Moze mayhem 11 build solo On Moze, simply using a weapon that does Splash Damage (check the item Quick way to get to be able to do mayhem 11 is set the game to mayhem 11, use moxxi's tips to get a crit smg which is broken, go to dlc 6 on mayhem zero and get a revolter. The two main builds I know of are Iron Bear (most hard points work well now with right annoint/class mod) or Blast Master class mod with splash damage guns. I currently only have an endgame Amara but writing towards Moze &Fl4k. #Borderlands #Borderlands3 #MozeThis Moze Build utilises the Blast Master Class Mod, It does crazy amounts of damage and one shots every mob, if you have any Looking to make a better moze build can y'all give me some links/ your own op moze builds, Thanks in advance. The official subreddit for discussing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, a Dungeons & Dragons strategy video game that brings together D&D characters from novels, adventures, and multiple live streams into a single grand adventure. Apr 9, 2021 · Heya Buddies, the new raid boss, Hemovorous the Invincible, just came out in the director's cut Season Pass 2 dlc yesterday and to help all the Amara, Flak, Jan 28, 2022 · #borderlands3 #borderlands #bl3 #moze #mozebuild #bestbuild #bestmozebuild #level72mozebuild #cryomoze #cryobuild #cryomozebuild #flare #flareclassmod #flare Apr 13, 2021 · Moze Build Mozerker 7. 0 is a powerful Moze Build by Ki11erSix that works on Level 65 + Mayhem 10 & 11. However, I'm still not confident enough that my "build" can actually take on M10/11 and takedowns, since the guardians in guardian takedown are too tanky for me to kill and I just end up failing. Pearl or maliwan company man. Each build is pretty easy to throw together. Switch between old god or revolter shield. When running a decent build, with multiple top tier weapons it can get monotonous running the exact same weapon and gear every Jul 14, 2023 · Moxsy has continued to update this Borderlands 3 build and has made it one of the best builds out there for Moze. LOADOUT SKILL TREE My Boom Shot Moze build running level 72 Mayhem 11 True Maliwan Takedown solo. No blue tree Moze builds are more advanced. I'm now level 72 with mayhem 11. TIL Moze can easily get to endgame and do ok. Once you get high level if you have all the dlc, building for auto bear plays the game for you since the damage stacks are broken and I easily solo'd the entire game on mayhem 11. Moze has several skills that can give her huge benefits at higher mayhem, and Iron Bear is OP due to the mahem scaling. And honestly mayhem 11 is pretty easy now. How you ultimately Nov 30, 2020 · With the recent change to make Iron Cub get mayhem scaling you can now do some crazy things with it! However, the whole Iron Cub skill tree has some great in Sep 29, 2021 · Related: Borderlands 3 FL4K Leveling Build Guide (Level 72) Moze Full Iron Cub Build (Level 72) We will show you the complete build focused on Moze's damage output that will be supported by the Iron Cub action skill. Basically instantly get endgame gear. ) First attempt with Lazy Moze solo against Hemovorous the Invincible. I did a lot of other build to find what works with my playstyle. Ki11erSix […] After you reached lvl 65 switch to mayhem 10 with cool directives, or mayhem 11 if you dont like the hassle and experiment or find "meta builds" and farm the missing items. The shock railguns are the best for the Guardian Takedown. Moze has a few skills with ridiculous Mayhem scaling so if you get the right build, annoint and gear she can do silly damage (as all the VH can. SOLO. The skills Fire in the Skag Den and Short Fuse get what is called MAYHEM SCALING. m), and it basically makes it so when the shield is full the next shot gets the +125% amp damage and drains the shield a little bit, however since moxxis guns have life steal and im using the bloodletter the shield is basically instantly filled after the I can consistently beat Cistern and Slaughter 3000 solo on M10 with my Amara and Moze builds, but Slaughter Shaft feels almost impossible, even with 2 players. Shield: Old God [fire] Mozerker returns with my BEST MOZERKER Build! This build can solo ALL content including the Hemovorous & Vermivorous Raid and the Takedowns! Save file is on For more context: There are a number of skills that Moze has that get mayhem scaling. I finally beat it solo. If you put a gun to my head, I’d say Moze. like im at lvl 72 tvhm and im using mayhem ten for playing thru the gunslinger dlc (forget the name) and it seems like if im not using my khaoson, im not killing anything in a reasonable span of time before i inevitably get like 2-3 shotted. Im not going to be getting into the nitty gritty here, itd be soooo much to type. And Zane with any of several setups is nearly unkillable. youtube. Moze “FIRE HOZE MOZE” Build – LVL 72 – Borderlands 3. Oct 22, 2020 · Best Moze Builds Moze ‘Base Game’ Build – Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3 Moze Build Today I show you the best Moze build in Borderlands 3! If you enjoyed feel free to subscribe and leave a nice comment!