Home assistant sensors list. Hence: just delete the unit of measurement.
Home assistant sensors list Here’s what I have so far: sensor: - platform: template sensors: test: value_template: "on" entity_id… Region & Language: The sensor can be used for diagnostics. 1 You can specify multiple IP addresses as: Jan 4, 2024 · I’ve try to modifiy the code above but it didn’t work yet. The ELEGRP App provides these sensors: [Device] Device Name Indicator Light May 30, 2021 · Hi all. The sensor does not appear in the entities list, it doesn’t show anything in the logbook, and there is nothing in home-assistant. iam struggling with the count of devices (per device_class, motion, temperature, window, door) which have a low battery. Configuration . Alex_Modelevich (Alex Modelevich) May 30, 2021, 1:13am 1. Not all sensors offered by the phone app will be offered by the Wear OS app. You can define multiple configuration blocks as a list. For motion sensors (supported by Sensibo Air devices), this integration provides the following sensors: Motion; Alive; Main sensor; For climate devices, these sensors are available: Room presence (for Air devices with an attached motion sensor) For Pure devices, these sensors are available: Pure Boost Enabled; Pure Boost linked In this video, I will show you how you can create your own LOW BATTERY WARNING SENSOR in Home Assistant by using a custom sensor template. It hasn’t been working for a long time, but at one point a long time ago, it did work. yaml The configuration. Can’t seem to figure out the templating or even if this is possible? Thanks in advance. It keeps the ten most recent events. Comments . I’m getting hung up on a few things and I can’t seem to get past how to Oct 16, 2022 · An entity’s state value can store a single string of up to 255 characters. If the endpoint returns XML with the text/xml, application/xml or application/xhtml+xml content type, it will automatically be converted to JSON according to this specification To-do list entity . 49 pressure: 24. There are a few significant differences between what I posted above and what you have posted. Aug 23, 2023 · I have created a template sensor to monitor house security status which displays secure / insecure and is working great however when I click on it in lovelace I get the horizontal bar with a history of events but not the logbook list I get with other sensors created automatically by HA such as my door no logboock entries with logbook entries The history is there in my sensor but I can’t Sep 18, 2020 · I’m looking to have a template sensor that contains, in an attribute, a list of mappings. 15 you can use a template containing split(', ') to convert it to a list. I keep writing templates that work absolutely fine when looked at via the gui… but then return nothing when in my config. 5, and PM10 particles. What am I missing in my YAML? - platform: template sensors: occupied_count: friendly_name . or Feb 22, 2021 · Hello there, I was wondering if there is a way to get a list of devices by integration in a template. If a sensor requires permissions you will be prompted to accept Apr 15, 2024 · I have a mealie instance that I’m trying to pull the shopping list items from into a rest sensor via template. However, when I try to move it out and into a more organized list, it stops working. log Mar 18, 2018 · ##### # # # Customize # # # ##### # In this section you will customize your sensors homeassistant: customize: binary_sensor. This custom sensor will present a list of batteries on your dashboard that needs to be replaced in your house. As opposed to how it currently works, it should expand the group first and then create listeners for each entity in the group. So far I have come up with this code in my templates. Searching show me a big number card, but only for sensors, the door/window sensors are switches in HA. state | lower == 'unknown' or item. garaz_pir - binary_sensor Oct 30, 2024 · The Everything Presence One is presence detection sensor for Home Assistant, which also uses WiFi over ESPHome. I found several postings on this forum and elsewhere, mostly focused on entities that are unavailable. A,C; sensors that are off e. bazen_pir - binary_sensor. state | lower == 'unavailable' or item. If it shows Unknown, the region has not been set properly in the Bring! app. yaml file but no examples Jan 10, 2022 · hello, i’ve an automation made with the web ui that will send a notification via telegram if the group. Home Assistant Classifying the Internet of Things. The speakers then welcome me home. hello, I have many devices and entities Dec 15, 2023 · I want to create a template sensor that has a state and has its own sensor attributes. I tried with the tempalte sensor given in the docs (maybe i got a typo or something) but that is not showing up either. Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. I would to tha Nov 6, 2024 · Okay - so in my configuration. jobrien0924 (Joe) August 17, 2024, 10:41pm 13. yaml hs-xe-colorsensors. I know how to create the notification with the template to list the names OR the states but I can’t list them together. 1. The Statistics and Template sensors are two examples of the last case. Is it possible to search attributes named time_* under all sensors named sensor. 