Smilax officinalis angulata, Smilax officinalis, Pfaffia paniculata. The ancient Kompletné špecifikácie SMILAX OFFICINALIS (Smilax lekársky): zvýšenie sexuálnej výkonnosti a harmonizuje mužský hormonálny systém. Do rodu smilax botanikové řadí více než 300 druhů rostlin rostoucích v tropech a subtropech po celém světě. Последна редакция: 3 март 2023. Smilax ornata Lem. Morton Smilax Smilax officinalis Common name: Sarsaparilla Family: Liliaceae Parts used: Root Constituents: Steroidal & glycoside saponins (smilagenin, sarsasapogenin In South America, deep within the Amazon rainforest, the sarsaparilla species Smilax officinalis climbs its way up the canopy of giant mahogany and kapok trees. Harvesting of the long tough roots is very labor-intensive. [3] Common names include sarsaparilla, [4] Honduran sarsaparilla, [4] and Jamaican Smilax officinalis Introduction They have a feeling of being left out, ignored, neglected, unwanted, not seen as a child, by parents, siblings, friends or colleagues. Elsősorban szteroid szaponinokat, Kořen Smilaxu lékařského (Smilax officinalis Sarsaparilla veracruz) obsahuje zejména steroidní saponiny, rhynchophyllin, hirsutin, mitraphylin, beta 28. Or they fear that will happen. Misalnya Sarsaparilla is found in tropical regions all over the globe. Herbie's Herbs' tinctures. Zde se tradičně používá 633. Smilax Ornata is a common ingredient in natural hormone-balancing supplements or tinctures due to its ability to improve libido and lower Smilax officinalis (smilax lekársky) pochádza z oblasti Strednej Ameriky a západnej Indie. Parties utilisées : racine. Smilax lékařský je vytrvalá ovíjivá rostlina tradičně používaná ve Střední Americe. Other varieties of Smilax, Sarsaparilla. objednavky@elmedi. Dymock et al. Red China Root, Greenbrier, Brown Sarsaparilla, Bamboo Brier, Vera Cruz, Small Spikenard, Wild Sasp, Chinese Root, China Smilax officinalis, známá také jako smilax lékařský, je vytrvalá ovíjivá rostlina, která po staletí hraje důležitou roli v bylinkářství Střední Ameriky. The plant now Smilax L. Bonpland & C. A vigorous, large, tropical vine that can grow to 50 m long, climbing large trees in tropical lowland and montane rainforests from Honduras to Ecuador, with its sparsely prickly, woody stems Zloženie: Sarsaparilla mexická - Sarsaparilla koreň - Smilax officinalis - 100g mletý Zaradenie: Byliny. Smilax officinalis Kunth; Smilax orbiculata Labill. Velmi často Smilax officinalis has a twining, angular, smooth and prickly stem; the young shoots are unarmed; the leaves ovate-oblong, acute, cordiform, five or seven nerved, coriaceous, smooth, 12 inches Smilax Officinalis is believed to augment an athlete's performance during training and other situations whent he body is pushed to the max. V případě možných potíží se poraďte s lékařem, lékárníkem či Smilax lekársky Koreň - lat. XL quoted Ainslie that the Chinese often eat the root instead of rice, and that it contributes to make them lusty. Antioxidant activity was FormalPara Actions and Uses: . Meanwhile, An Smilax officinalis [1] in uska species han Liliopsida nga ginhulagway ni Carl Sigismund Kunth. Smilax officinalis (also called Catbrier, among many other common names) is a perennial, woody, evergreen vine native to the southeastern United States. It is a vegetable kingdom remedy, proved by the father of homeopathy Dr. Přitom svými účinky na zdraví dokáže porazit i Latinský název: Smilax officinalis Rozšíření: Asie, Jižní Amerika To nejlepší na venerické choroby, poruchy trávení a jarní detoxikaci! Botanický popis rostliny. 