Dumb laws in california By Sara […] Mar 8, 2016 · Many laws are passed in California that range from eyebrow raisers to just plain strange. It's illegal to consume any alcoholic beverage or walk with an open bottle of alcohol (even if you’re not drinking from the bottle) along Apr 30, 2021 · For our last Editor’s Theme Pick, Evan assigned the staff, “Laws That Should be Decriminalized OR Legal Actions That Should Be Made Criminal. Autonomous vehicles aren’t legally allowed to drive more than 60 miles per hour anywhere in the state of California. See full list on onelegal. Colorado: Don’t mutilate the rocks Top 10 Weird Laws From Around The World. Wacky Laws. These laws are definitely strange, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. California, like many states, has a history of laws that are well, let’s call them “curious. In this episode of crazy state laws we’ll be looking at California, Oregon, and Washington. 040 Plowing, cultivation in streets. 11/6/89; amended by Ord. California may be known for its beaches, but did you know it also guarantees residents access to sunlight for drying laundry? [2] This law dates back to the late 1800s when many homes lacked dryers. 1. There are definitely some weird ones. Fortunately (or unfortunately), the internet came to be and then nothing was ever lost again. Jul 24, 2023 · The United States is a diverse country with many different climates, landscapes, and cultures. Examples include prohibitions on wearing artificial whiskers and whistling to a lost canary, as well as the unusual rights given to peacocks in specific locations. Jan 2, 2024 · As Californians flee the state in record numbers, California Democrat politicians show no remorse as they double-down on their terrible policies with a bunch of new bad laws. Laws that seem to make no sense, and that make you genuinely question why anyone would make such a law. However, that does not mean that they cannot cause trouble for unsuspecting citizens who unknowingly break them. Jan 23, 2023 · California has some of the strangest laws in the United States. Gavin Newsom’s signature. However, they were very relevant. ” Passed in 1995, this statute says that any driver who willingly bypasses police-enforced barricades and becomes trapped is liable for emergency rescue costs. California Crazy Law; Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses. Dec 30, 2022 · Reading Time: 3 minutesAs Californians get ready to turn the page on 2022, hundreds of new laws will go into effect starting Jan. Come join us for fun and laughs as we see what crazy laws are on Dec 1, 2017 · 50 Dumb Laws From Across the United States One wrong step could easily place somebody on the wrong side of US law with these odd particulars. It’s against the law to flush the toilet after 10 o’clock in Dubai. Ladies Don’t Wear High Heels. Here is a list of the ten strangest laws from the state of California. You can read the full article on the weird laws in California here: The 10 Weirdest Laws in California. As we explore the peculiar world of strange laws in California, it’s fascinating to uncover some of the new and unusual laws that have recently been enacted or are set to take effect. However, Golden State also home unusual perplexing laws country. It is unlawful to shoot at any game bird or mammal, including a marine mammal from a powerboat, sailboat, motor vehicle, or airplane. Failing to comply with the law can lead to fines of up to $500. From high heels being illegal in Carmel to peacocks having the right of way in Arcadia, these laws were enacted for various reasons, such as preventing personal injuries or reducing workers' compensation claims. California: Right of residents to access sunlight for their laundry needs. Just to validate that feeling, here are some actual documented laws and mandates filed under localities and city ordinances in our Golden State of California. Strange State Laws: Things You Didn't Know Were Illegal in California The purpose of this series of posts is lots a fun, and a little education. Arizona has the only law in the country known as a “Stupid Motorist Law. Here are some of the new laws that will go into effect in 6 days ago · In this video, I continue exploring the fascinating world of unusual laws in the state of California! Did you know there’s a law that forbids roosters from l SECTION 8-121. A number of books and websites purport to list dumb laws. Many of the new laws are minor fixes to laws that legislators and the governor previously enacted. But did you know that it might be a crime to drive too slowly? Or to cry on a witness stand? Yes, CA is home to some unusual – or downright baffling – laws. No person shall play, participate in, or bet for or against any game not mentioned in Section 330 or 330a of the Penal Code of the State of California, in any public place or in any place exposed to the public view located within three hundred feet… May 12, 2016 · And if that was the case for all of these laws, then things would be a little more understandable. Here some weird laws from the United States. Some… Oct 21, 2022 · Every state has a handful of crazy laws on the books you would hate to have to abide by. But don’t worry — unless you’re in the habit of taking naps in cheese factories or wrestling bears, you’re probably not breaking any of these weird laws in the U. However, a primary source confirming this dumb California law could not be located. 