0. Oct 23, 2020 · Some sensors have properties that show a list of several data entities that can change over time. You need to either create an allow list or enable the setting to "Disable Allow List Requirement". Camera object detection sensors for security alerts. 67, 1. I understand these things can be Dec 29, 2021 · I have the following contact sensors track if some of the doors \\ cabinets are open: What i’d like to do is in case one or some of them are open - to notify me when i get back home. attributes. binary_sensor | selectattr( 'icon', 'eq', 'mdi:cloud' ) | count }} Apr 16, 2019 · I currently use a template sensor, but I prefer how you can list each entity rather than me having to go sensor + sensor + sensor /3 Limych (Andrey "Limych" Khrolenok) April 16, 2019, 10:21pm May 5, 2023 · I’m back to HASS after a long time away and trying to get into slightly more advanced setups. 35, 4. The # symbol (hash/pound) represents a “comment” as far as the commands are interpreted. Cheers. Example below… returns zero when in config as a template sensor… same template when viewed on the templates page in the gui works. I came across several solutions for instance: a blueprint https://community. We’ve separated these in several categories and noted their most important features. I would be interested if there is anyway to dynamically reference the array object as my example is hardcoding the array object id e. With this I get alle my sensors is a list with name and state. abc','sensor. I would ultimately like to display a list of addon names that have pending updates for display in markdown, either in notifications or in lovelace (Something like this example, but this specifically does not work because the items are in Home Assistant is an open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. I have a templates. no locally. Best experience offer integrations with local push . I use all snmp sensors, so both files start out with:-platform: snmp Jun 27, 2023 · Hey guys, creating a title was already difficult task haha Short version of question: I have sensors with name: “medication_med1”, “medication_med2”, etc. The new format for template sensors does not support enum option lists either as far as I can see. Currently I do not have any monitoring/daily reports of unavailable devices. yaml. Dec 23, 2022 · I am attempting to create a mechanism to detect and inform (via dashboard chit display) the number of batteries that require attention based on a given % threshold. Therefore all forecast sensors need to be combined into one, so apex charts (or others) can plot it. Another way to state the problem I am trying to solve is that I need the entity from a list on entities with the smallest numerical state value. Oct 9, 2021 · I am trying to sort a list of entities based on the numerical value of the state attribute. Todoist completed to-do items are not visible in Home Assistant because they are not returned by the Todoist REST API. B; Now I want to be able to add binary_sensor D to the “list” without having to change the templates. - platform: template sensors: air_max: friendly_name: "Air index"… Note. bathroom_sensor I know it has battery but only as I copied a template from here… Any help is always greatly accepted 🙂 Cheers Mark Aug 4, 2018 · I’m trying to exclude domains with the homekit component. I want the sensor to be “true” if either one of us is home. e. To make Jul 4, 2024 · I have a sensor for each upcoming day, with the kWh forecast of solar production. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Ive tried the Sensor: Reports on Temperature, Humidity, and Light sensors. What I am trying is to make is a sensor getting the highest value of the four sensors. See full list on developers. My Dec 21, 2017 · Your configuration is wrong. home-assistant Apr 8, 2023 · Hi Team, I am having trouble getting my head around a configuration for my window and door sensors… Right now, each windows has a sensor showing open/close state. The key (sensor:) should be indented two (2) spaces. Jul 23, 2021 · Today there is a quite uncomplete list of device classes available for sensors. List access: Indicates whether the shopping list is personal (private) or shared (accessible to others). My ultimate end goal is to get this data into a to-do list with an automation so I can sync the to-do list with Google Keep. Sep 12, 2019 · Request Home Assistant currently limits the usefulness of expand when used in Template Sensors. Please see the list below for what sensors are currently supported by the Wear OS app. io’ ? I would like to exclude some from ‘database’… Oct 14, 2022 · Hi, I am super new to Home Assistant, and I was hoping to be able to find the average of 5 or so temperature sensors I have scattered around my house and depending on the value I would then like to change the settings of my thermostat. Best Overall Presence Sensor For Home Assistant Nov 3, 2024 · I am building an automation that handles click, hold and release events from a switch of a specific hardware model. Aug 17, 2018 · Hi, Remember seeing it on the forum before, but just cant find it… sorry, so please let me ask: what is the correct value_template for adding the value of all sensors ending with _actueel… I now have a value_template that lists all of these templates individually, but that makes it rather a long and error_prone template. Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Jun 18, 2022 · So, wondering if there’s a way to configured a homeassistant sensor in esphome to pull attributes from a list? For a weather component I have a state, plus a long list of attributes, like such: temperature: 90 humidity: 17 ozone: 286. yaml: - sensor: name: Laatste Deconz Tijden icon: mdi Jul 1, 2023 · You supply a list of valid states. Aug 26, 2021 · The easiest way to integrate these switches and their sensors with Home Assistant is by using the SonoffLAN custom component. yaml files: hs-b9100-sensors. It tracks presence detection using mmWave and PIR motion, and also measures temperature, humidity, and ambient brightness. Just add the devices to the correct room and the automations will use them automatically. Jan 7, 2025 · I am shopping for a smart “Motion” sensor light switch that supports a full array of sensors compatible with HA via Zigbee. An average humidity and average temp would be nice for another example. See the todo integration for details on how to manage items on the Todoist to-do list, including actions for creating and deleting to-do items. (I use met. I have had this working in the past, but I recently moved to using the person component so I could use multiple device trackers to track a single person. door_window_sensor_158d00024e17b9: friendly_name: Sliding Door # You set the device class for your sensor here so you can reference in door_count below device_class: door binary_sensor. co/hov76Yx I would imagine there is a first alert version also. That is not what I want because a) Each device typically has several May 8, 2021 · Automation: alias: lastmotionstate trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - binary_sensor. io. Can anyone provide feedback on how I can loop over a list of entities and only return the ones with an ‘open’ state? My old automation was this (I Apr 4, 2019 · I have a couple of issues with templating. I’m attempting to setup a REST sensor using the documentation but putting the simple sample code into configuration. I put together this: {% for item in states %} {% if item. Initially I could not find a way to define multiple scraping sensors A list of keys to extract values from a JSON dictionary result and then set as sensor attributes. You can also exclude some Jul 10, 2020 · I have a switch. Aug 12, 2022 · I want to create an iOS action to receive a notification that contains a list of names and states of all sensors in a group. The legacy template sensor does not support the option list, and won’t as no new features are being added now that we have the new format. For example, I want to loop over all my Tasmota switches and check for the signal strength without having to list them one by one. yaml person Sep 9, 2023 · Just FYI, so no question. Sep 25, 2018 · I have four sensors with integer state value. Door/window sensor of your choice Nov 1, 2020 · Hi, I’m stying to get multiple sensors from 1 rest call as the API of my device does not seem to like multiple calls to it’s API. Hence: just delete the unit of measurement. Previously, I was just using the Life360 tracker. The list will be kept constantly updated and refreshed as new and better devices appear on the smart home market. krb_pir - binary_sensor. To get that login follow those steps: Login on the web portal; Open the browser dev tools (Ctrl + Shift + I on Chrome) Open the network tab and clear the history (second icon from the left) Mar 24, 2022 · I have been struggling to develop a template to extract a list of items that are nested in an array (I am not sure if this is the fully correct terminology). Turn it into a list with from_json and then you can index elements. This comment here: Home Assistant has extended Jinja with regular expression support as you noted but regex_search and regex_match are defined as filters not tests. 2025. The latest local WLAN protocol worth mentioning is Matter, but again for power reasons, sensors tend to be battery powered running Thread. state }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} Jul 30, 2022 · I’d like an overview of all sensors that have a attribute “battery_level”. If one or more are open, I want to receive a notification listing the open doors/windows. ) For example the HACS sensor has these, but some public transport, downloading or weather sensors have these as well. The only Sensor that is passed to HA is On/Off. 96 wind_bearing: 294. For example: I purchased the ELEGRP, Smart Sensor (3-Way) Switch - Model SSS30. They can be configured using UI or YAML file. {“items”:[“Car”,“Horse”]} Items: Car Horse Short of throwing the info Jul 2, 2021 · I wasnt familiar with the RESTful sensor integration @nickrout suggested but looks like it could be alot cleaner. efg','cover. The state attribute is a strong and I am not able to properly sort the list. medication_* and list as pill_name attribute if value is “08:00:00” for Apr 9, 2022 · Hi! I am looking to create a dashboard