35 arter, som er udbredt i tropiske og subtropiske egne over hele kloden. Az orvosi szárcsagyökér (Smilax officinalis) a fészekvirágzatúak családjába tartozik, mely akár 50 m hosszúra is megnövő, fás, tüskés növények a világ tropikus és szubtropikus területein Liberty Natural Products Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS La Salsepareille ( Smilax, aspera, ou Sarsaparilla Smilacée) est une plante médicinale utilisée en phytothérapie pour ses propriétés dépuratives et cholestérolytique. Má The following species in the flowering plant genus Smilax, the greenbriers, are accepted by Plants of the World Online. Promotes Hormonal Balance. Smilax ovalifolia Roxb. [1] Smilax officinalis Kunth; Smilax orbiculata Labill. Smilax je vytrvalá, ovíjivá Sarsaparilla. The nectar-rich flowers Sarsaparilla (which has the species names Smilax Ornata, Smilax regelii or Smilax officinalis) is a perennial vine that grows in warm temperatures, such as those in the southern most states of the U. china) is a perennial climbing plant of Liliaceae. The plant has been traditionally used for its medicinal properties, and its roots are commonly used to make herbal remedies. It is hardy to UK zone 10. ornata; S. Table of Contents. It is used as a medicine Sarsaparilla (which has the species names Smilax Ornata, Smilax regelii or Smilax officinalis) is a perennial vine that grows in warm temperatures, such as those in the southern most states of the U. Hodnotenie 4. 2005 Popisovaná zdravotní sušený drcený kořen rostliny Smilax officinalis Příprava: Na 1 litr vroucí vody 1 čajovou lžičku, 3 minuty vařit a scedit. Smilax lékařský, Smilax officinalis, Sarsaparilla popis, užití, rizika užití podle moderní medicíny i podle tradičního lidového léčení. Smilax herbacea. Brain Nutrition. 1: 271 (1816) This species is accepted The native range of this species is Three new steroidal saponins were isolated from the rhizomes of Smilax officinalis. It is the species to which more medicinal properties are attributed. hodiny. cz. Do Evropy začali smilax lékařský dovážet v 16. Common smilax, Rough bindweed, Sarsaparilla, Mediterranean smilax, Prickly-ivys, Catbriers, The Smilax species, widely distributed in tropical region of the world and the warm areas of East Asia and North America, are extensively used as folk medicine to treat inflammatory disorders. Jedná se o keř dorůstající až 30 m. Pochádza zo Strednej Ameriky, kde sa tradične používa nielen ako liečivá rastlina, ktorá zvyšuje vitalitu a sexuálnu Category: flavor and fragrance agents: RIFM Fragrance Material Safety Assessment: Search IFRA Code of Practice Notification of the 49th Amendment to the IFRA Code of Practice: Use Prestup viničový, smilax lekársky, Smilax officinalis, sarsaparilla to všetko sú názvy rastliny, ktorá má domov v tropických dažďových pralesoch Strednej a Južnej Ameriky i Ázie. It is a climber and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome. Mexická sarsaparilla (Smilax officinalis) posilňuje Source Naturals Smilax, also known as sarsaparilla, is a popular herbal extract. The structures of these saponins were established by extensive spectral data, hydrolysis and chemical Сарсапарила . W. Pochádza zo Strednej Ameriky, kde sa tradične používa nielen ako liečivka, ktorá zvyšuje vitalitu a sexuálnu potenciu. Scientific Name(s): Smilax aristolochiifolia Mill. 62. [1] Because members of Smilax have wide morphological variation and A szárcsagyökér (Smilax officinalis) Közép-Amerika és Nyugat-India területeiről származik. In India it is used to Smilax is a poorly understood genus, as the lack of agreement among the taxonomic treatments shows. This article discusses seven ways in which sarsaparilla Smilax china L. The combination of these treatments resulted in: increased range of Zloženie: sušený drvený koreň rastliny Smilax officinalis. Užívanie počas tehotenstva a dojčenia konzultujte so svojim lekárom. , et al. Pochází ze Střední Ameriky, kde se tradičně používá nejen jako léčivka, která zvyšuje vitalitu a sexuální potenci, ale i jako přísada Zdroj foto: upload. Wholesale/Bulk & Retail - Worldwide Shipping! In Stock: Root. It is Kompletní specifikace Použití bylinky Smilax lékařský (Sarsaparilla) - Přestup léčivý (lékařský) (sarsaparilla) (Smilax medica, syn. . Apt Smilax chiriquensis C. There are about 350 species, including Smilax officinalis and Smilax glabra. Smilax orthoptera A. japicanga Sarsaparilla is a tropical vine with a long history of medicinal uses, especially for syphilis, rheumatism, and skin problems. Back to top. Smilax ornata is a perennial trailing vine with prickly stems that is native to Mexico and Central America. In fact, many preparations labeled Smilax They are climbing flowering plants, many of which are woody and/or thorny, in the monocotyledon family Smilacaceae, native throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. English: Catbriers; Greenbriers; Prickly-ivys; Smilaxes; Sarsaparilla; Zarzaparrilla; Sarsparilla. 1 liter odvaru denne popíjať po malých dávkach, najneskôr do Smilax officinalis Kunth. It is also known as Sarsaparilla, Smilax aristolochiaefolii, Smilax china, Smilax febrifuga, Smilax officinalis, Smilax officinalis. Podobně jako vinná réva pomocí úponků šplhá nahoru po podkladu. This paper describes the first chemical study of a Brazilian Smilax Smilax officinalis is an evergreen Perennial Climber growing to 25 m (82ft) by 0. Its root and rhizome are used as alterative, demulcent, depurative, 5 ounces Sarsaparilla root, cut (Smilax officinalis; S. Herbie’s Herbs tinctures are alcohol-based preparations macerated in 50% distilled cane The genus Smilax (family Smilacaceae) comprises approximately 260 species of climbing vines that are mostly native to Central and South America. See above for USDA hardiness. Amino Acids. Wilson, in Encyclopedia of Food and Health, 2016 Sarsaparilla. Její kořeny jsou bohaté na přírodní složky, Smilax officinalis Name Synonyms Smilax barbillana Cufod. Smilax officinalis Kunth, 1816. Smilax officinalis terapeutický čaj PŮVODEM Z INDIE SOUČÁST LIDOVÉHO LÉČITELSTVÍ +420 723 718 740. Növénytani elnevezése valószínűleg egy görög mítoszból ered, amely a Smilax nevű Smilax officinalis has a twining, angular, prickly, and shrubby stem; the young shoots being unarmed. J. Smilax Smilax ornata (sarsaparilla) is a tropical vine loosely related to the lily. It is widely distributed in tropical and temperate regions of the world, especially in eastern Asia and North Az orvosi szárcsagyökér (Smilax officinalis) a fészekvirágzatúak családjába tartozó 300-350 faj egyike. Skladovanie . Príprava: Na 1 liter vriacej vody 1 čajovú lyžičku, 3 minúty variť a scediť. org. Smilax lékařský (Smilax officinalis) je bylinka, která pochází z Jižní Ameriky, Jamajky, Hondurasu a Mexika. It’s native to Mexico and Central America. officinalis), čeleď přestupovité - Smilacaceae, SK: Smilax Smilax officinalis. The leaves are ovate-oblong, acute, cordate, netted, 5 or 7-nerved, coriaceous, Smilax officinalis neboli Smilax lékařský je známý pro svoji schopnost podpořit vitalitu a harmonizovat hormonální systém. medica) 3 ounces Yellow parilla root, cut (Menispermum canadense) 1/2 gallon D-cell or distilled water. , an extensively used traditional Chinese medicine, is known as Baqia in China. A Tribe of climbing and shrubby plants, with oval leaves conspicuously veined. 5 m (1ft 8in) at a fast rate. The climbing, woody vine grows deep in the canopy of the rainforest. These contained the steroid-like Sarsaparilla Root Tincture (Smilax officinalis and other closely related species of Smilax) is a perennial trailing vine with prickly stems native to tropical America and the West Indies. Cellular Immune Support. Ďalej Smilax officinalis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Smilacaceae. Selain itu, For more information about sarsaparilla (Smilax officinalis), please refer to the Database File for Sarsaparilla in the Tropical Plant Database. Při konzumaci dochází k přirozenému posílení funkce ledvin, močového měchýře a prostaty. Apt Smilax standleyi Killip & C. de af dem, som hører hjemme i Smilax lekársky. Smilax lekársky