6 meter coax antenna diy. 55 2: Mark VK3ZR 2m: 146.

6 meter coax antenna diy The $4. It’s better for a permanent installation. Steve's design included using pvc pipe for his 2 element, 6 meter beam, and his 3 element, two meter beam. 110 = 20. Feed it with 50 ohm coaxial cable as usual. To build one of these antennas resonant at 3. Published by ARRL. We wanted to try and catch the summer magic. " See full list on jpole-antenna. In free space the center-fed half-wave antenna has an input impedance that is a close match to 50 ohm coax and to most radios that have a 50 ohm output impedance. The coax trap will also shorten the length of the wire antenna, making it perfect for the Every radio amateur should build at least one antenna to prove to themselves they can improvise in an emergency. CENTER CONDUCTOR OF COAX cui AND AT 14 mc FROM OF 3/4". Six Meters, A Guide to the Magic Band by Ken Neubeck, WB2AMU. This means you can get on 6M with a marginal antenna and do quite well. 6 METER 6 ELEMENT SSB YAGI PLANS FOR 6 METER SIDEBAND FUN Yagi Antenna Design program by WA7RAI called Quick Yagi (QY4) This 6 meter 6 element SSB yagi was designed and optimized for best feed match using 50. Also it has a 2:1 bandwidth of 11 MHz from 158 - 169 MHz, and 162 - 164 MHz is flat 1:1. I often see the 2 meter and the 70 cm bands combined in one antenna. Resonant on 6 meters too! Really! It has very low swr on 6! Cool eh? My ham partner lives about 10 miles away and with the power all the way down we talked thru the repeater and simplex on 6 meters. My 2:1 SWR Bandwidth is greater than 6 MHz and 1. Aug 30, 2022 · My DIY 6 Meter Coax Antenna Summer 2022 is almost here and I’ve been hearing about the ‘Magic Band’ and how 6 meters can be used to make regional contacts as opposed to just local contacts I usually make on 2 meter simplex. They worked great to get The Moxon Antenna . This antenna is successfu Reduce the size of your 2 and 6 meter Yagi antennas by using these simple and effective ideas! Steve, k4mmg asked me to share my design of two coaxial Yagi antennas I made for use on 6 and 2 meters. Thanks! When tuning the antenna, you tune it while the matching section is already installed on the antenna. In this video from Hayden Honeywood (VK7HH), we see how one piece of RG-58 coaxial cable can be used to make what the late Bill Orr (W6SAI) called the "Cobra Antenna. As a fan of home-brew ham antennas, my design “mantra” is to now use a balun on ALL antennas, even commercially- build antennas. 6 Meter Squalo Antenna. In June 2020 I added a blog post covering all the six meter antennas that I’ve tried over the years along with links to the original blog posts. The Electrical Antenna The antenna is directly driven by coaxial cable. Nov 29, 2015 · We have been experimenting with a number of 6 meter repeater antennas over the past 40 years, and would like to share what has been learned. The Coax. Reduce the size of your 2 and 6 meter Yagi antennas by using these simple and effective ideas! Steve, k4mmg asked me to share my design of two coaxial Yagi antennas I made for use on 6 and 2 meters. This antenna maintains good omni-directional horizontal polarization. 2:1 in the center. The diameter was determined by available aluminum tubing. Anyway, that is what I would do. 06 feet. 880: 50. Getting Started Feb 21, 2022 · What I built with coaxial braided cable was a SLIM JIM, ( stub line intergrated matched J pole hence the slim jim abbreviation, normally most people build these for operation in the 2 meter band or shorter but after a bit of study I reckoned that this would work well on 10 and 11 meters and boy did it work well! May 21, 2021 · The Coaxial Trap, great for more than one band on a single antenna. com. coax provides an ideal feed for tlie Fe~ith- er~jeiglzt antenna. My 2 meter versions came in at about 1. Our Field Day is coming up, so we decided to build one for the 6 meter band and demonstrate the fun that can be had building and experimenting with antennas! After the antenna is assembled and soldered, you will need to fasten the coaxial lead from the radio to the antenna. 10 rrsEcr10N "FIX" ANTENNA TO MAST 2 INCH HOSE CLAMPY "U" BOLTS MAY CRIMP COPPER PIPE HOSE CLAMPS SECURE WELL IN MY NOTE: The radiating element of this antenna must be clear of nearby metal objects by at least inchey If side mounted on an use 6 foot side mount Top of antenna may Then it occurred to me that with a little scaling up, the design for my dual band (2m/440) antenna that appeared in the pages of QST (Aug. A number of ferrites on your coax feed line (15 or more). Dec 8, 2020 · Here's how the antenna works---COAX is a transmission line system where RF current flows in the center conductor. 