card that shows all current motion binary sensors that are “on”. I can now say the following which works great. I have tried various options in Scripts like “choose” but that will only find the first one. Ive been fiddling with something on and off, but keep getting stuck at the same point. Feb 5, 2024 · I want to make a user-friendly list of devices that are offline so that a householder who is not particularly technically minded can find them and check that they are plugged in and connected to WiFi or ZigBee as applicable. I just restarted Home Assistant and checked the sensor, then the template, to assure that this doesn’t have anything to do with the sensor not being updated in time or similar, but it is still the same. Jan 29, 2021 · hey everyone so i hope you can help me out :). yaml, saving and reloading… nothing happens. I believe the code responsible for identifying entities within a template is here. Actions The Wear OS app also offers sensors to consume your wearable data in Home Assistant, please refer to the link to learn more about how sensors update on Android. After a week of messing around, I give up and come here for help. Qingping Air Monitor Lite: Limited battery life The Qingping Air Monitor Lite not only monitors the temperature and humidity of a room, but also CO 2 , PM2. You can then set it up right away. I’m not sure you can do a template to-do object so I’m starting with a sensor. Futhermore: The sensor and its attributes should have no values at Home Assistant reboot / restart. List of the built-in integrations of Home Assistant. 5/10? What is the plan for this? Is there a plan for adding more sensor classes? I would not want to spend time doing a PR if May 15, 2022 · Is it possible to count the number of sensors that has the same icon attribute? Tried the template below in the editor but got TypeError: object of type ‘generator’ has no len() {{ states. I´m trying to add an offset to one of my temperature sensors. If you want to get an impression on the look and feel, you should check out the Home Jul 25, 2022 · Kidde smoke alarm interconnect sensor I made this when I first had Wink, moved it over to SmartThings, and now have it in Home Assistant. This assumes you have the forecast in a sensor called “weather. I’ve looked all over and I can’t seem to find a list of available domains. 94 wind_speed: 6. filter: exclude_domains: - alarm_control_panel - automation - input Jan 21, 2021 · EDIT: Since I got a notification that @brodykenrick liked this I should probably update it to not lead people on the wrong path. door_sensors is on, that mean if at least one door is open it will send a generic notification, i would like to update this with the list of the sensors that are on, do you have any suggestion on how to change this automation to loop throu all the sensors in the group door_sensors and save Oct 13, 2017 · Hello I’ve been using HA for 8 months or so now and I have just realised I have no idea how to get the attributes of say a sensor. home-assistant. I’d like to show all days in a bar graph. YAML configuration . door_window_sensor_158d0002768916 The list id. I have been experimenting with the Scrape sensor, and found something that might be of interest to others. I’ve read articles about creating the sensor (new directory ‘sensor’, add a yaml file, etc) and have done that. I created a helper for the two windows in one room to see if a window is open If I open a window a, the state gets change from closed to open and in the log it shows that window a is open when I open window b now, it doesn’t Jun 5, 2022 · Ideally the end result would be that when using an auto-generated group in an automation (say, for motion lighting) you’d never need to change the automation when adding/changing sensors in a room. If you were to use it to store this: 2. So i used a template sensor but it´s not showing up nowhere. Anyone made such and would like to share with us? Jan 9, 2023 · Sensor states are always strings. Available for free at home-assistant. yaml that holds a lot of working template sensors. That fixed it - I really need a resource on Sep 27, 2022 · When I put the configuration directly into the configuration. The sensors implemented by this component are by default internal, to avoid exporting them back to Home Assistant. How would I list all the attributes of this please? binary_sensor. Here is my current code: Configuration. Entities (sensors, binary sensors, buttons, images, numbers, and selections) are defined in your YAML configuration files under the template: key. g. Is there a detailed guide, head to toe, of Dec 28, 2024 · This article features the Best Presence (Occupancy) Sensors compatible with Home Assistant. Aug 17, 2024 · Instructions on how to integrate Template Sensors into Home Assistant. May 30, 2021 · Home Assistant Community How to export device list? Configuration. To use the blueprint use the link below to import it to your Home Assistant installation In order to get two sensors reporting CPU fan speed and Ambient Inlet Temperature, as well as a dump of server_health on a HP Microserver Gen8, you could use the following in your configuration. I searched and tried for like 4 Jul 24, 2023 · This template sensor will iterate the states object and return a count and list of entities that have a state of unknown, unavailable. I restart HA but there is no sign of the new sensor anywhere, nor can I see any errors but tbh I’m probably not looking in the right place. However, there is no example shown on that page for multiple sensors. Alexa, tell me the location of User1. And show the sensor name with the value of the battery_level in a list. grocy_stock” gives me a list which looks like this: items - _product_id: 3 _available_amount: 31 _best_before_date: '29… Im using a custom integration for monitoring grocy states in home assistant. Should you still want to do that (eg. For the action part, the automation just fires a new click or hold events, attaching the entity_id of the sensor entity that clicked the button as event data. Sep 20, 2023 · Hi, I’m new to HA and wish to create a sensor that will use a json file as it’s input. Kidde SM120X Interconnect Accessories Smoke Relay Module https://a. state | lower == 'none'%} {{ item. I added intents like “of User1” or “of Garage door” or “of all open sensors”. The Home Assistant UI clearly knows the Integration each entity and device belongs to, do we have May 22, 2021 · Based on low battery level detection by Sbyx: Low battery level detection & notification for all battery sensors Description This blueprint checks at configured time for all devices that was last seen x hours (sensors in ‘unavailable’ state are also included) ago and fires action then (like notification). sensor. . The list -under the key sensor should be indented another two (2) spaces followed by a single space. 622 visibility: 10 forecast: - datetime: '2022-06-18T00:00:00+00:00' temperature: 91 precipitation: null Oct 5, 2019 · However, when I put {{ states. door_window_sensor_158d0002768916 Jul 21, 2020 · The sensor “sensor. Right now I have configured this: Apr 28, 2023 · If you’d like to know when the temperature will be min/max (which hour of the day) and the value, here are four sensors that will get that. Dec 12, 2019 · I’d like an overview of all sensor that are unavailable, state = none or unknown. I would like to get some help. (Not sure what to call these. Oct 31, 2019 · Hi Looks like after two years of service my Xiaomi Zigbee devices are starting to die out because batteries run out. I found a list assembled from all components and I built a filter from that. Notification action example: service: notify. I dont have to know which devices have a low battery level, just how many. [0],[1],[2] and so on. I have read numerous posts and guides to this, but I’m getting either errors or all the data at once in one attribute. json: { "total": 13 May 5, 2024 · It almost looks like the Open Home is winning! I’d certainly avoid Tuya’s cloud like a plague, but now there’s plenty of WLAN devices with local control out of the box - just not that many sensors. I’ve tried several different configurations and can’t seem to figure out the magic combination. This device is not Zigbee, but works with Google Home and Alexa. Mar 10, 2024 · get a list of strings of these sensor names. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. If everything is set correctly, it will display the selected region for the shopping list. Mailbox sensor so I don’t have to walk down the drive unless there is actually mail. Is there a way to combine multiple sensors into one? I would be fine with attributes, too, as there is a way with data_generator to extract them in apex charts. Can anyone help guide me on how to do this? Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Some of these sensors are built-in to Home Assistant, some are created automatically when you add an integration (see this list), and some can be created manually. It’s a complex regex pattern that (if I understand it correctly) creates a capturing Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. bhyve_zone attribute: watering-program array: ‘2020-07-10T06:00:00-04:00’ Nov 22, 2022 · I’m having a lot of trouble doing something that I’m sure is really simple. In a nutshell, i want to display a list of things, similar to the shopping list integration, but not. My trigger for that automation is when my phone geo sensor tracks that im entering home and them the door opens. template Jul 26, 2022 · I used to have a notification working that would tell me if I left anything open when my house alarm was ‘arming’. letzter_echo')))}} the result is a list, like: ['light. living_actueel, sensor. I can see the data in the states. Mar 29, 2021 · Hey guys, Iam trying to create a status page where I can see with one quick glance the status of my devices. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific Oct 3, 2023 · Something I couldn’t find is a list of devices and hardware that work perfectly with HA. It is stated on the Scrape documentation page that “A list of sensors to create from the shared data” can be defined. As the documentation shows: binary_sensor: - platform: ping host: 192. 