#borderlands #borderlands3 #bl3 Moze: Mayhem Mode Moze Game version: [Hotfix] September 27, 2019. Heya Buddies, the new raid boss, Hemovorous the Invincible, comes out in the director's cut Season Pass 2 dlc very soon and to help all the Moze mains out there I created this Guide / Moze Build that will have everything you will need to defeat the upcoming raid boss. I think the modifiers are fun if it makes it harder to kill enemies. Edit: That being said, most endgame builds can solo all content fairly easily once you get good gear. Also are your weapons mayhem 10 as well or did you just crank it straight up to 10 as soon as you reached 72 You can solo all content on any character. In my opinion, Grenade flak or clone Zane are prolly the best of those for solo play since your pet/clone can revive you in FFYL. In some cases (like Moze) its almost not worth playing on Lower Mayhem cause she is actually a lot weaker. It is either Moze or Zane. However, I don't have any DLCs and I'd like to build a really strong non DLC build for Moze. For Moze, her key skills are Fire in the Skag Den (blue) and Big Surplus (purple). BoD was solid for the last build but I tweaked it over the summer. Moze “Mozerker Forever 8. Everything else is just sprinkles on the icecream sundae. All that and I can't take any health away from the weakest enemies. Going back on solo with a bit better loadout, but I forgot to show the perks so you have them here: https://imgur. Nov 25, 2019 · Here is the Borderlands 3 Unkillable Moze build maliwan takedown wotan boss melter for mayhem 4. com/mlF8Aqu---📣 #Borderlands3 #Hemovorous Which means are you move up in Mayhem Levels the skills themselves gets stronger. Category: Multi-purpose Level: 50. Lastly, since some skills scale with mayhem - Moze's insane Fire in the Skag Den is the best example since its so broken - some skills actually perform best at M10/M11 once your build is set. This one is more cub / less Mose build but its fun to watch the cub clearing slaugthers and 1shotting anything with railguns (+100% railgun anoint). In One Woman Army Moze Build you can run through all the maps, and decimate Find a gun that’s farmable and great for your build. In my opinon, this is one of the best moze builds currently in the game an Moze has an easier time breaking into mayhem levels since she can turn on mayhem 11 and just use iron bear to clear no matter what. I mention a bunch of guns here. That is a 1 shot kill before he even touches the ground killing Seer, And a 1 shot kill that does enough damage that it will not only proc the invincibility phase of Hermi boy, but also have enough splash that it kills him the moment it ends as well. With the inclusion of the fourth skill tree, players get even more elemental Moze is very good in this game I feel. The Infernal Wish however is straight bonkers, especially on the plaguebearer. FL4K BUILDS Fire Hoze Moze is a monster of a build and with a few changes due to recent buff, this build is able to solo all M10 content. Soulrender was better for me than Breath of Dying, but I got a god roll Lucian’s Call that for whatever reason is pretty optimized for what I have going on. The build does prioritize offense over defense, however, has got your back and gives a detailed description of what your best options are. But I am still partial to Clone and Drone Seein’ Dead with a squadron 8 pets wrecking the entire screen for free. 0 is a powerful Moze Build by Ki11erSix that works on Level 72 + Mayhem 10 & 11. Flare Bear Moze is going full Purple Tree as you want Iron Cub active for as long as possible. A decent shield and class mod but nothing too fancy. It is more that raid bosses in BL1 and BL2 were really poorly designed in respect to single player. Moze just needs the right annoint and a good class mod Amara only needs a vault card gun and the embrace the dragon artificat (which would take about 10 minutes to get, tops) Both builds you can throw together in a few minutes and steam roll everything in the game A place to discuss all things Bravely! The Bravely series began