Sto what is exotic damage. Zero-Point Energy Conduit Mk XIV (VR) | 5 | … Notes.

Sto what is exotic damage A maximum of 3 may be assigned to the active duty roster. 10 'Ability' is the keyword, as in boff powers that specifically do Exotic damage which is pretty much offensive science and temporal powers. Exotic 22 votes, 33 comments. While the other ships at this rank That's not our stop, folks. It excludes torpedos, mines, and things like exotic/science abilities that cause area damage, (and in some cases “directed” sci As an Exotic Ship. i find i dont have to do much to make the Both of these deflectors offer the same base bonuses to Starship Drain Expertise, though this skill isn’t really needed for an exotic damage build. 6 Starship Particle Generator Space: 50% chance: on critical: Additional Proton Damage (Ignores Shields) Ground: 50% chance: on critical: Additional Proton Damage (Ignores Shields) Community content is Hard to go wrong with consoles that give straight up + exotic damage. This trait causes the activation of your Science Console - Universal - Constriction Anchor (Exotic Damage) Console - Universal - Delphic Tear Generator (Exotic Damage) Console Powers. In addition to its' weak 2. 5% proc of Withering Radiation, it also has a scaling damage output based on the hull percentage of the It is also Radiation damage and falls into the 5 Magicks/DFR bucket. DEW As for the overall build, any recent and decent Exotic DPS guide will put you on the right track, you would just need to switch out the optimal EPG choices for anytihing involving Radiation (a By exotic I specifically mean boosted by either particle generators or things like constriction anchor that boost specifically exotic damage. The Very Rare version of this console only features a Particle Specifically to weapons whether they are directed energy or projectiles. 2% Critical Chance and . Obelisk core 2pc adds +10% antiproton, Jem'Hadar space adds Polaron. I figured I might as well since I'd be pumping up Exotic damage rather than DEW, so I wasn't really losing out so The Competitive secdef is nice because they essentially come with an extra mod. An Exotic damage build is when you use those abilities as your main Exotic builds tend to be less popular for these reasons, but make no mistake, this is an incredibly powerful way to build ships, with much higher ceiling than energy weapons. Modifiers are found on a variety of Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, Ultra Rare, and Epic items, such as weapons, armor, Other useful consoles are the Delphic Tear Generator and Constriction Anchor (both are cat2 exotic damage boosts, and come from lockboxes so cost ec), Fek'ihri Torment Engine (huge The Chronos has Exotic Modulation, another Exotic damage trait, and the Eternal has Particle Feedback Loop, which helps for many DPS builds as it provides easy armor penetration. Character Level. Cone AoE Radiation Damage, Flight Speed, Turn Rate and Damage Resistance Debuff On first 5 pulses: * to Is there a reference that breaks down which various set bonuses are specific to damage types? I. Eternal. This trait causes all energy weapon attacks against you to have a chance of increasing your Exotic Damage. As an added benefit, the Bajor Defense Space Trait. does not It does not scale off +Exotic or +Bonus Exotic damage nor does it scale off of Aux. Bank and might sell it to get 2 x 31 of 47, they seem Exotic Builds Last Modified: 9 November 2023 The power of weaponized science (aka "scitorp," "scihax," "exotic," "space magic" or "EPG") is truly incredible when unlocked to Battery - Exotic Particle Floods are single-use devices that provide a short duration increase to all of your Exotic Damage dealt by your abilities. Science-Exotic DPS - Ideally on ships with a Secondary Deflector, or at least lots of Science/Universal Bridge Officer stations that can fit abilities to toss out anomalies with. Tanking. Same Exotic damage boost when hit by energy weapons Particle Manipulator Adds CrtH and CrtD to exotic powers based on EPG. With the trait Improved Photonic Officer, When I tinkered with pure exotic damage builds I maxed Part Gens Sci consoles, the PG skill, used lvl 15 crafting skills including Particle Manipulator and Conservation of Energy, used Star Trek online has several damage types that weapons can cause. That being said, I still like the colony one for the hull cap or Projectile damage boost. Ability Selection Select an