110 MHz. The J-Pole antenna, is a popular and easy to build antenna invented and patented by Hans Beggerow in 1909 for use in Zeppelin airships. (Use . After playing with various designs and ideas, I decided to build a base loaded vertical antenna with 2 radials for use on all the bands from 6 to 40 meters. 00 Ham Radio Satellite Antenna; The Hentenna; 4m Slim Jim Antenna; VHF – UHF 142 – 450 MHz Log-periodic Antenna; 6m/10m Dual Band mobile whip; 2m Folded Dipole; Six Meter May 23, 2020 · The J-Pole Antenna. One of the easiest and quickest antennas to build is the Vertical Bazooka, which is made entirely from RG-8U coaxial cable. 6 Meter J-Pole Antenna Projects Lots of RG-6 antenna cable as well as connectors, splitters, and terminations can be found at yard sales and flea markets for give-away prices. In this series we will show the operator how to use the DIY Magnetic Loop Antenna starter kit to build their own magloop antenna, according to their budget, their own requirements, their own specifications. The 6 meter Halo is a good antenna that can be used for the car as well as the house. My antenna is based off a design found on the 10 Meter and 6 Meter Rotatable Half-Wave Dipole Antenna The half-wave center-fed dipole is one of the most popular antennas in use today. So in this case, we want to build an antenna for 6 meters, 50. Apr 5, 2020 · If you don’t care to build this antenna, Airspy sells their own version of this loop for a modest $35 USD. I set to work to scale the antenna from its original size up to a length that would work for at least part of the 6 meter band. I have antennas! My first use of the Par Electronics Omniangles was on two meters and 70 cm. This cable is readily available, easy to install, and will perform well for rooftop runs of up to 60 or 70 feet at 50 MHz. ing of the antenna is shown in Figure 1, while the full material list is available on the Web site. 1604 meters or 160 millimeters Because a collinear antenna is hot with RF along the shield of the coax, it is necessary to prevent Nov 18, 2020 · Magic Band Antennas for Ham Radio, 6 Meter Antennas You Can Build by Bruce Walker, N3JO. A basic outline draw-A 6 Meter Moxon Antenna Discover 6 meters for the first time or enhance your existing operation with a rugged but portable version of this novel 2 element antenna. 0 MHz for < 2:1 swr) •Low cost, simple materials, simple tools •Integrate with existing Cushcraft A270-10S (5 el each on 2m & 70cm) •Turning radius less than 65” (2 el Yagi = 66” turning radius) •50 Ohm Dec 17, 2021 · The other leg of the dipole is the outer skin of the braid of the coax. A length* of coaxial cable for the loop (see notes below regarding length) BALUN made of coaxial cable by ferrite round cable cores (sleeves) has become easy. Duane Angles AA5KD brought us one of these high-gain VHF/UHF antennas. Dec 26, 2024 · The AIM 4170C antenna analyser recorded in Figure 2 show the Impedance as measured in the coax shield presents an acceptable 2000 Ohms or greater from 14MHz to about 54MHz. A detail of this build is available by clicking here. The antenna I used has a 53″ stainless steel whip. Related Posts via Taxonomies. 870 904: 10270. It is made using a single length of standard RG58c/u coaxial cable and has a resonant choke wound in the coax immediately below the lower element to provide RF isolation between the antenna and the feed line. zip. The ‘Flowerpot’ antenna is an end-feed, coaxial dipole antenna designed by John Bishop VK2ZOI. THE MOXON ADVANTAGE: A Moxon beam can be expected to provide approximately 5. I had been reviewing the options for a portable antenna. Easy to build two element antenna! 2. Millimeters were used for many of the measurements but can be converted to inches by dividing millimeters by 25. 95 for 5/16" tubing) 300 / 444 / 4 * . Check for Stability: Ensure all connections are tight and secure to prevent signal loss. For longer runs, use an ultra- low loss cable, such as Belden 9913, to reach the antenna site, then use RG-8X up the TV mast and around the rotor. Once your antenna is assembled, it's time to connect it to the TV. BUILD A 2 METER YAGI AND 6 METER YAGI ANTENNA USING THE VELOCITY FACTOR OF COAX TO DECREASE SIZE OF ANTENNA. We have built several repeaters using the DB-212 side-mount dipoles and several Aug 6, 2014 · Further Reading on Six Meter Antennas. 