in 2012 with Bravely Default: Flying Fairy for the Nintendo 3DS, a turn-based JRPG featuring an innovative mix of classic and modern gameplay elements. The bread and butter should be your builds and your anoint. Summary: This build is built around flexibility. So I was looking for a more up to date versions of what people are playing. Build: May 28, 2021 · Iron Maiden Moze is back! This time using miniguns to shred all content! If you guys, enjoyed the video, be sure to like comment and subscribe! To download t I guess that is what I was trying to say. A lot of effort goes into these Aug 28, 2021 · Once you hit Mayhem 10/11, an Amara Facepuncher build will let you solo all content easily. I played borderlands 3 a lot on release but stopped right before DLC 1 released, not that there's more and new content i decided to replay the game. The essential skills are Fire in the Skag Den, Big Surplus and Short Fuse as they are your primary sources of damage. Switch things up a bit. tv/kodymchugh Click SUBSCRIBE if you enjo Dec 5, 2021 · MOZE BUILD. You can do all content in the game and any boss just fine with this build, so you won't have to constantly respect all the time! I played demolition girl from the beginning and I'm currently 46 on mayhem 11 and moze has been strong the whole way for me. Now, I'm in the middle of the TVHM on Mayhem 11 and even if I'm okay now since I found some powerful guns, I am looking for a build which is basically alsmot instant kill/one shot bosses since I've seen a couple of videos showing this. I dont know if this changes anything. This build is just pure destruction & its really fun! You'll be Deathless/Bloodletter red/green is fun for me, but feels bad having a worthless action skill. Finishing playthrough, been wondering on good early mayhem build options for Moze (as far as I know some items drop only on higher Mayhem, so obviously I won't be able to build around those for starters). Skills: Cloud of Lead +5; Stats: Splash Damage; Weapon Damage; Magazine Size; Borderlands 3 Moze Build Shield. Allows you to easily farm for your build's gear straight to mayhem 11 I have solo'd all of the base game content and the first DLC on Mayhem 11 so far with just a Faisor and a Plaguebearer. Take a look at this build as it de Oct 12, 2019 · Welcome to our leveling build guide for Moze the Gunner in Borderlands 3. I play solo as I'm late to the party and I don't like playing with randoms. Zane’s skills give him a lot of gun damage, but the percent increase of each skill has diminishing returns. It's all viable together. If you do not want to download the file you can only gather inspiration for the build and try to replicate something similar in the game. Moze iron bear or melee amara. I have a decent amount of weapons (breath of the dying, blade of fury, hellwalker) and a cloning hunter seeker. The most important of these are fire in the skag den, big surplus, and short fuse. 2 million damage x 28 hits per Facepuncher shot is enough to kill most everything in the game- even enemies during True Guardian Takedown only take one hit when you match your action skill element, lol. Was on full cub + deep SoR in a splash and in a fire rate/wEpan dmg build also. **Bloodletter/**Sweeper Class Mod - These are the 2 absolute best class mods you can have for this Moze build. Here is the borderlands 3 Moze best raid build for solo maliwan takedown where mozetor destroys in mayhem 4 easy and fast. One of the most important things for mayhem damage is mixing damage types. Amara is good with melee and elemental damage, both of which open up some cool build opportunities. A splash build moze is very OP. Iron Bear plays the central role in this unique setup tailored to offer you a smooth leveling experience with plenty of firepower regardless to your luck with weapon drops. You still get one or two shot on Mayhem 3 though by random stuff =/ Moze can use the Transformer shield (shock damage heals you instead) and the relic to hit those numbers, Zane needs to use a Frontloader May 24, 2021 · This Borderlands 3 Moze Build is focused on Vladof weapons and Fire Damage. m), and it basically makes it so when the shield is full the next shot gets the +125% amp damage and drains the shield a little bit, however since moxxis guns have life steal and im using the bloodletter the shield is basically instantly filled after the Become of member if you want to support the channel: https://www. Completed all missions on Normal mode and slowly beating the dlc before jumping into TVHM and Higher Mayhem Levels. I made Moxsy's Gamma Burst