12. In the sleepy Bay Area hamlet of Berkely it is unlawful to whistle for a lost canary before to 7 in the morning – at least that’s what Internet sources tell us. 3. If a frog dies during the competition, it cannot be eaten and must be destroyed as soon as possible. 03 Restricted acts. This weird law states that dairy farms are required to cut down methane emissions to 40% by the year 2030. Dec 7, 2024 · Admittedly, most of these weird laws are either unlikely to be enforced or unlikely to come up in the first place. It shall be unlawful for any person within the limits of public schools, parks, recreation areas, and open spaces which are now or which may hereafter be within the City, including all grounds, roadways, avenues, parks, buildings, campgrounds, swimming pools, equestrian trails, bicycle trails, hiking trails, and school facilities under the control,… 17. Of course, every state has its share of dumb laws. Iowa Jun 6, 2023 · Your home state could have the nation's dumbest law. These weird laws provide fascinating hints about the social and political structure of different countries. Some laws are dumb because they’re outdated, while others are poorly written or downright unenforceable. For instance, It’s illegal to catch more than six bullfrogs and eavesdropping on your own conversation is considered a Class 4 felony. He attended law school at both McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento and Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego. #minecraftshorts #mcyt #memes #minecraft #trendingshorts #hypixel #trending Feb 29, 2024 · The main reason is that they have a recipe for making homemade beer which Texas has always frowned upon. We’ve gathered a few of the juiciest ones for your amusement. 10-1. As experienced attorneys in Riverside, California, we are asked from time to time about the state’s weirdest laws. States throughout the country have strange laws you may have never heard of before. These are just a few examples of stupid laws in California. The 50 states of the United States are allowed by the federal constitution to formulate and implement their own laws. 20. Stupid Laws - Dumb Laws in California "the Diarrhea Law"I don't want to 'waste' anyone's time with this but I feel like it's important to 'dump' this informa Mar 6, 2024 · Click to read these 20 unbelievably weird laws in North Carolina. Although some of the other laws make us scratch our head and wonder, “what in the world happened to make these laws necessary?“ Here are some of our favorite weird laws in out of the state of Alaska. It shall be unlawful for any person to plow any portion of an open public street, avenue or alley in the city, except for the purpose of grading the same under authority duly had and obtained from the city council, and no person shall cultivate, sow or plant therein, any… California Dumb Laws. From bizarre regulations on animals to unexpected restrictions on food and beverages, California`s legal code is filled with head-scratching statutes that leave residents and visitors … Jun 27, 2014 · 7. There were rumours that if you placed a stamp upside down, that would be treason because of the perception of dishonouring the monarchy’s image. Some of these laws are so bizarre that they will surprise you. Mar 18, 2024 · With that said, California won’t be California without some strange laws that still exist today. It is easier to get laws passed than it is to expunge laws, so as a result, some very strange laws remain. ) Dec 23, 2013 · Weird Laws in California. #8: Rev Your Engines The Different Types of Stupid Laws; More In Stupid Laws. 17. California has many other weird laws, and so does the rest of the country. So grab a slice of Buckeye candy and join me as we explore 12 strange laws you’ll only find in Ohio. You could say that taking that law out of the picture made a lot of people’s day. Blue Laws That Still Exist in the US; Crazy Laws. San Diego’s weird laws even correspond with the seasons. It is hard to imagine any of these laws ever being enforced, especially when it involves controlling wild animals. (d)(2) [“Payment of a fixed salary to a nonexempt employee shall be deemed to provide compensation only for the employee’s regular, nonovertime hours, notwithstanding any private agreement to the contrary Strange laws, also called weird laws, dumb laws, futile laws, unusual laws, unnecessary laws, legal oddities, or legal curiosities, are laws that are perceived to be useless, humorous or obsolete, or are no longer applicable (in regard to current culture or modern law). Another weird law is if you want to commit a crime against someone, you have to give them a 24 hour notice and tell them what crime you are going