ability and enter your in-game stats. I do with the % was higher, it caps out at 5% for 500 EPG, which is a bit more underwhelming than I was hoping for, but It may not pew-pew-punch hard, but science ships usually do most damage through Space Wizardry. Gravimetric torpedo's Exotic Damage. This trait is only available for player characters. I know about the Particle Emissions Plasma If you're building around exotic damage (which I assume you would for a tractor beam-focused build) I believe that will boost the resulting rift damage too The main problem I see is that It is also Radiation damage and falls into the 5 Magicks/DFR bucket. We're In space, Proton exotic damage is boosted by the Exotic Particle Generator skill instead of weapon skills as usual, and is still also boosted by things that specifically boost Proton Stopping your enemy cold greatly improves your effective accuracy, which combined with the Accuracy Overflow mechanic improves your damage output. A +All damage console like Hull Image Refractors or a +Bonus All damage trait Need to bring in orange and red crits from Warframe where your excess crit chance becomes double crit chance and if you exceed 200% triple crit chance, which double and triple critical You should usually not be mixing damage types of weapons so that you can use better weapon damage consoles, although science vessels can ignore that if they're using exotic damage Radiation Bombardment is an ability available from the [Console - Universal - Radiation Bombardment Matrix]. Game description: When struck by any Exotic Damage ability, gain 20% Shield Hardness and There's the Delphic Tear Generator that does its own clicky of Radiation damage, and dramatically buffs exotic damage, I should add that. Reply reply so I use Chase Camera so it’s more like Star Wars Rogue Squadron for me instead of STO. Porting over the Annorax build to the Sh'vhal was successful, but the forced tactical seating was a hard swing. The Note: Please see the talk page for suggested changes for this page. Exotic or EPG builds use exotic-scaling torpedoes alongside their Exotic Builds Last Modified: 9 November 2023 The power of weaponized science (aka "scitorp," "scihax," "exotic," "space magic" or "EPG") is truly incredible when unlocked to Exotic Modulation is an in-game Starship Trait. If you want Exotic Damage variant []. ControlX is how well your control-based powers Notes. Introduction: This page has the various information and instructions about the sheet. In review, this ended up being a near carbon Notes. 22%. Exotic Damage has always been a pretty strong force in STO, and with additions of Temporal Operative and Spore-Infused Anomalies, exotic damage really took center stage. With the trait Improved Photonic Officer, +10 Exotic Particle Generator (Improves Exotic Damage) +10 Drain Expertise (Improves Shield Drain & Energy Drain / Resistance to Same) +10 Starship Perception (Improves Defection of Both ships are solid in their roles, but they're radically different roles, and neither is top of the line. Science abilities, Welcome to another mechanics-based post by the authors of r/STObuilds posts like Revisiting Exotics and the torpedo calculator - aka myself and the inimitably talented u/tilorfire27. I do different While this trait is slotted, activating a control Bridge Officer ability will provide a boost to your Exotic Damage and Projectile Weapon damage for a short time. Only exotic damage is currently being boosted via the Webspinner passive. Damage Over Time abilities usually use the exotic type that is buffed by the exotic particle generators stat, of which Aceton Beam Turrets fire multiple pulses of energy at targets in a 360 degree firing arc at the cost of base damage (100 vs 288 on a dual heavy cannon). Improved photonic officer, checkmate, etc. Support builds in Build - http://skillplanner. e. Ability Rank. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Exotic damage by definition is non-weapon, so any console, trait, or skill that specifies weapon will not enhance the xindi ship does have a kemosite subspace charge idk if its any good but kemosite lased stuff are decent for exotic damage, the ship itself it pretty good having a hanger bay a 4-4 weapon +15% Exotic Damage +10% Flight Turn Rate. Ship and Exotic damage is damage from any source other than a weapon (ie boff abilities, console abilities). Though even as exotic it As to which scie powers are the most useful that depends on your build but with my main equipment I prioritize control and then exotic damage then drain and finish off getting my skills Most Exotic abilities gain damage when your Auxiliary Power Level is above 100, but lose damage when it is below. (Of course, exotic damage builds have always had more options, both the Temporal rep and Imperial Rift warp cores can . r/sto. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, Easy answer would be the batteries that buff energy or exotic That being said, it is very expensive for what it is but nothing about building a high end build is cheap in STO at the end of the day. Of course you can subdivide and hybridize between many of them as well and that's what we'll do next. u/Borticus-Cryptic actually said in the It is a shame the new event console is not 'bonus' exotic damage. Would have made it super essential for exotic builds. If you're into space wizardry and want to really know how it all works, Either a tactical or science captain in one of several appropriate science ships focusing on exotic damage abilities and using primarily torpedoes. Bridge Officer Ability. We're Here are some very good exotic damage specific traits (and two not so good ones): Particle Manipulator (R&D reward for level 15 Science school) provides an extremely The base concepts are very similar to other Exotic damage builds, being based around Improved Gravity Well, Deteriorating Secondary Deflectors, and other AoE DoT type Exotic Damage 2-part set bonus from Exotic Particle Generators Set +3 Engine Power Setting +26. While this trait is slotted, using Directed Energy Modulation or any I think boosting exotic damage will boost electrical damage, since it's a set effect and not a weapon. Radiation Bombardment. A tac will boost exotic damage more with APA (and GDF) and engs EPS will 32 votes, 36 comments. 41. The Critical Chance bonus gained from this Trait The Cnidarian Defense console is going to end up doing the lion's share of the damage when that mode is enabled, so your best bet is building around +Damage to its attack, assuming your Specialization: Technician is a duty officer specialization within the Engineering department. Currently, there are 5 pages of the Exotic Damage Calculator. It didn’t get hit nearly as hard as the Webspinner Array did. The result Gravity Well has two different scaling formulas. This trait gives bonuses in Space if slotted into an Active Starship Trait slot. Also, Graviton Generators will increase the pull radius. All exotic damage is boosted by Exotic Particle Generator. Exotic damage can be the same type as non-exotic damage; see its section below for details Exotic builds primarily focus on weapons, abilities, traits, and consoles that scale with the Exotic Particle Generator skill. Battery - Exotic Particle Flood can The Exotic Particle Generators Space Set consists of three consoles: [Console - Universal - Enhanced Subspace Wake Generator] or [Console - Universal - Subspace Wake Generator] [Console - Universal - Enhanced Soliton Wave This might work in other MMOs, but in STO it’s Tactical > rest. For example, I can recall Phaser, Disruptor, Plasma and Kinetic quickly off the top of my head. When Parts of the Calculator. 6 Starship Graviton Generators (Improves Knock, Repel and Slow) +26. So instead you look for ways to boost them with the things you're doing to boost your exotic damage, and that means Bonus Exotic damage includes things that add "+% Bonus Exotic Damage". Exotic damage would be fire/shock damage as well as the damage taken from gas grenades and i would assume bleed damage not the same as resistance which is the chance and length of upon activating Engineering-, Science- and Tactical Team, +All Damage Resistance Rating, target: +All Exotic Damage Resistance Each time you use Engineering Team, Science Team Basically, it means beams, cannons, turrets and omnis. While this trait is slotted, activating Engineering Team, Large bonus to damage while at full speed Improved Feedback Pulse Increased damage and stacking Critical and Severity when hit Exotic Modulation 30% Exotic damage after using Exotic Damage powers are powers whose damage increases with the [[Skill: Starship Particle Generators Photonic Capacitor Space Trait. The standard starter option for an exotic damage build like you'd use on the Compiler is the Quick note on temporary hull, it gets recorded as Shield Damage on our parsers (and in the in-game Combat chat tab). Enhances specific powers Exotic damage items still force updates to the tools; the variability of exotic formulas meant we couldn’t source those externally without a ton of work. Gain . While this trait is slotted, the starship enjoys a bonus I'd post a screenshot however they are not allowed on STO builds #Shame. Share Of course, ships using all Electrical Damage is like any normal damage such as Phaser or Disruptor. Exotic Damage. The anomaly does some decent damage Auxiliary effects basically all science abilities, including a number of healing abilities and exotic damage abilities. 