build, equipped a Red Fang and enemies wouldn't even think of attacking me, pretty much mitigating the character's biggest weakness which is no built-in lifesteal. Class Mod: Flare. It adds an extra projectile, so great on things like the Bekah, plaguebearer, free radical, plasma coil and such but not so great on the Flipper (x9 projectiles vs x10) or Short answer: Iron Bear. I haven't farmed for anything. I’ve chosen the correct skill trees built around fire in skag den ect. I Googled different builds, swapped around Class mods, Legendary artifacts, shields, grenades, guns etc. the descriptor says its the same as M10 but with less loot and experience given. If you build a standard Moze, you'll go blue tree all the way to capstone. I have ultimate edition so there should be all DLC. Here, you will learn everything you need to know to gear yourself up and be proficient with this build. Many builds rely on her using Iron Bear, however, we will show you how to constantly run and gun, without having to wait for Amara has an insanely easy setup revolving around this pure melee build, this took me about 2 days of farming - mostly for the class mod, and the right roll I have a bloodletter + deathless moze that uses the Crit gun you get from tipping moxxi, and an amp shield (either the rerouter or Version 0. Zane has a WAY easier time farming classmods due to how often they drop in dlc1. I have a bloodletter + deathless moze that uses the Crit gun you get from tipping moxxi, and an amp shield (either the rerouter or Version 0. Sheriff Amara Build Guide. twitch. Mayhem Scaling is a hidden bonus applied to certain skills to make sure that you're doing enough damage on Mayhem 10. Click Click isn't necessary since you're going to be constantly regenerating ammo, and you could also take Rushin Offensive instead Obviously there are tons of great builds out there for Moze and Amara (Moze especially I've seen has some cool recursive loops to stay in her mech forever and mow down hordes, become an impenetrable mass of shields the way Krieg became an impenetrable mass of health and healing, and generally spit lead like an A10), but it's unclear to me when I personally feel that Mayhem 10 and 11 are both really easy if you have a good build. LOADOUT SKILL TREE I just posted this comment on another person’s ask about Moze builds: I’m a Tediore Moze shotgun diehard with the Transformer shield and Cutpurse Deathless artifact. Mar 18, 2021 · All the items are perfect rolls. Either a bottomless mags moze build, a MNTS and clone Zane, melee Amara or a grenade flak build prolly. Mayhem 11 isn't hard it's designed to be easy especially compared to uvhm and op levels. this is the cub build what I use at the moment. Moze has the easiest time transitioning to endgame because iron bear needs no gear to work. Hi there I created a splash moze build for mayhem 11 I’ve been looking at guides so I have the trevanator and the sand hawk, I have a good blaster master with splash damage on it I have the snowdrift victory rush. Borderlands 3 Moze Build Gear Borderlands 3 Moze Class Mod. And I'm just using weapons and gear I find. Build Showcase: https://youtu. It feels weird using iron bear so much because it's a huge mech suit, but that's what it's there for. You can actually build a good Moze without blue tree, but starting out and getting into the higher mayhem levels, you will want Fire in the Skag Den and Short Fuse for sure while you're learning and getting your builds down. Combine that with the combo of Flare COM (DLC 4, gives 100% V1, the bonus damage that FL4K gets in skill tree) and IC to keep that bonus active and Moze vastly otdamages even the best FL4K builds. But I can do mobbing pretty well. Are you constantly moving? Blue tree has good damage amplifiers that synergize well with that lovely shield of yours, but you cannot stop-and-shoot, Fl4k style, if they're to do you any good. Please help!!! Apr 2, 2021 · Borderlands 3 Moze Build Gear Borderlands 3 Moze Class Mod. Im a Lvl 60 Mayhem 1 moze. The build contains gear from all the DLCs to Borderlands 3. be/eDKnTZMHnWMTwitch: https://twitch. tv/arachnica The Revolter isn't great on Moze because her action skills aren't spammable like the other 3. #moze # borderlands3 #borderlandsVersion 2: https://youtu. This is an unlisted bonus that the skill gets in mayhem mode in order to keep your damage relevant as you go up in mayhem levels. Mar 11, 2022 · #borderlands3 #borderlands #bl3 #moze #mozebuild #bestbuild #bestmozebuild #level72mozebuild #ultimatemoze #ultimatebuild #ultimatemozebuild #ironcubmoze #ir Iron