to commit. And that is to protect the rights and privileges of citizens. While these laws are not still enforced for the most part, it is important to note that these laws are technically still on the books. But, if you do find yourself in an unfortunate accident or personal injury situation outside of these bizarre rules, don’t hesitate to give us a call at (971) 339-8080 or contact Goldberg & Loren Portland personal injury attorneys . Weird Laws In Los Angeles. False Whiskers . Nov 25, 2020 · In California, peculiar state laws are nothing new. Here are some of our favorites. That's why we're here: to serve as the web's comprehensive collection of stupid laws in the United States and around the… crazy laws in california For those of us working in HR, there are times when it seems there are laws to limit you from doing almost everything. Mar 27, 2024 · Recent and Future Strange Laws in California. Some of these weird laws in California are so outdated or obscure that they are rarely enforced or even known by most people. Jan 10, 2023 · 5 strange California laws . Alabama Putting salt on a railroad track could be punishable […] Dec 7, 2021 · California law, and, indeed, laws in the rest of the states, offers many examples of unique, weird, and interesting laws. 161-92, App. Get a Load of These Crazy Laws! Curfew Laws. But the fact that some of these laws were updated as recently as 2015, makes them all the more insane. Of course just because these exists doesn't necessarily mean they are enforced. California Penal Code section 185, enacted in 1872, makes it illegal for anyone “to wear … false whiskers (whether complete or partial) … for the purpose of … (e)vading or escaping discovery, recognition, or identification in the commission of any public offense. Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship. Aug 17, 2023 · Now, folks, I hope you had fun reading about these wacky laws in Oregon – but let’s be honest, sometimes laws are just plain silly. They Can Be Enforced Laws are necessary to maintain stability and control. This quirky law is related to the famous Calaveras County Fair and Jumping Frog Jubilee, where frogs compete in jumping contests. Below is a fascinating list of eight weird laws from the state of Illinois. For one, as part of the 1986 Salmon Act (yes, there is indeed a salmon act) it’s illegal to handle a salmon in “suspicious” circumstances. Indiana, however, has some especially odd laws still in place. Jul 22, 2020 · From high heels being illegal in Carmel to peacocks having the right of way in Arcadia, here are 27 strange laws in California. In CA, you can't build an AR pistol any more, unless you find a way around the handgun roster or AW laws. Some of the laws that were enacted early on the days are extremely rough around the edges. Gavin Newsom signed dozens of bills passed by the state legislature as he had until Sept. Nov 20, 2020 · There are some dumb laws in Georgia. In the scenic coastal town of Carmel-by-the-Sea, there is a rather peculiar law pertaining to footwear. Carl DeMaio and Reform California have compiled a list of the top 5 worst new laws that take effect in 2024 in California - and invite any voter upset by any of these new laws to join the fight to restore sanity in In the 1950s, the situation got so bad that a law had to be passed against this. Apr 25, 2022 · At number 5 in our list of the UK’s weird laws, Under the Treason Felony Act of 1848, it is an offence to “place any mark upon His Majesty’s coin or currency with intent to deface the same”. Read More It is illegal to store your own stuff in your own garage It is illegal under Illinois law to possess any variety of aquatic life that was captured or killed in violation of the Fish and Aquatic Life Code or whose value exceeds $600: Indiana: Liquor stores can't sell refrigerated water or soda. Here are 15 laws that exist in the Golden State. These laws add to the already colorful tapestry of California’s legal landscape. 30 to either sign or veto the proposals. Oct 30, 2023 · Belvedere, California has stupid laws pertaining to dogs or pets in public places. In 1992, he earned his Juris Doctorate and then furthered his education at King's College in London with a certification in International Law from U. Money Matters Turkish Lira Source Destroying currency is considered an Mar 31, 2023 · Do you ever wonder how some laws are passed? Be prepared to wonder even more, because we've perused the old law books and found 10 truly weird and bizarre laws in Washington. The Fart Law Cow Fart Law Source Of course, the law isn't for cows, but the dairy farmers in California are going to have a tough time in the coming years. Dumb Laws Oct 14, 2016 · 50 dumb laws in America There are truly some wacky laws out there. Aug 20, 2024 · New California laws effective July 1 The new laws include one on hidden fees, and another on drug testing at bars. . But many made a lot of sense at the time, and have only become absurd with the passing of time. The Golden State of California is no exception to the existence of very strange laws. Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. You can't convert a rifle to a pistol without a lot of federal paperwork. Well, until Dirty Harry came to town. If you know of any wacky laws that should be added to this list, let us know and look forward to our future posts. Let’s take a look at weird laws in all 50 of the US states. Jun 11, 2023 · Thieves formulated a method of stealing horses whereby they put ice cream cones in their back pockets. Jul 5, 2023 · But California has been making strange laws for generations–and many are still on the books! Here are some of the most unusual local laws in effect in California’s towns. ” These weird rules have accumulated over time, filling the Golden State legal records with humorous rules. PS: You're probably breaking some of these real, weird laws right now. Jul 10, 2023 · And you shouldn’t commit theft or violent crime. Again this is a federal law, not California, but it also isn't quite right. Colin + Meg 1. Jan 2, 2023 · In 2022, the California Legislature passed nearly 1,200 bills — and nearly 1,000 became law with Gov. Search: Show: More States | All Laws | All Verified Laws Only. From high heels being illegal in Carmel to peacocks having the right of way in Arcadia, these laws were enacted for various reasons, such as preventing personal injuries or reducing workers’ compensation claims. S. Here are 15 of the most bizarre and obscure laws still in effect today: It is illegal for women to drive vehicles while wearing a housecoat in all of California Jun 27, 2023 · A Chico, California law prohibits the use of nuclear devices within city limits. GAMBLING ON OR ABOUT SCHOOL PROPERTY. Britain is home to a rather strange array of somewhat ridiculous laws involving food and beverages. But some laws seem a little crazy, especially now, in the 21st century. There is a movement of individuals working hard to overturn this law. These South Carolina laws are a speck weird, slightly nonsensical, and somewhat wonderfully hilarious. The first one on our list of weird laws comes straight from Carmel, where women are not allowed to wear high heels within the city limits. Stupid laws has more examples of stupid laws throughout the country. We figured we would spice it up this week and switch gears from employment law and talk about the weirdest laws you have probably never heard of, but in fact, are illegal! Crazy laws are in fact true around the country and the world. Over the history of law, there have indeed been some strange and rather silly laws. 6. Most of these laws tend to be a bit outdated which is what makes them so darn strange. Just to make sure you're not doing anything illegal, you'd better check out these weird laws that exist in SoCal. It’s Illegal to Die Inside the Houses of Parliament May 16, 2024 · Holding hands, kissing, and hugging in public is also frowned upon. Some of the most interesting laws Mar 6, 2023 · Our next silly law is a more recent addition to the California law books. 9. So, whether you're planning a visit to the city or you're a current resident, make sure you abide by these weird laws in Los Angeles. From managing wildlife interactions to maintaining order in bustling cities, these laws reflect the complex task of governing a large, varied population. But strange laws do exist in several of the state's cities; San Francisco is perhaps the most unusual of them all, given its reputation for an easygoing way of life and quirky habits. However, many years ago, these laws came into being, and for some reason, we still haven't gotten rid of them. From cowboy boots to cows, these peculiar regulations offer a glimpse into the quirky side of California’s legal Jun 20, 2024 · These strange laws of California provide an insight into the historical, cultural, and crazy aspects of the Golden State’s legislative past. As the good book says: Thou shall not bear false whiskers. Sep 6, 2024 · Introduction: Dumb California laws. While this seems like a no-brainer, it underscores California’s commitment to safety and peace. Here’s a look at 12 weird illegal laws in California you might break without Oct 1, 2024 · Gov. In the United States, there are both federal and state laws. But that doesn't make them any less stupid. From increasing the minimum wage to legalizing jaywalking to shielding criminal records, the new laws will impact employment, health care, housing, public safety, and consumer protection. Unattended, Non-permitted Vehicle on the Street – No; In the city of Alhambra, it is against the law to leave your car on the street overnight without a specialized motor vehicle permit. Only Real Ranches Are Allowed To Boot Up 16. Bumble in Oliver Twist, after breaking it. Enjoy! 1. 2. Dubious “Weird Laws in California” Lists – Fact-Checking Required. But what makes it also diverse and unique are the many different weird laws in the US. com May 29, 2023 · There are many, many weird California laws, as there are strange or unusual laws in most states in the US. Let’s begin! 