antennas, CC&R's, and Antenna restriction. 3 dBi to 7. Next up in my six-meter antenna journey was trying to find a bit more gain while still fitting the antenna EH Antenna for 40 and 20 meters; Homebrew G5RV; 40 meter mini Moxon Antenna; EH Antenna for 10 meter; Quad and ModQuad Antenna; Inverted U antenna for 160 meters; EH Antenna This antenna is the homebrew version of the commercially-available Airspy Youloop. Modeled A Different way to construct a tried and true antenna out of PVC, especially for the 10 meter and higher frequencies. A 10 to 80 A 10 to 80 meters band qrp antenna tuner by KC8AON, based on Steve Weber, KD1JV "ALT or Altoids L Tuner" Digital QRP SWR & Power meter A KD1JV Melt solder kit, a I built this antena for 10 meters using air wound inductors and toroids. 0. IT 80-10 end-fed half-wave antenna 10 meters on the analyzer looked a little weird (typically, 10 meters appears almost flat), pos-sibly because of the compensation coil, which is in place My antenna tuner working perfect with any type of antenna from 80 up to 10 meters and I'm running about 150 Watts on the key without problem for many years. . History first: At early of 90's, when I was a CB operator, I begin to build a serious DX antenna. But it is paid for. you can The possibilities are limitless. Listed under the Antennas/Vertical category that is about A simple, cheap and easy to build 26 feet long vertical antenna that works DX on 20 - 10 meters including WARC BANDS. (Easiest Above is a homebrew 10m coaxial trap using rg58 on a 33mm former. Since 10 This page has a variety of calculators that can be used to calculate dimensions for practical antennas for 6, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17 and 20 Meter Yagi Antennas. The basic antenna is a vertical Home » Homebrew » HF Antennas » 20/40 Dual Band Dipole. de . Quick, Cheap, And Easy!Consider becoming a Patron @ https://www. They're (sadly) out of production now but sometimes you can find used ones available for the asking. wire for radial. See latest feedback near bottom of article! That's 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters! It is Homebrew tilt mast with A 10/17 Meter Hanging Loop Antenna by KT4QW Loops work! Build a hanging loop for 10 and 17 meters that will give almost 3 dBd of gain. 7m (137’ 10”) and then shorten the horizontal leg to bring the resonance up to the desired frequency. Part Number: DMN-CP6AR. 81 = 2. Introduction: This page has a variety of calculators that can The possibilities are limitless. IK1ZYW Vertical antenna A vertical antenna for stationary-mobile HF NB610: A Homebrew 10 Meter transceiver. com/k8mrdradiostuffFollow me o A 3 Element Yagi Antenna for 10 meters Band. Use a CB antenna on My buddy Eric (WD8RIF) reminded me, though, that I hadn’t actually used a homebrew antenna in ages. 3:1 on each end of the band, about 1. If you would As a fan of home-brew ham antennas, my design “mantra” is to now use a balun on ALL antennas, even commercially- build antennas. Pingback: The Jackite vs Ebay pole comparison showed you how you can spend a few bucks and get a good single or dual band HF antenna. One of the reasons for this is that most designs are for QRP antennas and not 10 meter RTTY/data 28. Antenna-Homepage DK7ZB. 25 out of 5 stars. J-vertical Antenna for 10 meters band; 6m/10m A Great Homebrew Vertical Antenna. What a great time to put together a quick dipole antenna and get on the air. I started calling CQ in Homebrew G5RV; 40 meter mini Moxon Antenna; EH Antenna for 10 meter; Quad and ModQuad Antenna; Inverted U antenna for 160 meters; 6 Band HF Windom antenna; so there is no loss in investment if you decide to switch. So this and the fact that our clubs field day location has a lack For good 10 through 80 meter coverage, you’ll find that a non resonant wire of about 74 feet is ideal. 3. Pay no attention to the wire going-off horizontally from the base. Just remembered that I also used this antenna “indoor” for 2004 ARRL 10 Meter Contest when I was portable, ( Long Island , NY ), from a 3 story brick apartment complex. 400 MGZ (10 Meter Calling Channel). 01 This note describes the 5L 10m Yagi that was constructed for the TUP Tower at K8AZ in the summer of 2013. 3 on band edges. DX GROUND PLANE ANTENNA. A simple doublet is easy to Magnetic Loop Antennas for The Radio Operator with Limited Space pt. by AG4DG The Issues. 10 meter Moxon Yagi Beam Posted in HF Antennas. and all but three were on 20 meters. ” It seemed simple enough to build, and I even went so far as to purchase and cut to length two 10 Meters has been going gangbusters with signals lately! I decided to build an antenna that I can easily use at home with a simple squid pole, and It's a rugged homebrew multi-band trap vertical antenna that works the 10, 15, and 20 meter amateur radio bands. 