Bear is a powerhouse on it's own, and Moze gets mayhem scaling on several skills that bring her damage up to insane heights. I went from finishing the story at level 35 to going straight to Mayhem 11 and farming Graveward with Iron Bear up until level 75. From what I understand. in this video I show my super easy Moze build that can carry you through mayhem 11 with little to NO GEAR!! its super easy and simple for people who want a g Borderlands 3 Level 72 DAMAGE QUEEN MOZE Build! (Mayhem 11) Best All Round Build! My Twitch https://www. Best Build for Moze in Borderlands 3 - Nerd Lodge The only Moze skills you really need are Fire in the Skag Den, Short Fuse and Big Surplus. be/mzQyFsCfblQThis Moze Build Utilizes the Flare Class Mod From DLC 4, For the Most Damage Possible Apr 9, 2023 · Moze Build Guide Check out his collection of July 26, 2021 11 likes. Borderlands 3 Moze Build Explanation. Luckily, Moze is a beast on foot and is super fun to play. Aug 14, 2021 · Moze Build Mozerker 8. Rocketeer class mod is the best because IB can solo anything on Mayhem 11 and essentially is a second person with auto aim. The lazy start is just working bottomless mags for the fire and overall gun damage. Any build advice would be awesome, as well as a place to start farming for mayhem 11 equipment. Yay!Footage recorded du I’m looking for a build that will help me farm gear that I need for other builds. Then Iron Bear became boring so: My Moze build is basically the green and blue tree up to their capstone skills. Skag Den for example says +15% fire damage on the skill description, which IS correct without mayhem mode on at all. You can find this Borderlands 3 Moze Save File at the bottom of the article. Balance is pretty decent right now. hey all, is it just me or is the weapon viability super limited at mayhem 10. Nov 29, 2020 · Hey everyone! I'm back with my STRONGEST Endgame Moze build that i have ever made. That said, if you want a decent understanding of how Moze works and what makes her so powerful, give my Endgame Moze 101 guide a quick read. The Faisor is a Vladof Assault Rifle with an underbarrelled shotgun attachment that fires elemental projectiles that deal Splash damage and the Plaguebearer is a Torgue Rocket Launcher that fires a large ball of energy that I find that weapons can only take you so far and even then it’s not that far. This is a very strong solo build for Moze, and you won’t get more damage at level 50 other than this. Heya Buddies, the new raid boss, Hemovorous the Invincible, just came out in the director's cut Season Pass 2 dlc yesterday and to help all the Amara, Flak, Moze & Zane mains out there I created this Guide / Build that will have everything you will need to defeat the raid boss. I would sugggest looking up a splash damage Moze build and replicating that. Blue capstone gets mayhem scaling as well. Leave your teammates behind and practice solo to test/tune your gear and anointments. Even when going up against bosses, Moze’s unmatched damage puts them down in a matter of seconds. Apr 9, 2023 · Build Description A New 2023 Moze Build by Ki11erSix that only utilized the gear that you can obtain from the base game. I have been looking around for some good moze builds but a lot of them are months old. 0” Build – Borderlands 3 I decided to make my builds publicly available for everyone! Whether anyone actually cares or not! Im not claiming these to be the best Moze builds out there but they certainly kick ass enough to enjoy them through mayhem 10/11. I can't instant kill bosses. Wotan the Invincible is the final boss of the Borderlands 3 raid mission „Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite”. So I run Mayhem 10 to add a little bit of a variety and slight difficulty to occasional enemies. Heck, even in respect to multiplayer the design wasn't good either, it has improved immensely in BL3 (though there is still a ton of things that are unavoidable). . Shield: Old God [fire] Anointment: On Action Skill End, gain 50% bonus Fire Damage with Weapons for 10 seconds. So definitely check out the video above. Everyone loves Mantis Cannon. Zane can 1 shot kill Both end game mayhem 11 raid bosses in an actual 1 bullet. It can do bossing & mobbing. Since this is for Moze, "farm" the flipper in the wild west DLC (its ultra easy, the named is just at the start of the zone) and then the ion cannon in the casino. Zane was probably harder when the game came out because he was the weakest character, killskills wouldnt work properly and got nerfed into the ground but even then he was still playable. Mainly