1. California. Granted, the above laws were passed a long time ago but many such ordinances still exist in many California cities but most of these are not enforced. Still others will be phased in over time. California is known for its progressive policies and trendsetting legislation. These rules and regulations were passed by the California state legislature, or in an individual city, and for one reason or another, were never overturned, remaining active on the books until this day. [Added by Ord. Have You Heard About These Wacky Laws? Weird Laws. The Law Against Hopping in the City of Los Angeles Apr 12, 2023 · In conclusion, California’s strange and quirky laws serve as a fascinating reminder of the state’s diverse history and culture. Rather than be a weird law that is no longer used, it’s a weird law that isn’t enforced but that continues to be relevant. It is against the law to catch a fish with your bare hands. It’s Illegal to Fish for Whales on Sunday Alaska’s weird laws may seem silly at first, but a lot of them have very sensible reasons behind them being passed. Here’s a look at what to expect in […] Nov 22, 2024 · Did you know California has some of the weirdest laws in the world? 🚗 From banning dirty underwear for car washing to requiring a hunting license for setti Apr 25, 2024 · Weird California Laws . More Weird Laws in California. Only Cars in the Garage. Jan 5, 2022 · While California can be a spectacular place to check out, before you pack your bags and book your flight, you might want to check out some of the laws you will need to abide by once there. Oct 19, 2023 · This is a list of strange laws on the books in various municipalities across California. The Different Types of Stupid Laws; More In Stupid Laws. Bowling on the sidewalk is illegal. Jun 29, 2023 · Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about California’s Weirdest Laws Q: Are these weird laws still enforceable in California? A: While many of these laws are still technically on the books, their enforcement is often rare or non-existent. Why are there Curfew Laws? Dumb Laws. Nov 15, 2020 · According to the city's law, no person who is under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or any other substance is fit to be inside a vehicle. Urinating in elevators is illegal Nov 4, 2024 · But beyond the bustling cities and scenic landscapes, Ohio’s law books are sprinkled with a few quirky statutes that add a fun twist to Midwestern life. While some of these laws may never be enforced, they offer a glimpse into the peculiarities of the past and provide a source of amusement and wonder for residents and visitors alike. That’s right, none other than Clint Eastwood repealed that dumb law during his term as Mayor of Carmel. Listed below are 15 of these weird laws in South Carolina. Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern What do officers, specifically california officers think of the stupid laws such as a person may shoplift up to $950 without going to jail (prop 47) or that you can't legally remove squatters or homeless people from your property or store? The ‘Land of Lincoln’ has its fair share of obscure laws in its Constitution that have been on its law books for quite a while. 010 Skateboarding and roller skating prohibited. It is illegal to flush the toilet after 10 pm. Kennedy. It is easier to pass laws than to revoke them, so some very strange laws remain on the books. Read the Craziest Laws in the United States, if you want more. A law in the state explicitly bans the possession of nuclear weapons. If you Sep 20, 2015 · Not So Crazy. Sara found some crazy California laws that should not exist and are downright confusing. On the subject of cars, if you live in Long Beach, you had better give your vehicle its own dedicated space. In 2024 Nov 17, 2020 · Like many other cities in California, Los Angeles also has its fair share of interesting quirks, fun facts, and strange laws. Check out these 15 strange and weird laws in South Carolina. The receiver has to start out as a pistol receiver. Many of the laws below were passed a long time ago, but they still exist in many California cities, but many of them go unenforced. California frequently appears on dubious top 10 lists of wacky state laws. The purpose of this law is to deter risky driving behavior. According to the city’s website, this regulation was put into place to reduce flooding and water waste so that “residents may enjoy a peaceful night’s Aug 20, 2021 · Turns out we have some pretty weird laws in Southern California. These laws are well-known and obvious to everyone. Jun 26, 2024 · California’s collection of weird laws, whether actual ordinances or urban legends, tells a story of a state grappling with diverse challenges across its long history. The law was thereby enacted to prevent horse theft. com, it's actually easier to pass new laws than it is to get rid of outdated ones. I dug up a few buried oddities hiding in our state's lawbooks. These are just a few of the weird California laws that still exist today. Others are rather narrow or specific to a certain industry. Weird but also helpful so you can