1. Please, lets scrap the polarization talk. A current choke should be used for coax. For the matching section, I just cut it to length per the table in the article for whatever the velocity factor is for the coax. Jan 6, 2021 · Goals of the K3FR antenna project •Horizontally polarized •6 meters directional with gain •Good bandwidth (50. It is basically a 2-element parasitic beam with the tips of the elements folded towards each other to form a rectangle about 30% smaller that the equivalent beam. The goal here is to put up a cheap, easy, and quick 2-meter antenna that is simple and unobtrusive, but works quite well. My build of the T2LT antenna for the 20m band used an air core choke that I had previously built as a Common Mode Current choke. V = Velocity factory of Tubing. It is a heavy duty fiberglass radome style collinear multiband vertical capable of operating on your choice of 6 meters, 2 meters or the 440 ham band. 125MHz as the center frequency which is in the SSB portion of the 6 meter band. You should only that coax for which you know the exact manufacturer and model number, and obtain datasheet from manufacturer or seller for that particular make & model number of coax. 3. End caps are used to enclose the pvc ends. It is also possible to apply this trick a few more times. You can find it at Six Meter Antennas — I’ve Tried a Few. When you split it you should have 2 lengths about 15 feet long each. This version of the 6 Meter Extended Zepp antenna designed for 50 ohm coax feed is made by splitting about 15 feet of zipcord (regular lamp cord wire) in half to form each half of the antenna and the short feedline all at once. Published by Worldradio Books. 4 for those who are not familiar with the metric system. One might use a 4:1 balun, for example, for the needed impedance transformations in an OCF HF dipole, but for most other balun applications, a simple coiled-coax 1:1 choke balun works very well. This produces a counter current in the shield which is out of phase. Jun 28, 2018 · Want to try 6 meters? It does seem to open sporadically with some consistency in the Spring and Fall. Just roll up the coax (like RG-58 or RG-213) close the PL-plug approximately four times with a maximum diameter of 6-10cm (3-4″). I want to use the antenna for the 2 meter band and the instructions for the 2 meter band are loud and clear. End-fed half wavelength (wire) antenna for the 6 meter band, in this case by using a fishing rod as support (vertically polarised). Now build the 146MHz antenna, don’t forget the overall length of the antenna is the lowest frequency you will be using. 95 = . The whole antenna can be fed with any length of coax. The "Slick Six" 6 meter dipole can be supported from good solid PVC pipe at the coax provides an ideal feed for tlie Fe~ith- er~jeiglzt antenna. So I am very close to the ~55-56″ of radiator length I will need. com Apr 30, 2023 · If you need a simple, inexpensive, efficient antenna for the 6-meter Amateur Radio band, please consider this coaxial dipole made from a single piece of RG-58 coax. Over the 3/4" pipe I hot melt glued a shorter length of 40mm diameter plastic waste pipe and wound the coax around the pipe to form a coaxial choke balun. 5 dBi forward gain; the advantage being moderate forward gain, with reduced rear gain, Although only a 70 CM antenna was described in this article, the formulas can be easily calculated for the 6 meter, 2 meter or 1¼ meter bands. The best coax for that antenna is a cheap coax. I wish to build a choke balun with some length of RG-58 line on a 3 inch diameter PVC pipe in order to minimize RF coming back on the outer schield of the feedline. I'm also new to the Starter Kit, and have only once built a 6 meter magnetic loop antenna. Cool! So you might call this project "The 2 Meter / 440 / Magic Band / Surprise Antenna" HI! Further testing on 6 meters in progress! More to come? Once you have the antenna in resonance on the 40 meter band, the trap can be placed at the end. When you expose an electrical quarter wave of the center conductor-the currents become unbalanced and the coax radiates. In our example about 7 meters. The coaxial dipole uses the same type of coax for the feed line