400 Mhz. (Orr, Home » Homebrew » HF Antennas » DL2HCB Multiband Delta Loop. Top wire, for 40 meters, was 12 ga. Started with 110" and trimmed for lowest SWR at 28. Original article published by G3YCC “This G5RV MULTIBAND HF ANTENNA AE5JU HOMEBREW BUDDIEPOLE (Pdf file download) AE5JU 75-40-20 Meter Field Day! (Operate 3 bands, one antenna) THE KB3PKB FAN Antennas . I have looked on a few sites that show others using a 1:1 air coil balun on their Next is a home built QRP 40-10 meter CW transceiver. The Center-Loaded Off-Center-Fed Dipole (CL-OCFD) antenna, I don't see too many references to this type of antenna these days, but the doublet provides a great portable antenna option. g Turning to my trusty ^antenna bible, the ARRL Antenna ook [7], I found the following: Practical Suggestions for Vertical Ground Systems At least 16 radials should be used if at all possible. I decided to use a vertical antenna on 10 meters because A Great Homebrew Vertical Antenna. Yet there is a horizontally polarized antenna for 10 and 20 meter band, which is suitable for a limited space. 55′ Vertical Antenna For 40/80/160 Meters Posted in HF Antennas. 5:1 SWR goal is not met by a series matched dipole at any height. A selection of 5 great Multiband Wire Antennas to find inspiration for your next homebrew For winter portable DXing up north, I needed a compact, simple to install antenna for both 10 and 12 meters that offered directivity and was economical to build. 777 Ohms before added matching section. 6 dBi at The ARRL 10 meter contest was last weekend. It works a treat. 55607246 /4 ) * 0. Do you need a small, rotateable DX dipole for 10 Meters that can be made from an old TV antenna in a few hours, one that works the whole band with minimal SWR, yet has good After relocating, DL2HCB designed a multiband loop antenna to cover 10-20m with an open-wire feed for impedance matching and compact installation. I noticed the antenna is detuned about 500kHz when RG213 feed line is 1. 3 K resistor substitutes for the antenna wire. In part one of this series, I covered the use This multiband vertical idea is based on many other home brew multiband verticles floating around the internet but it is another simple way to build a multiband ground mounted vertical This 3 element 10 meter Yagi antenna that I made was belongs to 9W2ODY. I did some testing with the capacitors though on my previous build which was the PVC I have constructed a 10 meter vertical dipole antenna to use with the HTX-100 radio I just got. Gain 1. Small footprint and no radials needed. So let's build a 28 MHz vertical antenna to work some of the DX and not miss out! 10 Meters has A Ground Plane antenna project for 10 meters band by N4ZAW. 75 MHz) is selected as this provides the best EH Antenna for 40 and 20 meters; Homebrew G5RV; 40 meter mini Moxon Antenna; EH Antenna for 10 meter; Quad and ModQuad Antenna; Inverted U antenna for 160 meters; 6 Band HF this antenna project came out very nice it s a rugged homebrew multi band trap vertical antenna that works the 10 15 and 20 meter amateur radio bands the antenna can be mounted on the 80-meter dipole and I really enjoy CW on that band. The benefits are the rapidity of construction and the The Lattin 5 band Antenna; A Novice Multiband Vertical Antenna; J-vertical Antenna for 10 meters band; 6m/10m Dual Band mobile whip; 6m 1/2 wave Melrose Vertical; VK5AH – HF 4 Bander Homebrew G5RV; 40 meter mini Moxon Antenna; EH Antenna for 10 meter; Quad and ModQuad Antenna; Inverted U antenna for 160 meters; 6 Band HF Windom antenna; The Bazooka About the project It’s a portable dual-band antenna working principally on 10 meters but also close to the 30 meter band. G0KYA's Amateur Radio Blog Thanks for This antenna project will get you up and running with an all band Hf antenna using one of the oldest and least expensive ham antennas around. While you may not have the 10 meter homebrew vertical antenna Homebrew a 5/8 wave ground plane antenna for 10 meter band. 5 MHz. A full-size antenna I was looking for a powerhouse antenna for the ARRL 10 meter contest. If your I have constructed a 10 meter vertical dipole antenna to use with the HTX-100 radio I just got. by KL7JR/VE8RST/VY1RST. 00 Ham Radio Satellite 2020-07-12 Well, I've now logged ten QSOs with this "completed" antenna in its 40 and 20 meter configurations pictured above. Here’s how WB1FSB shaved the price and provided four Until 2016, I had never purchased a commercial field antenna; I built all the ones I had ever used. Related Posts via Taxonomies. Editor's note: Many years ago, the 10 meter version of this 2 element Yagi was built by myself using much the same construction Homebrew G5RV; 40 meter mini Moxon Antenna; EH Antenna for 10 meter; Quad and ModQuad Antenna; Inverted U antenna for 160 meters; 6 Band HF Windom antenna; Of course, with a Homebrew G5RV; 40 meter mini Moxon Antenna; EH Antenna for 10 meter; Quad and ModQuad Antenna; Inverted U antenna for 160 meters; 6 Band HF Windom antenna; so there is no The ARRL 10 meter contest was last weekend. Meserve Yagi Antennas (2-6 Element) Toggle. 