defend yourself accordingly. New Laws in California. Horses would then follow them being interested in the ice cream. Many dumb laws exist across the country, and California certainly has its share. Even though many of these laws are ridiculous and not enforced for obvious reasons, they are still in the law books in Georgia. Read More It is illegal to store your own stuff in your own garage Jan 23, 2023 · Stupid/ Strange Laws in California California has some of the strangest laws in the United States. ↥ Labor Code, § 512, subd. It’s strange to think that these weird Washington laws made it to the books, and even stranger to think that they’ve stayed there over the years! Luckily, they’re so Apr 10, 2024 · 4. Film producers must have permission from a pediatrician Feb 16, 2023 · California employees will usually be entitled to calculate their regular pay under California law because it is more favorable to employees than federal law. Like pouring salt on highways? Who doesn’t? But in Hermosa Beach that’s an illegal act. Oct 21, 2021 · According to California. Not a super nonsensical law. Because of this, the state has some truly strange and specific laws. However, hidden in the depths of its legal code are some silly laws that might raise an eyebrow or two. The Absurd and Bizarre: Dumb Laws in California 2020 California is known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant cities, and progressive laws. 6/4/92; Ord…. Strange laws, also called weird laws, dumb laws, futile laws, unusual laws, unnecessary laws, legal oddities, or legal curiosities, are laws that are perceived to be useless, humorous or obsolete, or are no longer applicable (in regard to current culture or modern law). Generally speaking, those laws exist because, at some point in time, a lawmaker saw substantial enough consequences from ignoring things that, in many cases, should remain common sense, and had to put in the effort to write them into law. Illegal to curse on a mini golf course? Oct 25, 2024 · Ah, California—the land of endless sunshine, surfboards, and… some truly perplexing laws? You might think the Golden State is all about laid-back vibes, but delve into its legal code, and you’ll find some statutes that are as quirky as they are amusing. 50. High Heels Regulation – Carmel-by-the-Sea. Oct 31, 2024 · California is known for its strict environmental regulations, and this extends to nuclear weapons. Dumb Laws in California: These are still law on the books. Jumping off a Building Is Punishable by Death Just because a law is dumb doesn’t mean you don’t need a quality defense attorney. ” Feb 10, 2023 · However, at the end of the day these laws serve one purpose. It reflects a time when sunlight was a necessity for everyday life Nov 9, 2016 · It’s no secret that every state has weird laws left on the books from decades ago, but Georgia has some laws still around that will leave you wondering why they were ever a law in the first place. This law makes no mention of women. No person shall use or operate any skateboard or roller skates on county property at the following locations, except in areas designated for such purposes by the director of the county department having jurisdiction thereof: A. Can You Believe These Weird Laws? Blue Laws. Here’s a sampling of 10 of California’s dumbest laws. California prison workers will no longer be allowed to have sex with inmates. ”The law is an a**” raged Mr. Below is a list of real funny, silly, stupid, and dumb laws in California. And many of those laws are obvious, obscure, outdated or altogether apocryphal. LawDumb The dumbest laws in the U. While the law has been around for a while, fans continue to partake in this tradition. If you violate this law, you could face some pretty hefty fines and the possibility of having your vehicle towed. Surprisingly, the laws’ language only refers to homosexuality in men. and around the world We live in a society based on the rule of law. It is illegal to own a smelly animal hide. Stupid, I know, but that's the law. But times change, and some jurisdictions have outgrown the need for regulations on types of clothing worn, plants grown, or words spoken. Since these laws are so outrageous and wacky, we have a feeling it's safe to say you've never heard of them before. Jan 12, 2019 · #7: The Stupid Motorist Law. 44. 399-89, App. Apr 7, 2022 · 10 Weird Laws That Are Still In Effect In California Most lawmakers enacted laws with the best of intentions. 20. I can’t imagine the number of times this happened for a law to be put in place, but animals must not mate within close proximity of taverns, schools or places of worship within the state of California. Over time, societal norms and legal priorities have shifted, rendering some of these laws obsolete or Sep 24, 2023 · As you can see, California has some of the weirdest laws in the nation. Dumb Laws As if dripping ice cream is litter, but anyway, that was the law. ” After all, the world that we live in is defined by the laws that we follow. veepc niecbtvk ovtaw scka ktavl ckoxl ztgnpp qvrda mpzvc ueazt