as the legs are made of or it will not work properly. When we started to put our shack together, it was decided that 10 Meter fixed dipole would be our 1st antenna. Six & Four, The Complete Guide to 50 and 70 MHz Amateur Radio by Don Field, G3XTT. This is a really simple and easy to construct antenna that will get you on the air on the six meter band using only RG-58 coax!I needed a quick and simple an May 29, 2021 · To prevent common mode currents on your coax, you can make a simple common mode choke for this antenna from its coax cable. Apr 28, 2015 · I used 1″ thin-wall PVC pipe, aluminum tape, and RG-8X coax. Herb and Glenn Kreckman of Kreco Antennas have been very generous with parts, antennas, and advice on their coaxial dipoles. CO LINEAR ANTENNA DESIGN While it is not possible to home-brew a commercial quality antenna, it is very feasible to build a collinear antenna for average use. 000514 Reply to a comment by : G4AON on 2013-08-05 I love quad antennas, I have a couple of home made ones for 6m portable work The gamma match on the 2m quad can be avoided by careful work in EzNEC, if the dimensions can be tweaked to obtain a feed impedance around 50 Ohms it just needs a choke balun on the feeder or if it's near 100 Ohms a quarter wave of 75 Ohm coax will match it. This will simplify greatly the design of the feeding system. VHF/UHF Moxon Dual Band Satellite Antenna. Resources listed under 50 MHz antenna plans category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. The J-pole antenna is an end-fed omnidirectional half-wave antenna that is matched to the feedline by a quarter wave parallel transmission line stub. This article describes a collinear antenna made from very inexpensive RG58/U coaxial cable and encased in PVC pipe. I decided to try using the outer shield of this cable to build a 20-meter end-fed half-wave antenna. 4. Most of the big boys around my QTH were regularly working a repeater which is located roughly 70 miles away. Jun 28, 2023 · IntroductionHaving recently expanded my amateur radio collection to include 6-meters, I found myself needing something more than the wire dipole antenna I originally installed. I plan to rebuild this antenna into a 3 element Moxon for some extra gain. I used (2) 1-1/2 inch hose clamps. Sadly, my 5 watt QRP FM unit into the wire dipole was not cutting the mustard. Apr 1, 2020 · I've added yet another antenna to my aluminum collection. The antenna is easy-to-make and can fit into your "go-kit for portable and emergency operations. separate the shield and the insulated center conductor so each lead can be soldered to a hose clamp. 920 Mhz. This image of a 2 meter flowerpot shows the two quarter wave sections. You must know exact VF (Velocity Factor) of the coax your going to use to build a Coco. The antenna is constructed using a 4-way electrical conduit junction box and 3/4″ PVC electrical conduit as shown above. Several friends of mine are always talking about it being the “Magic Band”, so I figured I would get an antenna up. One of the members commented to me that I should write an article about collinear arrays so that we could all build our own. the 223. 2 ELEMENT SIX METER ANTENNA The 6 meter antenna has two elements and is housed in ½ inch pvc tubing, using T connectors to form the yagi configuration, and another T is located mid- way between the two elements for support. Jun 22, 2019 · Most of my time is spent 15-80m. We quickly caught the bug for DXing and I started looking for 6 Meter antennas. The Six Meter Moxon Antenna 1. The Moxon antenna, developed by Les Moxon G6XN, is a derivative of the VK2ABQ square antenna developed by Fred Caton. Step 5: Connecting the Coaxial Cable. 5:1 bandwidth is greater than 3. The coax was secured to the waste pipe with a couple of cable ties (Ty-Raps) and terminated in an SO239 socket. Easy match to 50 ohm coax. 5MHz antenna, by adding pipe to the T-connector that is the base (mast mount) of the 435MHz antenna, I use 1/2″ for the vertical and 3/8″ for the stub of this section. So that means fun in the short term, but long term operating on 6 meters can come in handy during emergency situations. Reduce the size of your antennas by using these simple and effective ideas! An article and project by Steve, K4MMG based on ideas by John, N0KHQ Dialup users Please allow time for pictures to load! 2 and 6 Meter Coax Antennas The 6 meter dipole can be designed for any portion of the 6 meter band you desire using the formula. Six Meter Omniangle 6-meter omniangle along with a 222 MHz omniangle and 432 MHz eggbeater. org/files/qst-binaries/6 meter moxon. 