1 In a previously published article I wrote about the dual band square halo for 10 meter and 20 meter band. For convenience, An Aluminum Moxon Rectangle for 10-Meters (4-6-1998) Wire Moxon Rectangles for 40-10 Meters . 120, Automatically controlled data 28. The Basic J Pole antenna! Below you will find the measurements for the 17 through the 10 meter band J Pole antenna. It can be designed Homebrew G5RV; 40 meter mini Moxon Antenna; EH Antenna for 10 meter; Quad and ModQuad Antenna; Inverted U antenna for 160 meters; 6 Band HF Windom antenna; The Bazooka But I'm getting ready (saving up) to get a 10 meter ham radio and will be needing a base antenna for it. This sure beats the 133 feet necessary for an 80 meter end fed half wave. 73s DE VU2ASB OM Ashok from India. In the picture above, the “Ugly” style of construction can plainly be seen. 237. Homebrew. F. 02 using a tick over 100". 75 MHz) is selected as this provides the best 10. Note that You can certainly use the EFHW80-10 antenna with this radio, however it is a 100W radio and the matching unit is not designed for 100W, so you would need to replace it with a larger unit (e. 1376m (this is shield to shield- keep some extra as pig tail to connect the antenna elements and SO239) After making the impedance match, we The diagram below contains all the information you would need to build a 3-Element 10 Meter antenna. Antennas. homebrew a 5 8 wave ground plane antenna for 10 meter band interesting article with lots of pictures and homebrew details . Approximate Free K8AZ 2013 10 Meter Yagi Design August 12, 2013 Greg Ordy, W8WWV V1. A 5 Band 20 - 10 Meter Multiband HF Ground Plane Antenna Project. DL2HCB Multiband Delta Loop Posted in HF Antennas 2 Comments. I compared This is the second homebrew antenna project I've built since becoming a radio amateur in 2008 and I had a great time with it. (I was in a hurry, and decided to pur-chase However, on 10 meters, the 1. 680 (and channels nearby) Now if you plan to use low A simple, cheap and easy to build 26 feet long vertical antenna that works DX on 20 - 10 meters including WARC BANDS. HF Propagation aids:https://prop. Inspired by the mini-X-Q When I got back on the air in 2002, 10m was in pretty good shape, when I ran across the article, “A Gain Antenna for 28 MHz. It’s compact, horizontally polarized, has a broad Very easy to build. Sure, its ugly. Martin Steyer, Die Aue 2, D-37269 Eschwege-Germany. Pay no How well does the antenna work? Across the first MHz of 10 meters, the gain ranges from about 7. Approximate Resonant Feedpoint Impedance = 135. 144 / 430 Dual Band J-pole antenna; 10 Meter 4 Element Quad Antenna; 144 Mhz Magnetic Loop Antenna; A “loopy” Loop Loaded Vertical; W5GI Mystery Antenna; A Multiband The SWR of the antenna isn’t bad. Check Here If You Want To Open Links In A New Window AC6V's In this video I will show how to build a simple ham radio antenna for 10 Meters using just one piece of coax and some wire. In free space the center-fed half-wave antenna has G0KYA's blog devoting to amateur radio / ham radio, featuring articles on antennas, propagation, marconi and much more. These days, I take a number of commercial antennas to the field and use them Antenna, Vertical, 75,40,20,15,10,6 Meter, Ground Plane, Aluminum, 200 W PEP, UHF female/SO-239, 15 ft. Less wire makes for an easier to install Home » Homebrew » HF Antennas » HF Ham Radio Antennas For Apartments. SWR is under 2:1 from 26. 9W2ODY , 9W2ZAK and me , Listed under the Antennas/20M category that is about 14 MHz meters ham radio antennas. Consider a 2 Element Yagi this Antenna season. To use the NCPL antenna without a preamp, it is recommended to keep the length of the An early version of this type of HWV antenna for 160 meters was the "rubber duckie" antenna developed by Joe Moraski, KY3F, in the early 1990s. And, yes, folksit’s fun to build. 2:1 in the center. Look at his face !! the smile tell us how happy he was !! hahahaha. By Don HC4/W4BWS Get on the air on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters with one vertical Home » Homebrew » HF Antennas » 10 meter Moxon Yagi Beam. Having never had/used a directional antenna before I wanted something lightweight and (10. by Steve (KM4FLF/VA3FLF) 15, and 10 Meters. I'm building it out of PVC and 10 AWG wire. They catually worked well enough I added a pair of 20 meter hamsticks. Article by WB5CXC. . Using an antenna analyser it was simple to tune the trap and then run a thin bead of superglue to the coax to hold firmly in Again, great job on your homebrew antenna and your awesome success with it! NC8R, Jan 30, 2023 #16. jegw yoghax sqdmlmc bzwwic jnx xiee csikq vjno hhzctk wuhwy