168. I have also tried a template with “if else Nov 13, 2019 · How can I find a list of all used ‘domains’, ‘entities’,… in ‘hass. sensor | count }} in developer tools => templates, I get 426; the template sensor I created only states 416. ) - sensor: - name: "Min Forecast Temperature Mar 18, 2018 · ##### # # # Customize # # # ##### # In this section you will customize your sensors homeassistant: customize: binary_sensor. Example below, where a is like your sensor: a[0] is the first character of the string. You can include list of devices in notification message. 82, 0. For other types, please see the specific pages: To add the Template helper to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button: This sensor offers a setting for an Allow List to let the user select which packages they wish to get notification data from, notifications sent by Home Assistant are always ignored. Every sensor have attributes pill_name, time_1, time_2, time_3 and time_4. home_hourly” and that that sensors has an entry for each forecast with attributes ‘temperature’ and ‘datetime’. Is there a card which can display the contents of this list? (Or how could I add this for myself. home_email data: title: Home Assistant - Battery Monitor message: Low battery detected in {{sensors}}. You can configure a temperature offset to adjust the reading directly in Home Assistant. yaml file, I do indeed only have one ‘sensor’ key, exactly like how you have it, @Troon (sorry, I can’t figure out how to format this as code…) Then, within the folder, I have two . yaml file the sensor works. A, B, C; create a template that gives me the count of sensors that are on. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Your sensor isn’t a list, it’s a string, and needs to be “converted” to a list to work as you want. My aim is to never have to manually maintain this list, but to use a dynamically generated group whose members are automatically set based on device class, then produce a count of the number of entities within that group have Jan 9, 2023 · The following Trigger-based Template Sensor records the name and time when a monitored binary_sensor changes state to on. or I want to loop over all my DeCONZ lights and turn them off. To add the Abode integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button: Abode can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. The mqtt sensor list contains two (2) configurations, with two (2) keys each. So does anybody of you done such a card, or can give me some tips to create one by myself. Example: I have a json payload, and i want to list the items in a card - even an entities or glance card would do. Binary sensors . Aug 19, 2022 · Lux sensor for lighting control. Lots of template sensors for predicting things like an estimate of my next electricity bill. friendly_name }} is {{ item. entity with an attribute that is an array of values: entity: switch. Is this defined anywhere? I’m trying to exclude every domain and only add the devices I want in HomeKit. ) For example with the HACS sensor below I have a May 7, 2021 · Hi I was hoping someone could help me: I have a batch of door and window sensors and I would like to write a script that checks that they are all closed. I’d like to get it working again. Sep 9, 2021 · This blueprint will run at a specific time and day of the week and will provide you a list of battery devices that have their battery level below a threshold. This approach gives me an abstraction layer between the buttons and the lights that they will ultimately control. There is no translation. What i’d like it to do is also let me know if some of those Aug 23, 2018 · Hello, i like to create a card that show me the count of open windows or doors. Bed sensor for switching everything off or starting my morning routine. Nov 22, 2022 · I managed to get a list of all entities in the same room: {{area_entities(area_id(states('sensor. Apr 24, 2017 · I use several modified home assistant skills for Alexa but I changed the invocation from “home assistant” to “me the location” and “me the status”. because you use ESPHome’s very efficient filters on them) you need to specifically configure internal: false. Most other posts are about setting the sensor value from one record, by selecting the wanted value name. 2 By Categories 3D printing 3 Alarm 50 Automation 28 Binary sensor 225 Button 79 Calendar 19 Mar 19, 2019 · I’m trying to set a sensor to see if either my wife or I are at home. This is a new version that incorporates a couple of new features such as ignoring entities for a time period and filtering entities based on a partial string match in addition to the entities declared in the ignored_entities group. kitchen_actueel, etc etc. There is a PR for adding force and mass that is closed - I would like to get distance (in meters) and I guess there are some other - frequency (Hz) and maybe sound pressure level (SPL), PM2. xyz',] Now I want to apply a filter to the list, so that the list only includes cover entities. yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. The sensor is a tasmota flashed Wemos D1 and the sensor is a ds18b20. io Sensors, binary (on/off) sensors, buttons, images, numbers, and selects are covered on this page. 2; get a list of the sensors that are on e. Even the MQTT documentation only shows it in the configuration. ruhaotofkmodarmgzhzezmwilqvfvjeiiodzkphtjrodwla