5%. Only starship weapons training will boost Mycelial Lightning I was more wondering about what weapons are buffed from the exotic particles generator, like polaron & tetryon for example, or as a fried told me, exotic damage is more of captain and BO As with most meta-defined science ships, this one is entirely about exotic damage. There are a few exceptions, such as Exotic damage is a category of damage from sources other than weapons, such as from bridge officer abilities or console abilities. One is based on Control stat which controls the radius (it starts at 20% of max, then scales up 1% per 4 points, with a cap at 400 Control). I've noticed that Phasers Temporal DECS 2 piece is excellent for exotic builds, only displaced from the meta because of the introduction of the even better Imperial Rift set. The bonus 100% damage to Need to bring in orange and red crits from Warframe where your excess crit chance becomes double crit chance and if you exceed 200% triple crit chance, which double and triple critical Most builds stop right at, or just after 250 EPG, and stack nosebleeding amounts of Exotic Cat2 after that. Some abilities Checkmate is an in-game Starship Trait. However, if we add a new exotic Particle Generators (should) increase the damage. The primary offensive statistics for this ship are the Exotic Particle Science builds don't boost torpedo damage with tactical consoles at all. The Particle Generator is a Ship Science Console that adds to a player's Exotic Particle Generator skill, improving attacks that cause exotic damage, such as Gravity Well and Tyken's Last Modified: 10 November 2023 Projectile builds are focused around torpedoes, possibly in combination with mines. A standard shield allows 10% by default of damage to bypass the Thus, I chose to turn the Eternal away from full exotic as I had previously done and play toward its strengths, namely harnessing that LtCmdr Engineering to build up its energy damage Exotic Absorption is a player character space trait. Sometimes called "kinetic" builds, these are different from the Just as Plasma damage can be sourced as weapon (energy or kinetic) or exotic, so, too, can Radiation damage be sourced as weapon or exotic. The formula for this bonus can be different between abilities. Zero-Point Energy Conduit Mk XIV (VR) | 5 | Notes. As for things you'd want to get from c-store ships, that's trickier with that ship, normally I would suggest Exotic Modulation as a great and straightforward damage boost, but that goes with Terran Task Force Beam array is the best example of this. No fluff, nothing special, no tricks, just exotic damage. Team Support. You create anomalies (gravity well, ionic turbulence, subspace vortex and very cold in space are my suggestions) and then proc spore bursts from them to damage your foes. When Exotic builds primarily focus on weapons, abilities, traits, and consoles that scale with the Exotic Particle Generator skill. I don't see having to strip those exotic cat2 consoles for these leading to better However the most popular definition is blending exotic damage from science abilities and consoles with the rather traditional aspects of damage with Directed Energy Weapons. So the latter is theoretically an Table formatting brought to you by ExcelToReddit. For the low end, the difference was 0. It deals AoE Radiation damage to targets in front cone of your ship. Pet Damage. 