looking for something like run n gun God mode or one shot build Locked post. They both say 15% bonus damage, but on M10, it's like 10x that. Deathless Relic - This relic is almost essential to Moze builds, setting your max HP to 1 and giving us more max shields flows perfectly into the shield of retribution skill tree as a whole. The only thing I don’t have is a slightly better shield. That said, this Moze build can do it all. This setup doesn’t rely on Iron Bear, Moze can stand on her own. Definitely check out the video above. im using moze if that makes a difference. The Droughts has lots of trash-mob practice targets for you. Splash weapons are easiest, but you can even make non-splash builds with Moze that are endgame viable as long as you have the purple tree. For Instance, Short Fuse + Fire in the Skag Den + Big Surplus will basically make Moze Mayhem 11 Viable on their own with just a half decent Flipper. There are three variants of the same build with the same skill tree down below. Moze “Flare Bear” Build – Borderlands 3. Amara Spiritual Driver Boss Killer Build Guide. Moze’s gun damage is increased tremendously, and clearing mobs is a joke. Skag Den for example SAYS it does +15% fire damage, but on Might be a build thing. Mayhem 10 and 11 require builds have that total synergy among skill tree, action skills, all item anoints, weapons, shields, artifacts, class mods. At mayhem 11 they end up getting somewhere between a 20x-30x multiplier each to their card bonuses. Fl4k has a ton of build variety, so that’s fun. For real, mayhem 11 is more playable than any mode with lots of mayhem modifiers. Flare Bear Moze is a powerful Moze Build by Moxsy It’s kinda an update on his “Baby Boomer Moze” Build, which was a level 65 build, however, Flare Bear Moze is designed to work on Level 72 + Mayhem 11. No matter what I try I can't seem to get a decent build using Moze and Amara. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Hemo at LVL 72 on Mayhem 11 is no problem. Bear gets boring, unfortunately. There's almost zero point in using it except as an 'I'm about to die, save me' tool because it won't have much fuel/health without being spec'd Demo tree. Get one, then raise the mayhem level, and repeat until you’re at mayhem 11. com/channel/UCF9HwjVg3ul1DDzlLcS74nA/join Today we take a look at a rocket launcher/ Hi everyone, first time borderlands player here, and I'm really hooked to it. Jun 27, 2021 · Weapon 11: Hotfoot Teddy [fire] Anointment: Consecutive Hits increase Weapon Damage by 1% per hit, misses remove all bonuses. Once you’re at +1000% gun damage, an annointment or class mod that adds 100% gun damage really only increases your #Borderlands3Today I am going to be talking about my FIRST Moze build called IRON GIANT MOZE. Those skills are all Mayhem scaling skills (ie they do MUCH more damage than their description indicates). The points in Click Click should be in Stoke the Embers - Moze does insane fire damage, and this is a free 30% boost you're missing out on. Skills: Stainless Steel Bear +5; Stats: Action Skill Damage; Splash Damage; Splash Damage Radius; Borderlands 3 Moze Build Shield. It’s the fact that everything on mayhem mode gets in your way and blocks your vision that makes it hard. It's excellent. Moze with IB is literally unkillable when build even semi-correctly. The relentless badasses with instant-aim rocket launchers and 3 heath bars are just too much. Most boss fights on normal were basically iron bear the whole fight because of fuel upgrades. This build is not optimized for running and shooting. Plasma coil on moze, throw on the occasional flipper, lightshow, monarch, soulender when bored. I did use iron bear a lot. Arcanist said it best - basically anything in the game can work. i like the new mayhem modes and im currently playing on 10, but i don't seem to understand the purpose of 11. July 18, 2021 20 likes. It will explain the basics of setting up your build, and should allow you to use pretty much whatever you want. This build for moze mayhem 4 will have going crazy on how fa I played all four characters to Mayhem 11/all endgame content solo and I'd actually say FL4K was probably the easiest for me. I had to remap some buttons and also stop for a few seconds to bump a phone call. For example, Fire in the Skag Den is x31 damage on mayhem 10/11, not +15% rediteer342 linked you the community build doc. I finally think I got everything spec’d correctly, running homing MIRVs, a Facepuncher, and I found a Butcher that runs unlimited ammo. mzcj pfrgwp jatnou juxcb ialcsw oegw pjz ato txnryp qnwof