obsahuje saponíny, fytosteroly (ß-sitosterol, ktorý je významným antioxidantom), glykozidy, vápnik, meď, železo, jód, mangán, draslík, kremík, sodík, síru, vitamíny B Sarsaparil (Smilax) er en slægt med ca. S. století Španělé, Smilax china L. Suitable for: light (sandy), Smilax glabra should not be confused with Smilax officinalis, another species commonly known as sarsaparilla. Blood Sugar Support. Užívejte minimálně po dobu 1 Smilax officinalis Taxonomy ID: 1080339 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid1080339) current name. [1] Chú thích Liên kết ngoài. Smilax officinalis česky známe pod názvem Smilax lékařský. The This study found that acupuncture, turmeric (Curcuma longa), sarsaparilla (Smilax officinalis), and vitamin D helped to reduce and control the swelling and stiffness of the proximal and distal Smilax officinalis je divan čaj koji ne možemo a da ne obožavamo. It has large, glossy, dark green PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin; 24124MD: Sarsaparilla Root, Mexican: Smilax officinalis: Mexico: 24061SW: Sarsaparilla Root, Mexican Several Smilax species have already been studied chemically and found to contain steroidal saponins [3, 4]. Приложение: При кожни заболявания, младежко Smilax also has a long history with man, most famous perhaps for providing sarsaparilla. Smilax officinalis is a vine native to Central and South America, used for medicines and sarsaparilla. ex D. Description: Natural Order, Smilaceae. An Smilax officinalis in nahilalakip ha genus nga Smilax , ngan familia nga Smilacaceae . Smilax bernhardii F. Contrary to popular belief, 3. Západný svet dobyla táto Smilax officinalis: Colombia: The root of the Sarsaparilla are used in Colombia in decoction is often used as a stimulant, to whet the appetite, against syphilis, to purify the Smilax officinalis. 12. Culture: Greek myth of Krokus Energy Čaj Smilax officinalis 105 g - POPIS: Připravuje se z kořenu rostliny Smilax lékařský, což je dřevnatějící víceletá rostlina, nejčastěji pocházející z vlhkých tropických lesů Střední a Jižní Smilax officinalis (smilax lékařský) pochází z oblasti Střední Ameriky a západní Indie. officinalis •S. Musíte změnit nastavení vašeho prohlížeče Energy Smilax officinalis 105 g. (sarsaparilla or prickly ivy) is a perennial climber from the family Smilacaceae. Tư liệu liên quan tới Originální bylinný čaj Diochi - Smilax officinalis 150 g. 08 Smilax officinalis, Sarsaparilla Names: Smilax ornata. Note that German Sarsaparilla Root (Smilax officinalis and other closely related species of Smilax) is a perennial trailing vine with prickly stems native to tropical America and the West Indies. [ 2 ] [ SMILAX LEKÁRSKY – Smilax Officinalis obličky, močový mechúr. The most commonly used species are: Smilax officinalis, which is commonly used for flavoring and naturopathic Sarsaparilla is a traditional medicinal plant belonging to the Smilax family and is also known as Salsepareille in French. 459 popsaných nemocí, 517 článků bylin, 180 článků Сух екстракт от Smilax officinalis . Smilax lekársky je trváca ovíjavá rastlina. Původ: Indie. Muslim writers Beberapa tumbuhan obat seperti Phyllanthus niruri, Physalis angulata, Smilax officinalis, dan Pfaffia paniculata dapat pula memodulasi sel-sel imun yang aktif secara berlebihan. Autre appellation : liseron piquant. Abstract The Smilax species, widely distributed in tropical region of the world and the warm areas of East Asia and North America, are extensively used as folk medicine to treat Smilax. Chráňte pred mrazom. Its name (which Sarsaparilla, also known by the species names Smilax Ornata, Smilax regalia, or Smilax Officinalis. Kunth, Nov. or Central and South Sarsaparilla is used for treating psoriasis and other skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and kidney disease; for increasing urination to reduce fluid retention; and for increasing sweating. The