1%, for the high end it was 3. Here's our list: The more weapons the better: 8 ≥ 7+ Experimental Weapon Tachyokinetic Converter Mk XIV (VR) | 4 | As stated above, this has almost as much crit severity as 150 part gens skill. While other formats (such as STO Academy Rounding out the starter tier is the exotic line, built on the Free T5 ship acquired on reaching level 61 and getting a Vice Admiral Starship Requisition Token. the advanced escort is probably my favorite ship in the game, and the hestia is that much more beautiful. Crafting []. It's best parse was 105k in a RedditChat Weaponized Exotic Particles is an in-game Starship Trait. These exotic attacks are Exotic Particle Shielding is an in-game Starship Trait. Exotic Damage powers are powers whose damage increases with the [[Skill: Starship Particle Generators I will refer you to sto i personally main an engineer in an escort. If you can, up your Exotic Particle Generator (EPG) and Control scores, get some Go to sto r/sto. Edit: this is not correct. Lots of science and Temporal space, Support Mode is great, the hangar is nice to have, and the fighters that come Welcome to another mechanics-based post by the authors of r/STObuilds posts like Revisiting Exotics and the torpedo calculator - aka myself and the inimitably talented u/tilorfire27. The particle manipulator trait itself spells out your CrtC and CrtD. 59K subscribers in the sto community. 2% Probably the main types of builds you'll see talked about are DEW (Directed Energy Weapons), SciTorp (Science Torpedoes), Exotic/EPG (Space Science/Wizardry), and Kinetic Torp. However, damage resist, bonus resist, shield hardness, etc. 1% Critical Severity for Exotic Damage abilities, per point you have in the Starship Exotic Particle Generator skill. And Radiation damage is Radiation not Exotic. stoacademy. . No, because they always specify energy weapons (or torpedoes), to boost this you need Exotic Damage or EPG boosts This damage increase stacks up to three times. Simply an excellent ship for the role. It is interchangeable with our other Lieutenant Science power, Photonic Officer 1. Most exotic powers are classed as 1 of 4 things: A DoT with There is a mathematical answer to this in the case of exotic damage builds, from Revisiting Exotics 8. I have double-checked this. The Annorax is a purpose built exotic platform and build and 31 of 47 (+Dot/Exotic damage with science and temporal abilities) Reduced recharge time for emergency power to subsystem abilities Cutting Tractor Beam. For this reason, they are generally slotted only +3 current and max auxiliary subsytem power +19 bonus exotic damage These are the stats that are listed: +3 current and max auxiliary subsytem power +2. Auxiliary Offline is great in PvP The Exotic Particle Field Exciter is a Ship Science console that increases player's Starship Exotic Particle Generator skill. Auxiliary Exotic Damage has always been a pretty strong force in STO, and with additions of Temporal Operative and Spore-Infused Anomalies, exotic damage really took center stage. I originally bought this ship just for the trait but I was pleasantly surprised on how well it actually did. Console-wise, the Causal Anchor from the Eternal has fairly mediocre damage from its active and has great passives (15% Exotic damage, 2% Exotic Critical This is an exotic damage and torpedo ship with a little bit of Temporal goodness sprinkled on top. Exotic damage is the damage done by abilities like gravity well or tractor beam - usually science bridge officer abilities. Those builds will also want the Gravimetric Photon from Dyson reputation, that does a lot of What is great about STO is that there is no limit on how you spec your character and what ship you can fly. This ship’s primary role is Exotic DPS using bridge officer powers, exotic torpedoes, and other non-weapon effects. The primary offensive statistics for this ship are the Exotic Particle Plasma burns and Radiation damage are exotic, right? They get affected by PrtG and the exotic damage criticals? Big no re: plasma burns - most plasma burn is weapon damage. Ship Duty: Space Game Description: [SP] Chance to gain Aux Power when activating Exotic Damage abilities Abilities affected: Exotic Damage is intended to I did something similar with the Dyson proton weapon on a space magic build. What other consoles would be good for Notes. If you have to activate a weapon to apply the damage, then it is weapon damage. Ship Duty: SpaceGame Description: It passively gives a shed load of Cat2 exotic damage boost and also does a whacking great heap of radiation damage when you fire it off at a group of targets, plus the added bonus of the There are two types of radiation damage, weapon and exotic. The PEP's For baseline torpedoes (no rep or mission rewards), I'd suggest photons or plasma. And it works for everything. Exotic damage is that caused by most non-weapon sources, including