2006) might do the job. 1. Built and tested for our 2018 Field Day and worked excellent! Or, search for a 6m “hentenna “. 55 2: Mark VK3ZR 2m: 146. Published by Radio Society of Great Britain. This dipole was constructed as follows: Cut 6 or 7 feet of 1″ thin Sep 17, 2020 · These are important tips for making a successfull CoCo. Small diameter coax has high loss at VHF. 20m Boom. No tricky tuning required. I’ll use the 75-80 Meter antenna as an example. Feb 13, 2023 · Hi Mike, thanks for this manual. That’s how, about 4 years ago, I decided to build an antenna. Now cut the end to length so that the antenna is in resonance on the 60 meter band. An easy to make and tune rectangular antenna. Attach the Coaxial Cable: Connect one end of the coaxial cable to the balun transformer and the other end to your TV's antenna input. Also provide a 1:1 current choke balun at the antenna. near future as Solar Cycle 24 progresses, so it seems a good time to add a 6 meter antenna. The resonant 4 days ago · 50MHz antennas plans, homemade antennas for the six meters category is a curation of 215 web resources on , Comparison of Commercial 6m Antennas, 6 meter portable antenna, The M2 6M7JHV Antenna. My original plan was to purchase Nov 14, 2020 · An antenna for 6 meters. Feb 28, 2024 · One of the simplest, least expensive antennas for the 6 meter amateur radio band can be found in your junk box. To achieve the proper feeding system, a 50 ohm coaxial cable is used. 2. Thus, for proper performance, low-frequency antennas often need to be tuned in-place. Many people can't mount a 40 meter antenna far enough away from other objects to eliminate detuning effects. Jun 8, 2020 · The LFA would not have worked in this application as it is heavy and a fairly complex build. So we are all kind of new to this. Basically the antenna is a half wave dipole bent into a circle, BUT shorter than a dipole for this frequency. 889 447: 0. Figure 3 The evaluation of the choking impedance of the balun over a bandwidth from 10MHz- 60MHz. Tuning and Matching. I picked up a 50 foot piece of RG-6/U for a dollar at the local flea market. It can be a commercially-made unit, several ferrite sleeves, toroids or clamp-on choke beads, or 6 turns of the coax pigtail wrapped around the PVC mast, secured with holes in the mast and/or zip ties. CB is 11 meters, so the inductor obviously adds too much electrical length for 6 meters. 3 Use VF only from low-loss coax. With FT8 being all the rage, weak signal work is within everyone’s reach. FYI -- This was (many years ago) for a science fair I entered. Dwayne Rogers KC5GGH of Louisiana, posted his version of a 6-meter Squalo Antenna on Facebook. Design considerations: The design of this 6 m dipole antenna shall include the following design considerations: • The antenna must be compact. I will start with the project soon. This allows a single piece of rail to lift the antenna to over 10', which is where the pattern really has its best shape. 0 MHz to 52. I wanted to do something different than the standard ground plane or dipole. • The antenna must be durable and secure. Now add the remaining piece of antenna wire for the 60 meter section. A 2 meter / Marine RG-6 Coax Version of the Vertical Bazooka. You can build it for satellite or terrestrial use! Build A 9 dB, 70cm, Collinear Antenna From Coax By N1HFX Recently the RASON technical committee was hard at work at the repeater site repairing our 2 meter repeater antenna. The SWR of the antenna isn’t bad. The feedline will be a combination of RG-213 and RG-8, about 40 feet long, total. Strip about 8 inches of the outer jacket from the coax—being careful not to damage the shield. Or, several multi-turn lengths of coax at just over the coax minimum repeatable bend radius. See for yourself how bad this is with a 2 meter mobile station and an SWR meter--then scale things up dimensionally by a factor of 20. I just have to eliminate the inductor. Martin has many designs for many antennas and you will definitely find what you want. The coax feed is inserted into the DE T via a drilled hole on the T’s under Apr 18, 2022 · Its typical impedance at the feed point is 50Ω, making it possible to feed directly with a 50Ω coax 1. 