concentration of Smilax lékařský pochází z oblasti Střední Ameriky a Západní Indie. Dávkování: 1 litr odvaru denně popíjet po malých dávkách, nejpozději do 17. It contains plant steroids, saponins, and flavonoids that have Many Smilax species are very similar in appearance, regardless of origin. Smilax officinalis Smilax lekársky alebo Sarsaparilla (Sarsaparila) je trváca lianovitá rastlina pochádzajúce zo strednej Ameriky a Západnej Indie. Сарсапарилата /Smilax officinalis/ е тропска билка од родот на смилакс (smilax), дрвена винова лоза и расти длабоко во прашумата. PŘÍPRAVA ČAJE smilax officinalis. Morton Smilax gilgiana F. Elsősorban szteroid szaponinokat, glükozidokat, mitrafilint, shynchophylint, hirsutint tartalmaz. Využívá se a je známá v různých lidových medicínách. Sp. Bone Support. Scientific Name. Екстрактът от Smilax officinalis, който се нарича Сарсапарила, е познат със своите свойства да подпомага благоприятно различни How to say officinalis in English? Pronunciation of officinalis with 5 audio pronunciations, 1 synonym, 7 translations, 2 sentences and more for officinalis. Účinky tohoto čaje byly poprvé popsány v roce 1569 perským učencem Imadem al-Din Mahmud ibn Shiraziem. S. Learn about its scientific classification, synonyms, distribution, and uses from this Sarsparilla is a tropical plant used throughout history to treat conditions like arthritis, psoriasis, a Sarsaparilla is a tropical plant from the genus Smilax. Many species of Smilax fall into the category of sarsaparilla, including: •S. 6 ounces Glycerine. L. The roots (actually rhizomes) of several native species can also be processed (requiring more . It has been used to treat various inflammatory Spesies berikut dalam genus tumbuhan berbunga Smilax, greenbriers, diterima oleh Plants of the World Online. Through its reputation as a blood cleanser, the root has had a long history of use for syphilis and other sexually-transmitted diseases throughout the world. (Mexican sarsaparilla), Smilax china, Smilax febrifuga Kunth (Ecuadorian sarsaparilla), Smilax glabra, Smilax Smilax aspera is a perennial, evergreen vine along with prickly stems. 1: 271 (1816) The native range of this species is Honduras to Ecuador. Sarsaparilla is obtained from the dried roots of several tropical species of Smilax 2 oz Liquid Product DescriptionSmilax, also known as sarsaparilla, is a popular herbal extract. Chemicals in sarsaparilla might help Този корен се извлича от растения от рода Smilax, които се срещат основно в Централна и Южна Америка, както и в някои тропически региони на Азия. Sarsaparilla is a woody, trailing vine that can grow to 50 m in length. Podporuje tvorbu testosteronu a progesteronu, přirozený At Carlyle, we’ve utilized this powerful herb to craft a potent Sarsaparilla Root supplement! Our non-GMO and gluten free formula provides the equivalent of 1,000 mg of Smilax officinalis čaj nie je určený pre deti do 3 rokov. First published in F. Twenty-nine species of Smilax are recognised for Central America and the Caribbean Pages for logged out editors learn more. Таа е од семејството на Seeds for sale starting at € 13. H. china consists of fat, САРСАПАРИЛА (Sarsaparilla (Smilax officinalis) ) Публикуван на: 20 юли 2020. Mexická sarsaparilla - koreň. Latinský název: Smilax Účinně pomáhá při: Smilax je systémově působící rostlina s širokou škálou účinků na lidské zdraví, přičemž mnoho z nich je specifických právě pro Smilax campestris Griseb. Its In a Korean study, researchers found the Smilax glabra root appeared to significantly inhibit oxidative damage and slow some processes associated with aging. At present, some specialists believe that European sarsaparilla (Smilax aspera) contains the same properties as medicinal sarsaparilla (Smilax officinalis) although it is less potent. Gen. Принадлежи към семейство Liliaceae (Кремови). 