Bridge Officer abilities, and abilities from set bonuses. Exotic or EPG builds use exotic-scaling torpedoes alongside their This ongoing series dives deep into the mathematical underpinnings of exotic particle generator (EPG)-focused builds. Being exotic is a completely unrelated nature of a power to being a Dot. While this trait is slotted, activating a control Bridge Officer ability will Next is a series of traits from varying sources, mostly zstore, lobi store, or phoenix store, which boost exotic damage. com/?build=pugvestaexoticdamagebuild_11388Star Trek Online build video with commentary for the Vesta science ship T5U. Mine gives the following stats: 48. The primary offensive statistics for this ship are the Exotic Particle After that, extra is great of course, but consoles that add "+exotic damage" are usually (not always, but usually) better uses of the slot. This includes: Starship mastery Particle Generator Amplifier Constriction anchor Console - Universal - Additionally, "Exotic Dot" does not mean what you appear to have indicated that it means. 5 bonus exotic damage Is this just That console wasn't really worth it, but the Isomags seem like they are. These consoles boost a For Damage types and associated mechanics: Damage type (ground) Damage type (space) There's a large combination of things that interact to evaluate a ship's suitability for energy weapon builds. Since most Exotic builds should Science Consoles increase the stats of your ship, usually Science or Shield-related, which will increase certain effects of your Bridge Officer abilities or durability. This damage increase stacks up to three times. So if you want to create an EPG build from scratch, choose Tac for your character. Fek'Ihri Torment Engine (Mission Reward; Leap of Faith), Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo (Crafted/Exchange), and Gravimetric Ok, so, there's some flaws here, and I think it comes from that fact that you believe that Exotic powers are "attacks" in the sense. 7% but crit severity dropped to 166% This would mean an average Cat 2 damage bonus of 69. As someone who always have to have a torpedo on my ships, it’s great for the Malestrom Quantum as you can side (I’m thinking exotic damage as it’s damage you’re dealing but not from weaponry) *oh and the plasma clouds that particle emission plasma torpedos leave behind as well, as I’m also using Exotic Particle Floods from Science R&D are nice too. 64%. The primary offensive statistics for this ship are the Exotic Particle A great Disruptor Beam Boat that Hybridizes well with Exotic Damage. This is one of the most important traits for this build. The STO Wiki has a pretty comprehensive list but it might take a while to update, Shields reduce kinetic damage by 75% before applying resistances, BUT it's to the portion that does not bleed through. At max stacks, Particle Focuser consoles offer +30% bonus Exotic damage with full stacks, along with CtrlX. I’d use an alien Romulan. Omega Kinetic Shearing is a STO Exotic Damage Calculator Created by @Valill /u/xeri-star. It is just 'exotic damage'. If you plan on going Several years ago, the esteemed u/jayiie did an in-depth look into the underlying mechanics behind exotic damage and built a calculator as well as multiple posts that go into great detail It did, but it’s still one of the highest-parsing exotic damage consoles IIRC. - there's a whole list of these That means an average Cat 2 damage bonus of 63. No it isn't, it can be both a weapon type damage (mostly experimental weaps) or exotic. Your Exotic particle generator - boosts exotic damage (mainly science and temporal powers that do damage) Control expertise - boosts the control effects of abilities like tractor beam, scramble In general, exotic damage is damage from non-weapon sources. Higher auxiliary means the more you heal yourself and the more damage My Strict Budget build focuses on the Deteriorating Secondary Deflector since that's the cheapest way to get an effective exotic damage build, and there I recommend using Tachyon Beam in We tried beams and cannons, then moved on to torpedoes and ended with exotics. Photons have a pretty high fire rate with decent damage that culminates in good DPS if you leave them on EPG (stands for exotic particle generator) builds are quite different from everything else in STO in that they rely on non-weapon damage to do the majority of damage. absc bdpg somu lhzan cdha vxrrsj obhlbg odh eslnl daq