6 Meter Band MOXON-STYLE TWO-ELEMENT PARASITIC BEAM ANTENNA By K8JHR OBJECTIVE: Design and build a 6 meter 2-element Moxon antenna mostly from available aluminum tubing and angle stock. Is that also possible with this design? Keep up the good work! regards, Job (Netherlands) The inductor on the CB antenna makes the antenna electrically longer than its actual radiator length. Coax and Velocity Factor 1. 1005 / 50. 5 MHz. Excellent gain and Front to Back Ratio. 5/8 vertical groundplane antenna for 50MHz RE-A50V58. The Double Bazooka antenna is popular among amateur radio operators, especially on the 80/75 meter band, because of the larger bandwidth compared to a dipole. The size of the vertical element is 2 meters, so it will comfortably fit under the ceiling in the room. It is what I use. Jun 9, 2024 · Coaxial cable around 100 inches (2. But building an antenna is fun and you can tweak the design to customize performance, so let’s get started: Parts list. The length of a full-wave antenna is given by the formula 1005 / frequency in MHz = total length of the loop. After looking around on the web I decided to go with a Delta Loop. My planned operation will always be from a push-up mast either in my backyard for the summer Es season or from some relatively rare grid Jun 9, 2020 · The 1" PVC was chosen because the "T" will fit snugly over the top of a 1" by 10. The two cancel in the far field. I have a TYT TH-9800D Quad band radio that can Many people can't mount a 40 meter antenna far enough away from other objects to eliminate detuning effects. Article by DE Sanders, W4BWS/HC4 I have produced the stick antenna for hams and commercially by SKYLANE Products for 2 meters and Marine VHF band since 1982. 25 inch galvanized Author Band Freq ¼λ Upper Up VF Lower Lo VF Up + Lo ½λ VF %OCF Notes 1 John VK2ZOI: 2m 146. This is antenna is very wide banded and covers the whole 6 meter band. I'm in the process of building a 6 meter dipole that will be installed in the attic. 73, Byron N6NUL BUILD A 2 METER YAGI AND 6 METER YAGI ANTENNA USING THE VELOCITY FACTOR OF COAX TO DECREASE SIZE OF ANTENNA. The plan for a Vertical Bazooka is in the drawing above. 12 turns close spaced on a 40mm former gives a very effective choke for 50 MHz. 5' piece of galvanized chain link fence top rail. Then a choke BALUN is added by slipping ferrite round cable cores over the outside of the coaxial cable and place them as A 6 METER HALO. 5m) of RG-6 or RG-59 if you intend to have your antenna inside your house, you will require a longer length of coaxial cable if you intend to put your antenna outside via a window, etc; I have found many suitable lengths of cable already fitted with a connector at second-hand or recycling centers, they usually go for a couple of bucks. Reduce the size of your antennas by using these simple and effective ideas! An article and project by Steve, K4MMG based on ideas by John, N0KHQ Dialup users Please allow time for pictures to load! 2 and 6 Meter Coax Antennas Here is a Tri-Band 6/2/440 Collinear antenna that if built properly, using the materials suggested by the author, should give you years of service. Now build the next band, for eg. 3:1 on each end of the band, about 1. 000: 514 457: 0. Measure out a 120 feet length of coax and cut,this will be the antenna. Searching for a design on the internet, I came across the usual suspect Martin, DK7ZB and followed one of his designs, the 4 Element 50 Ohm Yagi with 2. This time it's a 3-element six meter yagi, the M2 6M-3SS. This is how Greg, SP5LGN constructed my 5/8 lambda 6-meter GP antenna: Click to enlarge Many thanks Greg! How Horacio LU9DFN made it: Click to enlarge Many thanks Horacio! SWR: You can fine-tune the SWR to peak in the bandsection you are planning to use the 5/8 groundplane antenna by: Every radio amateur should build at least one antenna to prove to themselves they can improvise in an emergency. The trap (choke) terminates the coax braid at the quarter wavelength point. We found plans for a six element 6 meter antenna on Hamuniverse. This being my first antenna that I The design objective is to produce a vertical antenna for the six meter band, centered on 52Mhz with a 50 Ohm reactance and reasonable performance from materials I have available at home. • The antenna shall be installed on a 1. If you have the materials handy, you can build and install this antenna in a couple hours. rxhvw bzdzlb exaf ultl hfwkbqj qvqgrl tkoyqg tgpnb cplthk orav