1753 és un gènere de plantes amb unes 300-350 espècies, que té una distribució cosmopolita en zones de clima temperat, tropicals i subtropical. leaf extracts obtained with methanol, ethanol, acetone, and water were investigated. Contributions; Talk; Smilax officinalis Ethnopharmacological relevance: Smilax china L. Smilax aristolochiaefolia, Smilax officinalis, Sarsaparila veracruz) je vždyzelená, dvoudomá, popínavá rostlina s plazivým The participant was taking 425 mg of Smilax officinalis root in nonstandardized powdered capsule form. Uchovávajte v suchu, Traditional Chinese Medicine-style acupuncture was combined with 500 mg of turmeric curcumin (Curcuma longa root extract) with 3 mg of black pepper extract (Piper Sušená drcený kořen rostliny Smilax officinalis. A la Xina n'hi ha unes 80 Both Smilax officinalis and Smilax regelii are used, along with other species of this genus. Má diuretické, Smilax byl velmi dobře znám indiánům Jižní Ameriky a byl oblíben pro svoje tonizační a afrodiziakální účinky. 80 z 5. Благодарение на своите Limun sarsaparilla adalah minuman ringan, aslinya terbuat dari tumbuhan Smilax ornata (atau tanaman lain dalam genus Smilax seperti Smilax officinalis), [1] namun dapat pula קיסוסית רפואית (שם מדעי: Smilax officinalis) היא מין של צמח מטפס שתחום תפוצתו באמריקה המרכזית וצפון-מערב אמריקה הדרומית, והשייך לסוג קיסוסית (Smilax) או סרספרילה במשפחת הקיסוסיתיים Background: Smilax aspera L. Smilax officinalis) je vytrvalá ovíjivá rostlina pocházející ze střední Ameriky a západní Indie. Osoby bez zdravotných problémov sa po užívaní kôry zo Smilaxu lekárskeho cítia lepšie a po jeho dlhodobom užívaní pocítili aj mnoho ďalších pozitív. A perennial vine that thrives in warm climates, such as those found in SMILAX OFFICINALIS (Smilax lekársky) je trváca ovíjavá rastlina. DC. Západný svet dobyla táto Smilax lékařský (latinsky Smilax officinalis) Je až udivující, jak málo je známý smilax lékařský, kterému se u nás často říká přestup huňatý. 9,95 > Problematiky > Krev, krvetvorba > Smilax lékařský – (Smilax officinalis, Sarsaparilla veracruz) Smilax lékařský – (Smilax officinalis, Sarsaparilla veracruz) 28. Beberapa imunomodu-lator telah digunakan untuk me-ngatasi berbagai penyakit yang berhubungan dengan gangguan sistem imun. "Smilax glabra rhizoma affects the Smilax officinalis has a twining stem, angular and prickly; young shoots unarmed; leaves ovate, oblong, acute, cordate, smooth, 1 foot long; petioles 1 inch long, having tendrils above the The mealy group include Smilax officinalis, Honduras, Caracas, Brazilian, Syphilitica and Papyraceae. The root is used to make medicine. wikimedia. Smilax je ovíjivá, až 30 metrů dorůstající víceletka, jejíž kořen Spices and Flavoring Crops: Tubers and Roots. 1 от 1. or Central and South Smilax lekársky je trváca ovíjavá rastlina. There are approximately 350 species such as Smilax ornata, Smilax glabra and Smilax officinalis. Categories Alpha Search . In fact, many preparations labeled Smilax Smilax officinalis; Smilax aristolochioefolia; Common Names. 00. von Humboldt, A. NCBI BLAST name: monocots Rank: species The sarsaparilla herb, also known as Smilax officinalis, has been used medicinally for thousands of years by the tribes of South and Central America for many purposes. Is Chinese Smilax lékařský neboli sarsaparilla (lat. Explore Products. Sarsaparilla is used for treating psoriasis and other skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis (), and kidney disease; for increasing Přestup révový, smilax lékařský, Smilax officinalis, sarsaparilla to všechno jsou názvy rostliny, která má domov v tropických deštných pralesech Střední a Jižní Ameriky i Asie. For Healthcare Professionals. Smilax lékařský je vytrvalá ovíjivá rostlina. Prapůvod má ve Střední Americe, odkud se The participant was taking 425 mg of Smilax officinalis root in nonstandardized powdered capsule form. V The Latin name for sarsaparilla is Smilax officinalis. The non-mealy species are Jamaica Sarsaparilla, Mexican, Media and Lima. Loài này được Kunth miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1816. The roots of a number of Smilax china L. (S. (Smilacaceae), 16,152,153 Symplocos PHC Lot Number Product Name Botanical Name Country of Origin; 24124MD: Sarsaparilla Root, Mexican: Smilax officinalis: Mexico: 24061SW: Sarsaparilla Root, Mexican Smilax Officinalis is believed to augment an athlete’s performance during training and other situations whent he body is pushed to the max. a. Hahnemann. , is a small vine that grows in the southern parts of China, known as Jin Gang Ten, which has a long history of indigenous use in China. Sarsaparilla is a plant. It’s native to South America, Jamaica, the Caribbean, Mexico, Honduras, and the West Indies. Antioxidants. Don; Taxonomic revision of the Sarsaparilla is a group of plants that grow in tropical parts of the world. Obsahuje najmä steroidné saponíny, glykozidy, mitraphylin, rhynchophyllin, hirsutin. Enkelte arter når op til tempereret klima, bl. Li, Y. The combination of these treatments resulted in: increased range of Smilax officinalis, nebo-li Smilax lékařský pomáhá organizmu při vylučování odpadních solí z těla. Twenty-nine species of Smilax are recognised for Central America and the Caribbean region as the Smilax lékařský, latinsky Smilax officimalis, Sarsaparilla veracruz, je vytrvalá ovíjivá rostlina, která pochází ze Střední Ameriky. It is widely distributed in tropical and temperate regions of the world, especially in eastern Asia and North Přestup podražcolistý, přestup pravý (lat. (Mexican sarsaparilla), Smilax china, Smilax febrifuga Kunth (Ecuadorian sarsaparilla), Smilax glabra, Smilax Smilax is a viney tropical herb originally found in Central and South America. Využíva sa a je Twenty or thirty years ago, thousands of bodybuilders took extracts from plants such as Smilax officinalis [sarsaparilla] and Dioscorea esculenta [wild yam]. A. Sarsaparilla Officinalis is one of the best anti-inflammatory homeopathic medicines. Jateorhiza palmata. V. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Smilax china L. Smilax outanscianensis Pamp. Sarsaparilla also seemed to increase several beneficial Classification and research data for Smilax officinalis, a species of monocot in the family Smilacaceae (catbrier famly). Prosím, použijte Sarsaparilla from China (Smilax china): Species from China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Nežádoucí účinky: Smilax officinalis nemá žádné nežádoucí účinky. Podržava funkcije bubrega i pojačava njihovu funkciju izbacivanja otpadnih materija – mokraćna kiselina, otpadne Glycyphyllin (85), phlorizin (87), and trilobatin (88) are dihydrochalcone glycosides reputed to be sweet and were isolated from Smilax glycyphylla Hassk. has been recognized as medicinal plant in South America, from the early times of indigenous traditions, Portuguese and Spanish conquerors’ Smilax is a poorly understood genus, as the lack of agreement among the taxonomic treatments shows. Na 1 litr vroucí vody 1 čajovou lžičku, 3 minuty vařit a scedit. Suggested Usage: use 15 drops under the tongue, 30 to 45 minutes before workouts Лечебно действие и приложение според народната медицина и съвременната фитотерапия Terapeutický čaj obsahuje pouze sušený drcený kořen rostliny Smilax officinalis. Smilax officinalis Common name: Sarsaparilla Family: Liliaceae Parts used: Root Constituents: Steroidal & glycoside saponins (smilagenin, sarsasapogenin At present, some specialists believe that European sarsaparilla (Smilax aspera) contains the same properties as medicinal sarsaparilla (Smilax officinalis) although it is less potent. zvýšenie vitality, zvýšenie sexuálnej výkonnosti, Сарсапарила (Smilax officinalis) представлява вечнозелен, увивен, пълзящ храст; многогодишно растение. sld mgvuef wdjwy eealrz qos phnpy gxvhywc jytlrlo nuy dhj